Price of Korg O1W-FD when first released....

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January 20, 17 3:28 PM (permalink)

Price of Korg O1W-FD when first released....

Does anyone here remember what a Korg O1W-FD sold for in the early 90s when they were brand new.  I owned one for years and recently sold mine (which had been leaning in a corner of the studio for the last 15 years or so in perfect condition and working order) on Ebay.  But FedEx just about destroyed it in shipping and now I'm making a claim and need to know the initial price.  I think it was around $1500 or so but anybody knowing a more precise figure...please hip me, will ya?? 
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    Re: Price of Korg O1W-FD when first released.... January 20, 17 4:16 PM (permalink)
    You may fare better by pricing out something today that has all the features of the older unit. Old synths have notoriously low resale values.I think the best you can hope for is to get whatever money you sold it for on eBay. But hey, check my sig.

    Regards, John 
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    Re: Price of Korg O1W-FD when first released.... January 20, 17 10:53 PM (permalink)
    Welp...I found a site...PrePal...that has both the original price and the current average resale price of many manufacturers hardware products. O1W-FD was originally $2400. And the current average resale value is $540.

    Which is just about what I'd figured.

    I'll keep ya posted as to my FedEx experience. 
    Where you come from is gone...where you thought you were goin to weren't never there...and where you are ain't no good unless you can get away from it.
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    Re: Price of Korg O1W-FD when first released.... January 21, 17 2:59 PM (permalink)
    Yeah I thought $1500 sounded a little low. I seem to remember paying $1800 or $1900 for my 01/W when I bought it. And one of the reasons I went with the cheaper unit was because I couldn't get my head around paying the extra $500 or so for a floppy drive.

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    Jim Roseberry
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    Re: Price of Korg O1W-FD when first released.... January 24, 17 1:02 PM (permalink)
    Ol Pal,
    I believe I paid ~$2600 for my O1W-FD.
    My first really nice synth.

    Best Regards,

    Jim Roseberry
    Jim Roseberry
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    Re: Price of Korg O1W-FD when first released.... January 24, 17 1:02 PM (permalink)
    Years later, the keys started getting sticky/sluggish...

    Best Regards,

    Jim Roseberry
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    Re: Price of Korg O1W-FD when first released.... January 24, 17 6:51 PM (permalink)
    I paid $1,600 for the 05/RW so I thought you were low balling. They look like they sell between $400-$500. 

    Johnny V  
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