ROCK-N-ROLL with evadianepug

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October 16, 11 3:23 AM (permalink)

ROCK-N-ROLL with evadianepug

I must apologize, I've been gone for a while. I don't really know why, mostly trying to get my life back together, buy my house, raise my kids as single mom and all that after my divorce, I guess. I'm with someone else now who really supports my music so the world is new.
Within the past summer, Warren, myself, and a few others have been hard at work recording, but naturally we've had some disagreements and we've come to an impasse. Some of the songs are not done, but I think we're all about giving up. We still thrive on feedback and part of the reason we come so far individually is in part to this board. So in fairness to Will, I'm posting this first song entitled "Rock and Roll" for critique.
Usual story behind this one from us: Will wrote some riffs, I spliced and diced and added lyrics and melody, Warren performed and outsourced some of the rest to the gang. Like I said, it's not finished and I'm not sure that it ever will be, but a song is not a song unless it's heard, so I hope you like it but all critiques welcome...
Beats/Rhythm G's, Will Stratton
Lyrics/Melody/Vox, Dena Maynard
Bass/Harmonica, Warren Willingham
Lead Guitar, Mark Cline

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    Re:ROCK-N-ROLL with evadianepug October 16, 11 5:00 AM (permalink)
    Hey, Dena,

    How are you?  It's really great to see you back around the forum!

    Although, it's a bit different from your solo and Vested stuff, it's a very cool song and almost modern punk rock sounding.

    I'm on my third listen and it sort of reminds me of a cross between The Donnas and No Doubt.  Great lyrics and songwriting, as always, I really love the vocals, especially the overlapping harmonies in the second verse, and Will, Warren and Mark all provided excellent performances.  I also really enjoyed the tasty harmonica solo and Mark's guitar solo was a perfect fit for the genre.

    The mix sounds nice and clean sounding, and my only minor suggestion, which is of course just a personal opinion which is always subjective, would be to beef up the low end in the overall mix just a little bit to add a touch more punch to the mix.

    Fantastic work by all four of you, and it's nice to see you around the forum again, don't be a stranger!  Please tell Warren and Mark that I said hello.

    Have a great weekend!

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    Re:ROCK-N-ROLL with evadianepug October 16, 11 2:35 PM (permalink)
    Dunno what it is you're all disagreeing about, but you really shouldn't give up your work together IMHO - what I've heard so far of your tracks really sets a standard for most of the rest of us to aim for, and probably epically fail, but we'll have fun trying anyway.

    As for this one, maybe the vox is a little too forward and it could do with beefing up a little in the low end - at least that how it sounds on my lappy speakers. Not really the best listening environment I know, but I generally find that the very best mixes sound good even on here.

    Don't give it up guys - way too good for that.
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    Re:ROCK-N-ROLL with evadianepug October 16, 11 5:21 PM (permalink)
    Welcome back Dena.  Glad to hear things seem to be going well, although busy I'm sure.  :)  This is another great song and you've' still got a great voice.  I love all the performances.  Enjoyed the lyrics too.  
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    Re:ROCK-N-ROLL with evadianepug October 16, 11 5:49 PM (permalink)
    Nice song!

    One of the toms is rumbling the mix when it hits. Probably the low toms. The lead is too forward in the mix. Your voice is just a tad to forward.

    Nice work!

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    Re:ROCK-N-ROLL with evadianepug October 16, 11 6:20 PM (permalink)
    + + + 1 ---agree vocal doesn't fit space and you sound like Katy Perry--- only better
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    Re:ROCK-N-ROLL with evadianepug October 16, 11 7:47 PM (permalink)
    Great song and arrangement! Sounds great! The guitar is a bit over he top volume wise as is the harmonica and vox, but hey, there's always that thing called re-mix. Killer bass lines, Warren!

    String Jammer
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    Re:ROCK-N-ROLL with evadianepug October 16, 11 9:55 PM (permalink)
    In my opinion (which is only mine) I think from about 2:50 on is where and how the song should be done, but add the rest of the vocals and ? solos. A little busy in most of the song to me!

    I would also make the bass guitar and bass drum louder and get at least to me a more even mix for the entire song.

    But Rock On!

