Reaper updated to 5.77
Reaper v5.77 - March 9 2018 + Arrange view: highlight the track with horizontal move guides when moving media items
+ Arrange view: show move guides when dragging media into the project
+ Automation items: add action to convert all project automation to automation items
+ Automation items: delete selected automation items when deleting media items
+ Automation items: split selected automation items when splitting media items
+ Envelopes: when moving or copying an unpooled automation item to a mute envelope, convert all points to square shape
[p=1955309] + FX: add support for assigning shortcuts to insert specific FX or FX chains
+ FX: optionally show assigned shortcuts in the Add FX dialog (Options/Show in FX list)
+ FX: fix bypass automation issues on plug-ins that use PDC
[t=203665] + FX: fix updating bypass checkbox in floating window when bypassed from FX chain window
[t=203451] + macOS: fix magnify gestures respecting preference for mousewheel to target window under cursor or window with focus
+ MIDI: add options for displaying CC lanes in arrange view: no lanes, first lane visible in MIDI editor, one combined lane, or multiple lanes
+ MIDI: draw thinner arrange view notes/CC, lighter CC shading, avoid drawing overlapping PC/sysex
+ MIDI: preserve notation data when exploding items by pitch or channel
+ MIDI: add themeable fill mode for chased MIDI CC data in arrange view
+ Notation editor: fix "delete clef" menu action
[t=204099] + Preferences: improve UI for adding/removing VST plug-in search paths
[t=203195] + ReaSurround: fix automation of knob-based controls
[t=201871] + Ruler: fix grid drawing inaccuracy when zoomed in and grid set to triplets