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Please lift the restriction of max zoom for lanes [Improved 2016:8]
All too often i need to work/edit clips in lanes and require the visual accuracy of a full screen zoom of the clip i'm working on... The current Brain zoom fix for lanes is a little more logical than previously, but still evades this issue... The new lane zoom is fine for comping, but not editing... Please lift this restriction and add a "special" command to zoom all of one track's lanes... Please? Keni
post edited by Keni - August 13, 16 8:28 PM
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Re: Please lift the restriction of max zoom for lanes
March 10, 15 9:43 PM
Absolutely! May as well look into allowing a slightly smaller minimum height too while they're in there...
SteveC SONAR Platinum x64, Intel Q9300 (2.5Ghz), Asus P5N-D, Win7 x64 SP1, 8GB RAM, 1TB internal + ESATA + USB Backup HDDs, ATI Radeon HD5450 1GB RAM + dual ViewSonic VA2431wm Monitors; Focusrite 18i6 (ASIO); Komplete 9, Melodyne Studio 4, Ozone 7 Advanced, Rapture Pro, GPO5, Valhalla Plate, MJUC comp, MDynamic EQ, lots of other freebie VST plugins, synths and Kontakt libraries
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Re: Please lift the restriction of max zoom for lanes
March 10, 15 9:58 PM
stevec Absolutely! May as well look into allowing a slightly smaller minimum height too while they're in there...
Yes! I run into that as well! Keni
Re: Please lift the restriction of max zoom for lanes
March 17, 15 10:56 PM
Yes. Lanes and tracks should be completely adjustable. These limits are arbitrary settings. Just as is requiring 50% population of the track view, which stops showing only one track, unless the track is manually adjusted to fill the 50%.
post edited by YouDontHasToCallMeJohnson - March 17, 15 11:23 PM
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Re: Please lift the restriction of max zoom for lanes
March 19, 15 9:24 AM
stevec May as well look into allowing a slightly smaller minimum height too while they're in there...
+1000 I've been asking for this ever since Take lanes were implemented, and when I started comping audio takes I also wished for a bigger maximum height.
Tak T. Primary Laptop: Core i7-4710MQ CPU, 16GB RAM, 7200RPM HDD, Windows 7 Home Premium OS (Japanese) x64 SP1Secondary Laptop: Core2 Duo CPU, 8GB RAM, 7200RPM HDD, Windows 7 Professional OS (Japanese) x64 SP1Audio Interface: iD14 (ASIO)Keyboard Controller/MIDI Interface: A-800PRODAW: SONAR Platinum x64 (latest update installed)
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Re: Please lift the restriction of max zoom for lanes
April 28, 15 10:35 PM
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Re: Please lift the restriction of max zoom for lanes
August 24, 15 5:08 PM
Someday I will be comfortable editing when I can again see well... It seems not enough people are bothered by this and the Bakers feel the current implementation is just fine...
Sad as this is an in-my-face issue in almost everything I do in Sonar and it was so much easier for me to do this editing in 8.5.3...
Yes, they've given us lots of other cool tools that help with work flow but this is one fundamental issue a level beneath what we can do... What we can see! <sigh>
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Re: Please lift the restriction of max zoom for lanes
August 24, 15 5:25 PM
Yes! Voted. Also please make Fit MIDI Content work on lanes.
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Re: Please lift the restriction of max zoom for lanes
August 25, 15 2:21 AM
Keni Someday I will be comfortable editing when I can again see well... It seems not enough people are bothered by this and the Bakers feel the current implementation is just fine...
Sad as this is an in-my-face issue in almost everything I do in Sonar and it was so much easier for me to do this editing in 8.5.3...
Yes, they've given us lots of other cool tools that help with work flow but this is one fundamental issue a level beneath what we can do... What we can see! <sigh>
Allow me to suggest this. How about using 8.5.3 for recording and comping (if it has a comping feature), then importing the comped files into SPlat for mixing? In fact, that's what I decided to do (except that it's another daw I'm going to use, not 8.5.3). Take lanes probably won't be improved at least for a year or so.
Tak T. Primary Laptop: Core i7-4710MQ CPU, 16GB RAM, 7200RPM HDD, Windows 7 Home Premium OS (Japanese) x64 SP1Secondary Laptop: Core2 Duo CPU, 8GB RAM, 7200RPM HDD, Windows 7 Professional OS (Japanese) x64 SP1Audio Interface: iD14 (ASIO)Keyboard Controller/MIDI Interface: A-800PRODAW: SONAR Platinum x64 (latest update installed)
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Re: Please lift the restriction of max zoom for lanes
August 25, 15 1:33 PM
Thanks for the thought/idea...
