Helpful ReplyRecord while usb connected

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September 03, 11 8:12 AM (permalink)

Record while usb connected

Hi, looking to buy the VS-100 but recently read reviews from around launch date.

They mention a problem in usb connection mode with regard to record mode being disabled at this point.

Thoughts were a firmware upgrade may become available, has this been done or a solution found?

Kind Regards Toneranger
post edited by toneranger - September 03, 11 8:13 AM
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Re:Record while usb connected September 03, 11 9:52 AM (permalink) ☄ Helpful
yeah, wave recording is disabled when USB is connected. I'm not sure yet why I would want it to be enable since 
in this mode I can record to PC but software update with this is welcome.

V-Studio 100, Sony VAIO i7 2.93GHz/ 8GB RAM, Pianoteq, Sonar X1 Studio, ezDrummer, Macbook Pro, Roland RD700GX stage piano, Yamaha Motif XS6 workstation, Rode NT-1A, AKG Perception 220 
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Re:Record while usb connected September 03, 11 10:54 AM (permalink)
Thanks kc2ine. Another question before buying.

Once the included version of Sonar is installed onto a PC, can this then be deactivated for transfer to another PC?

I intend on using on a desktop and later buying a new laptop onto which I would migrate the software.
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Re:Record while usb connected September 03, 11 11:14 AM (permalink) ☄ Helpful

Thanks kc2ine. Another question before buying.

Once the included version of Sonar is installed onto a PC, can this then be deactivated for transfer to another PC?

I intend on using on a desktop and later buying a new laptop onto which I would migrate the software.

Sure, there is no problem like this with cakewalk software, there is no really activation but online registration.
Here is the official info about that from other thread:

Mike Kohlgraf

ORIGINAL: Infinite5ths 

I think I did this once before, but I didn't write it down, so I forgot. I'm documenting it here/now for my own sake as much as for anyone else. 

I just spoke with Cakewalk sales about all of this. The answers I got are as follows: 

1) Each license of SONAR can be installed on up to two (2) different machines, provided the two installs are NOT used simultaneously, and provided I (the Licensee) am the sole user. Apparently, it is assumed the everybody has a desktop and a laptop today. 

2) For private, non-commercial educational purposes on a small scale (i.e. I have a friend or a relative who I would like to train on SONAR, and I am NOT going to be paid/compensated), it IS legal for me to allow them to sit down at my PC and use my copy of SONAR while I train them. [I seems obvious, but now I have a definite answer.] For any commercial training/education situation, there is a totally different EULA/license system. Should a user wish to use SONAR in this context, they should contact Cakewalk for further information. 

3) In the case of SONAR upgrades, each copy of the software (i.e. each separate installation CD/DVD) is a totally SEPARATE license. I specifically asked if I could simultaneously use my copy of SONAR 5 Producer and SONAR 6 Producer on separate machines. The answer was an emphatic "Yes". 

I called the main Cakewalk sales number (1.888.CAKEWALK). All 3 questions were answered by a fella named Dan. I actually spoke with a woman (who's name I forgot to write down) about questions #1 & #2 in an earlier phone call. I called back to ask question #3 and to confirm the information with another representative. They both gave me the exact same answers/info. All of this took place on February 1, 2007 between 1500 and 1615 EST. 

V-Studio 100, Sony VAIO i7 2.93GHz/ 8GB RAM, Pianoteq, Sonar X1 Studio, ezDrummer, Macbook Pro, Roland RD700GX stage piano, Yamaha Motif XS6 workstation, Rode NT-1A, AKG Perception 220 
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Re:Record while usb connected September 03, 11 11:17 AM (permalink)
Thanks again. I'm convinced just to run past the guys
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