Products : careful withe the serial number format
I've just put my hands on an older PC and decided to installed all the version of sonar I've bought over the years , including Pro Audio 9 ( which failed because of an ivalid serial number) and I've found that the format of the erial numbers you see in your cakewalk account are incorrect...thus won't work....
Since I still have the information written in my sonar 3, 7, 8 I can confirmed that the problem is that the numbers are coorect but they have not provided all the necessary charactera that complements these numbers.
So a serial number like cwrs7004112 is actually cwrs7.00-4112-blabla-blababla.
So far the authorization codes seems to work. X1 will be the next good test as this is the first release I downloaded and I'm note sure where I saved the information.
ISo here comes a new bootable backup even if I have all sort of junk on my partition I want to clean here a fresh installed.
Are ee going to get the new name at some point cause "temporary names" have a tendancy of becoming the accepted default.