read about it here: Also, I recommend th ECM-87, cheap and amazing sound: Interface? do you need low latency quality performance for using softsynths? If so, go PCI:
Echo miamidi or m-audio audiophile 2496
Only 2 units I know of (RME usb interface and M-adio fast track ULTRA) are going to have good low latency performance.
PCI is better across the board for low latency.
The 2 cards I recommended are probably the best bang for your buck-
If you want an interface with a preamp and phantom power, you were on the right track though-
I wouldnt get a broken interface off craigslist. Buy new or if recommend hand, good working order I recommend.
I bought my Echo Gina3g off craigslist for 125- practically new, a steal of a deal-
Also, remember oyu need phantom power and a preamp if you dont have it or the interface doesnt have it-