Re: Pro Tools 2018.10 Released
2018/10/16 19:37:07
Pro Tools 2018.10 Change List
Support for Third Party Time Compression/Expansion Plug-ins:
- Zplane is now available as a possible TC/E option. If the plug-in is installed, it should be featured in the TC/E drop-down menu within the PT prefs
Destructive Punch Performance Enhancements for NEXIS Workspaces:
- Destructive Punch preparation and recording processes have been further optimized for increased performance on NEXIS workspaces
Bug Fixes:
Dolby Atmos® Features:
- Do to all, Do to all selected, and cascade assignments of Object Outputs no longer assigns mono object paths to stereo tracks' object output selector
- Auto-height modes on Stereo panners routed to 7.0.2, 7.1.2, or Object busses no longer fail to apply to both channels when linking is enabled
- ADM files with 31 or fewer total channels no longer fail to recommend using Import Session Data when dragged and dropped to the Edit Window
- Fixed an issue with cascade or do-to-all assignment of Object Mappings in the I/O Setup window that caused the cascade or do-to-all to fail if starting from an already mapped object
- Import Session Data Track Data to Import settings are no longer reset unexpectedly after using Import Session Data to import an ADM file
- Fixed grouping behavior when panning multiple tracks with an Auto-Height mode enabled in the Panner
- Snapping a the pan puck to the rear right speaker on the right channel of a stereo surround panner no longer fails
- Fixed an issue that prevented making multiple output assignments to all tracks or the set of selected tracks by using Shift+Control+Option or Control+Option (Mac) or Shift+Win+Alt or Win+Alt (Win)
- Changing layouts or any other surface data that is stored in the Pro Tools session file from an S6 or EuControl surface now triggers the Save command to appear
- Fixed an issue with Commit that prevented source tracks from being deleted when using the "Delete" option
- Fixed an issue that prevented the "/" key on the numeric keypad from working while the Task Manager window is open
- Fixed a case of graphical slowdown that occurred after activating or deactivating tracks, or entering the I/O setup window in a large session
- Fixed an issue that prevented the Default Format and Path Order from being saved when closing I/O setup window
- Counters in the Edit Window no longer stutter during playback while "Analyzing Audio" tasks are running in Task Manager
Delay Compensation:
- Fixed a delay compensation issue affecting any offline rendering process of Virtual Instruments triggered by separate MIDI tracks
- Fixed an issue that could cause Committed Aux Input tracks to place audio late on the destination track depending on the latency of plug-ins on the source
- Online track bounce is late when delay compensation is used in console mixing workflows
- Fixed an issue with Commit and Freeze that would place resulting audio out of time if any other track in the session had a negative sample offset applied in the Delay Compensation section
- Fixed an issue that prevented fades from being shortened with the "f" key or fades dialog
- Using the f key to invoke the Batch Fades command no longer fails to recall the last used Batch Fades settings
- Fixed an issue that prevented creation of clip groups that contained clips with fades while recording
- The object grabber no longer fails to select MIDI clips
- It is no longer impossible to spot a right fade boundary while using the "Requires Command Key" setting for the Smart Tool Fade Adjustment preference
- Fixed an issue that caused AAWS Editor Tools conforming software to stop working with Pro Tools
- Fixed an issue that could remove values from the Favorite and Rating field of audio files when updating the workspace index
- Fixed an issue that could cause Soundbase attributes such as "Loop" to be removed from WAV headers after performing elastic analysis
- Fixed an issue that could prevent tags in Soundbase from being written to a file
Import Session Data:
- Fixed an issue that caused Import Session Data dialog to be very slow when importing data from a session with a very high track count
- Fixed an issue with manually matching tracks in Import Session Data after dragging dropping a session file to invoke Import Session Data
Keep Window on Top:
- Using the "Keep Window On Top" setting for the MIDI Editor Window no longer prevents Commands Focus mode from working in the Edit Window
- Using the "Keep Window On Top" setting for the MIDI Editor Window no longer prevents closing the window using Command+W (Mac) / Control+W (Win)
- Toggling groups using the groups keyboard focus letter no longer fails to enable and disable active group track and clip color
- Fixed a graphical issue that could cause group active state to be misrepresented in the Mix window
- Using Shift+I or Shift+S to enable or disable Input Monitor or Solo on tracks containing the Edit Insertion no longer unexpectedly triggers Mix Group behaviors
- Fixed an issue with VCA tracks where the group color would not appear in the Mix window after assigning the VCA to any group
- Fixed in an issue with EQ III where pressing Command(Mac)/Control(Win) to enter fine adjustment mode failed while in listen mode (Shift+Control(Mac)/Shift+Win(Win))
- Fixed an issue with Vari-Fi where creating speed-up effects produced audible artifacts at the end of clips following AudioSuite processing
- Fixed an issue that caused HEAT to add a DC Offset to signals
- HEAT processing on a track by track basis is now responsive to the Dynamic Plug-in Processing algorithm
- Fixed an issue that prevented HEAT from being bypassed after switching between Pre and Post
- Import Session Data no longer fails to correctly import the HEAT master on/off state
- Configuration of HEAT controls on the C|24 has been updated to match documentation
Crashes and Errors:
- Fixed an issue that could occur when many large sessions are running in a Satellite network that caused very long SWODs when stopping playback
- Fixed a crash that could occur switching a send index to mini-fader view after hiding sends in the mix window
- Fixed a case where using "Recalculate Waveform Overview" could cause a crash if a Clip Group was selected
- Fixed an issue that could cause Commit to hang Pro Tools in some sessions
- Fixed a crash that could occur when closing a session stored on a NEXIS volume while the "collecting subfolders" task runs in Task Manager
- Making record armed tracks inactive no longer triggers a -7106 error on HDX systems
- Fixed a crash that could occur when closing the Workspace window
- Fixed a crash that could occur when changing the Default MIDI Thru preference or opening a session that had a different setting for this preference stored in it
- Fixed a problem that caused sessions saved with one or more tracks showing Object Toggle automation in the Edit Window to crash when opened in previous versions of Pro Tools
- Fixed an error with certain sessions that could prevent Import Session Data from working correctly, throwing an assertion error instead of completing the Import command
- Fixed a crash related to getting plug-in types and categories that was found regularly on the submitted crash log server
- Fixed a crash related to drawing the warp grid on Windows that appeared regularly on the submitted crash log server
- Fixed an issue where AudioSuite preview may have continued after de-selecting a clip and could lead to a crash
- Fixed a crash that could occur when closing a session while tracks were activating
"Time is a great teacher, but unfortunately it kills all its pupils" Loius-Hector Berlioz MenuMagic - plug-in management powertools!
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