    Freddy J
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    Re:ROCK-N-ROLL with evadianepug October 16, 11 10:14 PM (permalink)
    This is a great smooth but rockin' number with some frenetic beats.  Wonderful performances by all and a great arrangement.  I don't know what all the "discussion" is all about but it sounds doggone good to me.  I don't have any comments about the mix that haven't been said above.
    Cool stuff y'all.
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    Re:ROCK-N-ROLL with evadianepug October 18, 11 9:11 AM (permalink)
    Thanks guys for all your feedback, I will forward all the crits to Will.

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    Re:ROCK-N-ROLL with evadianepug October 18, 11 10:01 AM (permalink)
    I loved the beginning, didn't quite get the chorus. The beats, the vocal approach/processing, the thin guitar, it just goes kinda sideways away from the promise of the first 20 seconds or so.

    The harmonica is awesome, but totally sounds hodgepodge.

    The breakdown at the end sounds great.

    TBH, I can tell from this track how you all got frustrated...
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    Re:ROCK-N-ROLL with evadianepug October 18, 11 10:21 AM (permalink)
    James, I love you. I'm totally serious. You are absolutely in sync with my thoughts with what needs to be put out there but you have the balls to say it. Thank you.

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    Re:ROCK-N-ROLL with evadianepug October 18, 11 10:43 AM (permalink)
    I listened to this several times on different days before I decided to comment. I like the verses. 

    The chorus however, I guess could work, but the drums are over the top. Much to busy IMHO .  Was that a live player or a drum machine/loops? 

    The lead guitar at 1:55 is out of place.... to brash sounding... I'd calm it down a bit (tone wise) my tweeters were smoking! What is played works ok, the tone does not. 

    It's easy to set here and say this part works and that part didn't but only you guys can actually make that call.  

    I liked the verses a lot. The drive is there, a good groove is happening and life in the R&R world is good. In the chorus, not so much. However, if the goal is punk rock, this might do well.  

    Nice work on what you have, but I can hear why you guys are having problems and issues. I would have opted to re-write the chorus a bit more. The melody of the first line in the chorus doesn't work for me. 

    Once you get it figured out, and fix the bugs, this will be another cool song from you guys. I'd call it a work in progress.  

    edit: I didn't address the lyrics.... and just about anything can work lyrically.... but I would consider some lyrical editing on V1.  " cat with a kissy face"?  You can talk about things that make you insane in a more better good manner..... I know you can. 
    Verse 2 rocks lyrically.... make v1 fit to allow v2 to expand on that and this will be killer.  It sounds like V1 is just a "filler" because you couldn't think of something good at the time.... go back and have another look at V1, IMHO it doesn't sound connected to the second verse. I do like the last line in V1 "I don't know how to control the things....."
    post edited by Guitarhacker - October 18, 11 10:52 AM

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    Re:ROCK-N-ROLL with evadianepug October 18, 11 10:56 AM (permalink)

    i gotta say, the song has a lot of potential..

    but that drum track just sounds like a cheap drum machine turned up real fast.

    if you took about 2/3rd's of the beats out, and lost most of the snare and made it super simple, it would take the 'power' factor of the song up about 100%.

    the vocals are WAY too loud, they sit on top of everything else like a blanket....and the vocals rock.
    but the song seems mixed like a pop song (with the vocals super super duper loud) and that is NOT a rock mix.

    the lead guitar is way cool... but sticks out in the mix like a sore thumb.
    can't hear the kick drum or bass for nothing, when i turn the song down to a point, the only thing you hear is the vocals.

    i don't mind the harmonica, it's a good foil to the nasty guitar, but it almost seems out of place with the genre of the song, which i'm still not sure about.  
    i think if you're going to use a well played harmonica in a song like this, you gotta put some kinda of aural whammy on it.... run it thru a really distorted guitar amp patch, and put a doubler on it, or something really nasty, so it actually represents the lyric of the song, the vibe of the song.... it sounds now, like it was lifted out of a bluegrass blues tune.

    really get aggressive with this mix, just like the song is sung and played, and you'll really be onto something.

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    Re:ROCK-N-ROLL with evadianepug October 18, 11 11:11 AM (permalink)
    The idea for the chorus was that the boys were to actually sing/yell "rock n roll" and I would do the follow up lines.

    I love Will's rhythm guitars and I think they shoulda been turned up to add more rhythm and mids/crunch in the song.

    There's almost a noise on the vocal track and I don't know if that's processing or not so I went back to check if there's something on my track, but I don't think so, but it's hard for me to tell as it may have been louder during amplification. Either way, I hear it too so I'll have to make sure it's not on my end.

