Re: RIP - Chris Cornell
2017/05/27 15:01:55
☄ Helpfulby Rain 2017/05/27 20:08:52
Chris, I'm glad to see your wife came home and saved you.
7 months ago Weds, I went on to Facebook, which I rarely do. But for some reason, I did that night. The first post I saw was from my younger brother. He basically said "I don't want to live like this anymore, so goodbye to all my family and friends". He lives about 2000 miles from me. I still have friends in the city he lives in, but haven't been there in about 30 years. I shook the phone tree and my "boys" hit the streets trying to find him. Might have been the longest night of my life. We had no luck finding him that night.
The next morning I started calling every hospital in the area. On the 33rd call, a very kind guy told me he couldn't legally divulge whether he was there or not, but actually patched me through to his room. He was in rough shape, but he told me he needed help with his alcohol and substance abuse. He's been fighting this for over 20 years, but he'd finally "bottomed out".
I made a few more phone calls, and found a place that helps addicts with intensive treatment programs. The guy I was speaking with said "I'm going to go and get your brother" and he did. The guy was a reformed alcoholic and a zero **** kind of guy. He did everything he said he would do for 6 months.
My brother is now 7 months clean and sober. He works the "program" every day. He has a good job now and he enjoys the work. He's reconnected with his daughter and is starting to become a solid grandfather to her 1 year old daughter.
Please believe me when I say, I don't mean this post to make this thread about me or my brother. My intention is to relay my belief that anything can be overcome with help. We just need to find a way to ask for it.
Chris, it took courage I'm not sure I possess for you to post your experience here. Keep that close to you.
The music biz is a cruel and shallow money trench,a plastic hallway where thieves & pimps run free and good men die like dogs. There's also a negative side. Hunter S. Thompson