Re Vegas Pro 12 ... Is it Me or What?

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2014/04/02 12:59:46 (permalink)

Re Vegas Pro 12 ... Is it Me or What?

I've downloaded Vegas Pro X12  (trial version) so as to prepare my self for using Vegas "11" when it arrives tomorrow.  I've spent literally hours trying to insert Titles, credits, subtitles etc and find it nearly impossible.  I have seldom worked with software that is so counter intuitive.  For example one would think that inserting new test over a copied version of a Text Media insert would allow one to now have two different text media "events".  Instead Vegas Pro 12 causes any change in the copied text "event" to be also reflected in the original event. That seems illogical. I need to do a lot more study, to be sure, but; one must apparently insertnew event to create new text in a title!    
Any comment?

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    Re: Re Vegas Pro 12 ... Is it Me or What? 2014/04/02 13:03:09 (permalink)
    Wrong forum?

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    Re: Re Vegas Pro 12 ... Is it Me or What? 2014/04/02 13:06:14 (permalink)
    sorry, but it's you. if you create a new event, it should be new. i suspect you copied it from the old one...
    i've used vegas since v1. there are few constraints. i tried to learn avid, but there's only one way to do things. in vegas you have multiple ways to achieve a given goal..
    i suggest that you take a few tutorials, and a few breaths, its really as great as sonar...

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    Re: Re Vegas Pro 12 ... Is it Me or What? 2014/04/02 13:12:27 (permalink)
    When you copy an event you have the choice of creating a new event or a linked copy of the old one. Make sure you create a new event.
    The Vegas help is well-organized. Just keep doing things until you run into a problem, then use search to find the solution.
    Vegas is to video as Sonar is to recording

    The first 3 books in "The Musician's Guide to Home Recording" series are available from Hal Leonard and Listen to my music on, and visit Thanks!
    John T
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    Re: Re Vegas Pro 12 ... Is it Me or What? 2014/04/02 13:16:48 (permalink)
    Vegas is really great and very user-friendly. I think your problem is just your assumption that an application of such depth should be learn-able in a day. I don't know why people think this; it's strangely common.
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    John T
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    Re: Re Vegas Pro 12 ... Is it Me or What? 2014/04/02 13:18:22 (permalink)
    Also, as Craig says, when you copy a text event, you get a pop up box asking whether you want it to be a linked version or a new copy. So I think your problem might be your assumption you don't need to read what the program explicitly tries to tell you. Again, I don't know why people do this, but again, it's strangely common.
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