But my problem is with the editing, not the recording...
A new issue now that we have a feature set called comping...
I don't use comping mode for recording at all at this time...
Comping for me is all about selecting the best portions of takes to use for actual finals...
Right now it appears that the zoom settings for lanes are all about comping only... Not conducive for a lot of editing for many of us.
It appears they are trying to deal with the selection of clip portions all the time and not making allowance for those of us who frequently need to do more intricate editing on these Kane's as well... Or at least they feel the max zoom for lanes to be big enough? We don't all find this comfortable and trying to switch to track view and edit there doesn't always work due to overlaps and such...
Similar issue for smallest zoom. They have set a minimum zoom trying to alliw fir a certain amount of display for the related buttons and notes but many of us find the need to see more lanes on screen at one time than the notes and buttons...
Here's hoping we get an unannounced adjustment to these limitations... Though I'm not holding my breath... ;-)
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Re: Please lift the restriction of max zoom for lanes
August 26, 15 10:08 AM
Keni Thanks for the thought/idea...
But my problem is with the editing, not the recording...
Yes, I meant editing when I said "comping "in my last post (because I edit clips by speed-comping etc). Like you, I hardly ever use the Comping mode when recording. I don't know your workflow, but mine is this: 1. Record to a desired lane (using the Overwrite recording mode) 2. Edit the recorded takes (by mostly dragging the lower half of the takes and adjusting the split points - I sometimes move only the waveforms to left/right inside the clips) 3. Mixing/mastering I have two audio recording issues in Sonar that don't happen in another daw I own, and editing takes in Take Lanes is so cumbersome for me, because I can only see 15 lanes or so at a time (due to the fat lanes) and also it's not possible to adjust the comp split points in the parent track or anchor a desired lane when vertically zooming the lanes. So, obviously it's better for me to record and edit (incl. comping) all audio in the other daw and then import the edited audio into Sonar for mixing. Reading your issues, I wonder why you don't use 8.5.3 for editing (record in the 2015 version and then export the recorded audio to 8.5.3 for editing is a waste of time, which is why I suggested both recording and editing in 8.5.3). I skipped all versions between 2.2 and X1, so I don't know about 8.5.3., but if you don't really need the Smart tool's comping feature added in X3, you can just record takes to multiple tracks and then edit the takes using the Zoom tool, can't you? You can then bounce the clips and export them to the 2015 version. As I said, I don't think Take lanes will be greatly improved within the next 12 months or so, because not many people seem to be unhappy with the feature, and it wasn't even listed in the response options for the "What features do you want to see improved?" or a similar question in the recent survey.
Tak T. Primary Laptop: Core i7-4710MQ CPU, 16GB RAM, 7200RPM HDD, Windows 7 Home Premium OS (Japanese) x64 SP1Secondary Laptop: Core2 Duo CPU, 8GB RAM, 7200RPM HDD, Windows 7 Professional OS (Japanese) x64 SP1Audio Interface: iD14 (ASIO)Keyboard Controller/MIDI Interface: A-800PRODAW: SONAR Platinum x64 (latest update installed)
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Re: Please lift the restriction of max zoom for lanes
August 26, 15 10:55 AM
I just remembered you said in a recent thread that you move takes from lanes to tracks (for editing purpose, right?) Maybe that's more realistic than my suggestion above. Yes, I now see why you really want the restriction to be lifted.
Tak T. Primary Laptop: Core i7-4710MQ CPU, 16GB RAM, 7200RPM HDD, Windows 7 Home Premium OS (Japanese) x64 SP1Secondary Laptop: Core2 Duo CPU, 8GB RAM, 7200RPM HDD, Windows 7 Professional OS (Japanese) x64 SP1Audio Interface: iD14 (ASIO)Keyboard Controller/MIDI Interface: A-800PRODAW: SONAR Platinum x64 (latest update installed)
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Re: Please lift the restriction of max zoom for lanes
August 26, 15 1:07 PM
icontakt I just remembered you said in a recent thread that you move takes from lanes to tracks (for editing purpose, right?) Maybe that's more realistic than my suggestion above. Yes, I now see why you really want the restriction to be lifted.
