Please make editing MIDI with F-Keys less stressful with these 2 mods

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July 21, 16 8:33 PM (permalink)
3.5 (2)

Please make editing MIDI with F-Keys less stressful with these 2 mods

The keys F5 to F10 are used to activate the MIDI tool buttons. I try to use keys rather than mouseclicks where possible.
Two problems that hinder music-making I would like to request be given some thought by the Bakers:
1. Keys F5 to F7 have an automatic toggle feature. If I press, say, F7, then later press F7 again, instead of just staying on F7 as one might expect, Sonar will toggle back and forth between F7 and the tool used previously.
There is no added value to this behavior. If the user wants a different tool, then the intuitive action is to press the F-key for the required tool.
This toggling action causes confusion, especially because for F6 and F7, clicking the right-mouse-button calls up the Note Properties dialog window, but for F5 (the SmartTool) it DELETES the note!!!
2. Keys F8 to F10 have an automatic tool multi-function scroll feature. Pressing the first time will activate the button, but accidentally pressing a second time scrolls to the next function! This is especially annoying with F9 (Draw tool) because it has SEVEN FUNCTIONS! If I mistakenly hit this key twice, I have to hit it another SIX TIMES to scroll back to the original function I was using. Not counting the number of times I hit my head on the table every time I fall into this trap.
Please consider simplify problem 1 by removing the toggle feature entirely, and problem 2 by only scrolling through functions when, for example, pressing Ctrl+F9 or something like that.
The richness of functionality was surely intended to speed musicians on their way.
Instead it breaks concentration, raises the stress level and disrupts the creative process.
post edited by jpetersen - July 22, 16 4:39 AM

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    Re: Please make editing MIDI with F-Keys less stressful with these 2 mods July 22, 16 12:00 AM (permalink)
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    Also, please make the SmartTool's right-mouse-click the same as the other tools
    and display Note Properties instead of Delete.
    The SmartTool already has a delete function, Alt + click on the top-middle hotspot.
    No need for two delete methods. Making the SmartTool conform will ease some of the stress.
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    Re: Please make editing MIDI with F-Keys less stressful with these 2 mods July 27, 16 2:09 AM (permalink)
    As for the right-mouse-click delete function, that is the primary way I delete unwanted notes. It's quick and intuitive to me. I find that when I want to Alt+click I sometimes Ctrl+click, or visa-versa. I find myself cursing realizing my mistake and then having to try and find out what unwanted change I just made.

    "Wheresoever you go, go with all your heart" ~ Confucius
    Sonar Platinum;  Windows 10, 16gb RAM;  Mackie Onyx Blackbird FW Interface;  4 Keyboards, 2 Native American flutes, 7 guitars, several pedals, a Roland Jazz Chorus amp, some mics, some B/W posters, a roll-y foot massager, partridge in a pear tree (and lotsa' other cool sh*t  )
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