    I'm gonna have to disagree about the lyrics though. Every kid in my neighborhood and my kids' whole elementary school is singing the first verse and chorus since some of em have come over and heard it. I'm the 'kissy face cat mom' and they run up to my van wanting to know if I'm gonna make a video too.
    post edited by Venus - October 18, 11 11:13 AM

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    Re:ROCK-N-ROLL with evadianepug October 18, 11 12:37 AM (permalink)
    OK.... I guess if the kids love it.... who am I to argue with that? 

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    Re:ROCK-N-ROLL with evadianepug October 18, 11 3:21 PM (permalink)

    Like the song, lyrics, mix, vocals and overall playing.  I will agree with some of the previous posters, the intro creates a strong expectation of excellence and continues through the verses but by the chorus it kind of all falls apart.    The drums are too busy and it just really doesn't work at all.  I also will say I like the harmonica solo but not sure it really fits into this song in the current context.   You definitely have a winner in the song, just needs some fine-tuning here and there.    My suggestion would be if there is disagreement over the song would be to let whoever is responsible for the intro, outra and verses be the lead producer as it seems the general consensus in this thread is that these are the best parts.  That said, nice work and very enjoyable.

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    Re:ROCK-N-ROLL with evadianepug October 18, 11 3:34 PM (permalink)
    "Potential"...that's the word we've used a lot of too but somehow we can't seem to hit on target engineering wise. ALL of your input is really appreciated, especially on the mix. I really wanted to restructure when I first heard all the recorded tracks together and do a dry structural/stereo field remix before Will laid on the fx, which might be an option in the future song process. Thank you so much guys.

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    Re:ROCK-N-ROLL with evadianepug October 19, 11 7:56 AM (permalink)
    Sometimes, when I'm working on a song that is like this, in the respect that some parts are good and work, and others, not so much.... I will often just put it on the shelf and walk away from it. I will revisit it later, maybe a few months down the road, to see if it still has a spark or not. 

    At that later listening session I might even get a better idea for the "lacking parts" to fix them..... OR..... it might be one of those songs that sounded good at the time...."hey, this is sure to be a top 10 song" but in reality it's just another stepping stone on the road to writing better music. 

    I have notebooks full of song ideas like that.  Having a DAW and the software to create music easily has resulted in me having folders, as opposed to notebooks, that are full of unfinished or abandoned songs. All of them started with good intent, and something in them sparked creativity, but the idea or concept didn't work out in the end.

    I guess what I'm saying is, even though you have obviously put a lot of work into it, don't be afraid to let it set for a time or abandon it completely if you can't seem to get it "right" .... go on to the next song that is in you. Don't waste time and energy trying to "fix it now"... if that is proving to be a mountain too high to climb right now.  

    Heck, you might write a bunch of songs in the next year and a year from now, go back to it and have the spark of inspiration that does allow you to finish it...... 12 months from now. I know I have had that happen. 

    Don't get stuck in the ditch on this one.....

    edit: I have folders named "Song Tank 2009" and so on depending on the year. They are "tanks" to hold ALL the song ideas I have in a given year until I finish a song..... then it goes to a different folder. I can go back, and I do, from time to time to see if anything is clicking..... or not. I'll very often do this when I have no current project to work on. More then one time I have been able to resurrect something from those old ideas and finish it.
    post edited by Guitarhacker - October 19, 11 8:00 AM

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    Re:ROCK-N-ROLL with evadianepug October 20, 11 10:02 AM (permalink)
    Thanks Herb.

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    Re:ROCK-N-ROLL with evadianepug October 20, 11 7:17 PM (permalink)
    ha... that was a hoot... way cool...... more please...
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    Re:ROCK-N-ROLL with evadianepug October 28, 11 8:05 PM (permalink)
    Despite great promise; this work is scratchy as you know.  And, the lyrical hook ("free my soul with rock and roll ...") is not my cup of tea (yet).  So, I'll try to check back again later ... when I'm less neurotic.

    Note: I miss your pensive stuff with Reckless Rick, even your child-like songs in 2008.  Your vox is to die for.

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    Re:ROCK-N-ROLL with evadianepug October 28, 11 8:21 PM (permalink)
    great stuff. suggestion. you need 30 people singing the rock and roll chorus with you:)... BIG.

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