My recording workflow will typically be like the following but varies of course with the situation. If it's a live band, run the tune. 2nd take, third take etc. as new lanes. Most of the time whole takes are used so there is little editing between... But if playing to click etc. more edits might happen... If it's overdubs or music production situations in general, I setup a loop for a given area, then place Sonar in record. Sometimes recording 20 or more takes... Then comp/edit selecting best portions/takes... Clone track (empty) then copy/drag selected portions to the new track. Archive and hide the original track of multi lane/takes... My editing during creation of the composited track can often be very sensitive to how tight an edit is made... Not always simple gaps between words. Do I often need to zoom quite close to make things work the way I want... I must admit that with my new large, hi-res monitor it's not as bad as before, but it would be far better with these restrictions lifted... As to working in 8.5.3? I'm finally comfortable with most issues other than this in SPlat and in many ways I enjoy the new workfliw... And now depend almost 100% on ProChannel devices... Going back and forth for the issues would actually be more work than struggling with the zoom issues... <sigh>......... Keni ...from the depths of Deep Space
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Re: Please lift the restriction of max zoom for lanes
February 29, 16 6:17 PM
Is this better than posting new? Well... For those of us who are still very "uncomfortable" with the current Min/Max zooms for Lanes... I'm bringing this up.... again and again... It has been a plea since the changeover from Layers to Lanes. I've been doing my best to be patient, but this one is so always with me... I appreciate the zoom concept and it's implementation, but for me and it seems, others... It doesn't take into consideration enough workflow needs. When I'm recording a live band, 3-5 takes is usually gonna do it... When I'm working with someone on loop-based situations, again, Lanes can be very unimportant at all... ...But when I'm using it as a composer and often have 10-20-30 Lanes while doing loop recording is constant... Isn't there some way you might keep the current zoom and add another set of zoom-controllers that can over-ride this behavior and give us specific (re: lasso area) full zoom and minimum zoom down to a header-only height to enable more Lanes on-screen simultaneously?
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Re: Please lift the restriction of max zoom for lanes
July 04, 16 1:52 PM
Bumping this ...again?
The marches on and if seems this is not being addressed...
I have a large monitor, but the min/max restrictions continue to plague me...
C'mon gang... Can we make this rise in importance so the Bakers will change this behavior?
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Re: Please lift the restriction of max zoom for lanes
July 04, 16 1:59 PM
icontakt I just remembered you said in a recent thread that you move takes from lanes to tracks (for editing purpose, right?) Maybe that's more realistic than my suggestion above. Yes, I now see why you really want the restriction to be lifted.
I don't think that's what I do... Typically I record to lanes and do my comping... Then I copy the selected portions to a new track and archive/hide the original track in case I need to go back for some reason... The problem is that if I loop record (which I constantly do) I can often have far too many takes to fit on screen with the current viewing... And while selecting/comping, I can't always get enough zoom to easily have the accuracy I want... I guess this is more complicated to change than it seems...? <sigh>
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Re: Please lift the restriction of max zoom for lanes
July 13, 16 11:16 PM
This needs to be kept current as its been far too long for this to be addresses.
There are many people interested in this... I'm sure many more than get around to posting about it.
The need for this is quite important to many work flows... The idea of simple chopping between words is not always the situation and often this entails very accurate edits to an individual clip... Sometimes it's possible to switch between Lane view and track view, but when the clips overlap this option disappears...
Please... Find a reasonable way to supply the current zoom method as well as lifted min/max lanes...
It is many years now...
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Re: Please lift the restriction of max zoom for lanes
July 14, 16 2:26 PM
Keep up the fight, Keni! I don't have many issues with Take Lanes - probably far less than others - but Lane height is one of them.
