Possible bug in Slates latest version of VCC...
Was making some changes to my "Normal" template (adding an 8 stereo out iteration of Kontakt4) and ran into a weird thingy with my Slate VCC. I have it on every channel and mix buss. I also assign different instrument groups to correlating groups on the VCC. My Kontakt multi is "group 5". After inserting and setting up all the VCC instances on the Kontakt channels I, just to see if one could do this, attempted to "rename" a group on the VCC. It appeared it was possible since you could click in the box saying "group 5" and erase that, which I did. This also erased the "group 5" lettering on the left side of the VCC and left a straight line instead of a group name. So far...so good. Only then I found I couldn't ENTER any new text into the dialog box. At all. I tried most everything. When nothing worked I thought I'd just remove these instances and re-insert them. Which I did. Still blank where "group 5" should be. Emailed support at Slate. Haven't found out yet if this will happen for all further useages of VCC in ANY project. We'll see. Anyone else either seen this or had success at renaming groups in their VCC???