Re:Quick copy & paste in Staff view
2011/06/06 15:14:59
use the pencil tool, click on the D with the pencil tool and watch it highlight (hear it if you have MIDI out selected), then click on the F space/ledger line (depeding on where you are in the scale). (clicking on the note with the pencil tool will set the note duration to the same as what you have clicked on)
this is assuming:
you have your KEY set to something that has F# in it - otherwise the above will get you an F
your snap to grid is a a resultion consistent with where the placement of the D is. for example, if the D is exactly on beat 1, and you have your resolution set to 1/8th note, you might miss placement. but if you have it set to 1/4 note you can usually place it within the area needed to place it at the same 1/4 note starting point.