Re:Question about latency in Sonar...
2011/05/07 03:22:03
From my understanding the input will be compensated for.
This is provided you have not changed the default offset settings. Assuming you are using ASIO, if you look under Preferences(P) - Audio - Driver settings -3rd from the bottom Input will indicate the number of samples(plus Msec) of latency that your driver is currently set at. Then if you go to Audio - Sync and Caching at the very bottom if the Use ASIO Reported Latency box is checked(and it should be) it should show the same number of samples for the offset to compensate for the latency delay. If your Audio interface has direct monitoring it is best to use that for hearing your self (when recording audio) as it will eliminate the round trip of getting to Sonar and then coming back to you. If your are using a controller/keyboard via VST then that is not an option.
When recording, and you likely aware of this, try not to use any plugins (or the fewest possible) and adjust your ASIO buffers and ASIO settings to to the lowest settings that you can run without getting dropouts. Once you have recorded all your takes, then boost your buffers back up again for mixing and add your plugins then.
Sonar Platinum 64bit, Win 8.1 Pro 64bit, Quad Core 3.2GHz, 16G ram, Edirol FA 101, Nvidia
EW (Platinum Orchestra, Hollywood Strings, Pianos, Gypsy, Fab 4, Ministry of Rock,Choirs, etc)