AnsweredRESOLVED When I add SoftTube the Scanner crashes

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June 05, 17 1:04 PM (permalink)

RESOLVED When I add SoftTube the Scanner crashes

When I add the SoftTube folder my VST scans crash everytime. When I remove it the Scanner works as it should.
What are my options?
Perhaps I did something improperly?
Thanks for any help in advance!
post edited by pentimentosound - June 05, 17 10:01 PM

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Re: Problem When I add SoftTube the Scanner crashes June 05, 17 2:39 PM (permalink)
If these are not new plug-ins it is strange this would happen out of the blue. When a plug-in scans correctly one time, there is no need for SONAR to rescan the plug-in. Hopefully you are not rescanning all of your plug-ins all of the time. VST reset and the optional settings "Rescan Failed Plug-ins" and "Rescan Existing Plug-ins" are not intended to be run used on a regular basis. If the optional settings are enabled, disable them now and only use them sparingly when running a manual scan.
Try adding the dlls one at a time.
It may be some new plug-ins are the cause. If you recently added some plug-ins, temporarily move them out of the scan path, restore the Softube plug-ins, scan then add back the new plug-ins.
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Re: Problem When I add SoftTube the Scanner crashes June 05, 17 3:18 PM (permalink)
Thanks Steve!
I have recently added a few, so I'll have to make a list! I know I did Bias Amp LE, UVI, and the East West Teaser Pack for Triple Play which I haven't installed yet.
When you say add the dlls one at a time, do you mean literally copy them to the SPLAT folder?
I've just done that for the first time and didn't know you could do it that way. I've always used the exe
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Re: Problem When I add SoftTube the Scanner crashes June 05, 17 3:50 PM (permalink)
When I encounter scanning problems, I move the offending dlls out of the scan path. Just a simple move using Windows Explorer, not a delete and reinstall. Once the scanner runs to completion, copy the dlls back into the scan path.
This is not something I do regularly as scan problems are rare.
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Re: Problem When I add SoftTube the Scanner crashes June 05, 17 6:17 PM (permalink)
OK   Where are you when you move them out of the "scan path"? I am not sure I follow this and would really like to get a much better sense of installing and plug ins.
Thank you for taking the time!
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Re: Problem When I add SoftTube the Scanner crashes June 05, 17 6:37 PM (permalink) ☼ Best Answerby pentimentosound June 05, 17 9:56 PM
I install all 64bit VST2 plug-ins used in SONAR in vendor specific folders in the default path "C:\Program files\Cakewalk\VSTPlugins"
My scan path in Preferences > Fie > VST Settngs contains the two default paths
C:\Program Files\Cakewalk\Vstplugins
C:\Program Files\Common Files\VST3
Taking Softube as an example, I install the VST2 dlls in
C:\Program Files\Cakewalk\Vstplugins\Softube
To take all the Softube VST2 plug-ins out of the scan path, I would move
C:\Program Files\Cakewalk\Vstplugins\Softube
to a location not in the scan path. Often times I use the desktop as a temporary location for folders.
It is still unclear whether the problem being reported are new plug-ins being added for the first time or the result of rescanning.
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Re: Problem When I add SoftTube the Scanner crashes June 05, 17 8:45 PM (permalink)
Ah, sorry. New install, though I am guilty of rescanning and have SPLAT set to scan on start up.
I thought I had the SoftTube Saturation plug but it is not anywhere (that I have thought to look! LOL). I wonder if it went with the uninstall?
The SoftTube Effects must have come via Focusrite's Plug In Collective and I never installed them at that point. I don't know what was included even. Oh well.
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Re: Problem When I add SoftTube the Scanner crashes June 05, 17 9:19 PM (permalink)
Scan on start up is OK, just do not have "Rescan Failed Plug-ins" and "Rescan Existing Plug-ins" enabled.
The only thing I could find regarding Softbue on the Focusrite site was a discount for their plug-ins. Which plugs-in did your purchase? Softube plug-ins use ilok. Did you add the keys to your dongle or iLok manager?
Cakewalk bundles a PC version of the Saturation plug-in with SONAR. No need to download and install the VST version unless you do not want to the the PC version.
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Re: Problem When I add SoftTube the Scanner crashes June 05, 17 10:00 PM (permalink)
Neither are checked. BTW and since I've uninstalled Softube, no crashing. 
Hmmm, I suppose it could have been last July's PIC offer! LOL
I have a tendency to not install stuff I am not sure I'll use or want. So, I have no clue what it was. I did not buy any Softube and assumed I'd gotten "it" as a bonus for some other purchase.
Too little too late...
I can let it go. Thanks for that last bit of clarity, Steve, and I get the concept of moving dll's out of the way in terms of seeking the source of trouble.
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Re: Problem When I add SoftTube the Scanner crashes June 05, 17 11:24 PM (permalink) ☄ Helpfulby pentimentosound June 06, 17 0:32 PM
The only other thing I can think of is that the Softube plugin(s) you installed hadn't yet been authorized via the iLok app or dongle. Softube doesn't do very good exception handling in my experience.
Wait. One more thing. Softube plugins prior to a couple of versions ago were crashing DAWS, including SONAR, Reaper and Studio One, on Win10. It's possible that you need the latest 2.4.12 update. They switched to Gobbler, and you do need to have an account, but you don't need to use it. Buggy as all get-out on startup. If you go to your Softube My Account page and scroll ALL the way to the bottom, there is a My Downloads link that will take you to a page with the individual installers.
Bon chance!

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Re: Problem When I add SoftTube the Scanner crashes June 06, 17 0:44 PM (permalink)
Thanks for that.
Curiouser and curiouser! I don't have a Softube account either. I do have an iLOK.
The application that I was installing is named -  Softube Plug-Ins(VST AAX 64 bit) 2.1.77 Setup.
I have no idea at this point! LOL
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