Pre/Post button FLIP FLOPS in Pro Channel!
I know this has been talked about, but I'm seeing it differently than what has been mentioned.
I just submitted a bug report....but can anyone else confirm....
Activate Pro Channel on a bus
Activate EQ and apply settings
Set to POST
Save as preset
Close project. Open it again.
Once opened again, the EQ curve is still active - and is still POST, but the POST light is not lit.
Hitting the POST button (lighting it) causes the EQ to go PRE...but with the POST LIGHT ON.
Same thing if you open the preset on another Pro Channel. Looks like the EQ is active, and POST, but the POST button is unlit.
What I'm saying is...the Pro Channel loads up, but the pre/post button is now opposite of what it was when you created the preset....though the EQ is actually still in the chain properly. a LIT POST button actually moves the EQ to the PRE position in the chain.
That sucks.
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