SteveC SONAR Platinum x64, Intel Q9300 (2.5Ghz), Asus P5N-D, Win7 x64 SP1, 8GB RAM, 1TB internal + ESATA + USB Backup HDDs, ATI Radeon HD5450 1GB RAM + dual ViewSonic VA2431wm Monitors; Focusrite 18i6 (ASIO); Komplete 9, Melodyne Studio 4, Ozone 7 Advanced, Rapture Pro, GPO5, Valhalla Plate, MJUC comp, MDynamic EQ, lots of other freebie VST plugins, synths and Kontakt libraries
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Re: Please lift the restriction of max zoom for lanes
August 09, 16 10:37 PM
Ive just begun to run into this issue a little myself...though not to the extent some of you are having and by no means on a pro level...but I see the frustration. Is there any chance an easier(maybe more expedient) solution for the bakers to help with this one...would allow the use of 2 monitors to see all going on? I know many use 2 monitors in various ways with diff programs...and yes its not the correct solution...but from the programming standpoint ...Im wondering if its a quicker/easier workaround....though another monitor is gonna be a $$ hassle for many.....just some thoughts on this ....maybe its already possible with the cakewalk stuff to do this ? I do hope it gets addressed for those in dire need for efficient workflow....heck im only using MC7 ...but I run into similar stuff you pro/Splat users run into now and then ... :o) ....someday I will run with you Big Studio Dogs ..... ;o)
-Steve  MC7, Lexicon Alpha, Win10,Toshiba,Sat L955,Intel I5 1.7G, 6G Ram, 64 Bit, Gibson, Fender, Ibanez, Marshall, Vox, Ashdown
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Re: Please lift the restriction of max zoom for lanes
August 11, 16 8:38 PM
Thanks for the push gang...
The more of us that make ourselves known as desiring this, the more likely we'll see this sometime soon!
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Re: Please lift the restriction of max zoom for lanes
August 11, 16 9:48 PM
☄ Helpfulby Keni August 12, 16 0:24 PM
SteveC SONAR Platinum x64, Intel Q9300 (2.5Ghz), Asus P5N-D, Win7 x64 SP1, 8GB RAM, 1TB internal + ESATA + USB Backup HDDs, ATI Radeon HD5450 1GB RAM + dual ViewSonic VA2431wm Monitors; Focusrite 18i6 (ASIO); Komplete 9, Melodyne Studio 4, Ozone 7 Advanced, Rapture Pro, GPO5, Valhalla Plate, MJUC comp, MDynamic EQ, lots of other freebie VST plugins, synths and Kontakt libraries
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Re: Please lift the restriction of max zoom for lanes
August 12, 16 0:06 PM
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Re: Please lift the restriction of max zoom for lanes
August 12, 16 0:26 PM
You're welcome, Keni. I just happened to see the EAP notice, read that first line, then had to track down this thread and add the link.
SteveC SONAR Platinum x64, Intel Q9300 (2.5Ghz), Asus P5N-D, Win7 x64 SP1, 8GB RAM, 1TB internal + ESATA + USB Backup HDDs, ATI Radeon HD5450 1GB RAM + dual ViewSonic VA2431wm Monitors; Focusrite 18i6 (ASIO); Komplete 9, Melodyne Studio 4, Ozone 7 Advanced, Rapture Pro, GPO5, Valhalla Plate, MJUC comp, MDynamic EQ, lots of other freebie VST plugins, synths and Kontakt libraries
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Re: Please lift the restriction of max zoom for lanes
August 12, 16 2:10 AM
Thanks Steve...
I just installed and took a quick look...
Definitely better so far... The minimum is now the same as a track minimum...
The max? Well it's better, but still not what I hope for... The say they doubled the max... Ok, now double that so zooming a clip in a lane fills the screen as would a zoomed track!
We're almost there!
As to the other changes? I haven't checked for them specifically and nothing jumped out at me... I didn't test for the changes (fade ins etc) yet...
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Re: Please lift the restriction of max zoom for lanes
August 13, 16 8:08 PM
For all the gang who expressed their interest in this...
The recent early access release of 1016:8 is a big step towards fulfilling the desires expressed here.
The minimum height is now a single line/height as with tracks... and the maximum has been doubled!
Almost perfect! ...and along with it, a note from Noel speaking of full zoom still to come and it is currently in the works but apparently more difficult to implement than might appear...
So breathe slow, enjoy the improvements and know that more is coming!
Thanks foe everyone's support!
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Re: Please lift the restriction of max zoom for lanes
August 14, 16 4:08 AM
At least in X3, take lane editing is frustratingly limited to begin with. I always have to revert to the main clip for most edits sometimes forcing me to move takes into new tracks.
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Re: Please lift the restriction of max zoom for lanes
August 14, 16 2:30 PM
I don't remember what x3 was in regard to this... It's been a while...
I've had a lot of issues ever since changing from layers to lanes and for me it is still playing catch up... Though I appreciate some of the new tools given to us with lanes, there is still nothing important enough for all the issues of catch up...
I'm sure for many in different situations feel different than I do. Especially people editing multiple passes of multi-tracked live drum kits... I don't currently have a lot of need in that area....
But you might check out a demo version of the current SPlat and see if the many additions and fixes are helpful for you.... SPlat is well worth the upgrade!