Pro Audio 9 and Windows 10
Hi everyone greetings from Italy,
after some (a lot) of years, I decided to use again Pro Audio 9. Last time I used it, I had XP on my laptop and now I got Win 10 (64bit). After the installation wizard is completed, I launch the app but I cannot use it: the app is locked and there's a message saying (in italian):
"Impossibile aggiornare il registro di sistema.
Provare utilizzando REGEDIT"
In english, that should be something like this:
"Cannot upgrade Windows Registry.
Try using REGEDIT"
Is there someone who can help me fixing this thing or has already had this kind of problem? Thanks for any help you'll provide.
Note for the mod: if there's already a thread like this, please forgive me but I didn't browse the forum in the appropriate way.
Thanks again!!!!
post edited by AlexTheSquirrel - March 29, 16 3:11 PM