Remix of "A Bridge To Somewhere" With Bass by Jimmy!

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2009/01/01 09:15:40 (permalink)

Remix of "A Bridge To Somewhere" With Bass by Jimmy!

Hey everyone,

Here's a remix of A Bridge To Somewhere featuring bass work done by our forum's Jimmy! Great work! Thanks man!

I have to say, mixing bass is hard to do. I probably spent more time getting the bass to sit in the mix and than doing the entire mix before. LOL.

To accomplish this, I had to cut like 17db off 200hz and lower... and this is something I think a lot of bass guitars would need to do actually. I have some other bass samples... it blows me away how much these guys need to balanced or the entire EQ curve of the song goes out of a whack.

Ironically, lots of things need to be boosted... it's like artificially making the bass sound different. It's like cutting drastically in 190-210 to avoid mud and bad song peaks, but boosted in 500-600 to get definition and note clarity.

I also did lots of collision testing, make sure 190-210 was free of collisions to avoid mud. I was suprised that even my lead guitar was hitting this range!

I learned a lot about balancing a mix in the last few days. I hope you can tell from my results.

Anyway, feedback always appreciated.

PS To Jimmy: I don't think there's anything wrong with my monitors. The mud I'm hearing really is mud. When you added the bass to the old mix, it just wasn't eq'd. 190-210hz was BLOATED, which caused the mud. Every track in the song was colliding. It just wasn't really apparent until the bass doubled the trouble. However, my ear has gotten better at detecting this mud... and it even should have been removed in the last mix too. I think I'm all good as far as monitors go. This mud is actually going to help!
post edited by egervari - 2009/01/01 09:20:26

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    RE: Remix of "A Bridge To Somewhere" With Bass by Jimmy! 2009/01/01 11:09:16 (permalink)

    hey ken

    I'm having fun "studying" you. Its fun bevause i like
    a challenge. I cant figure out why your ears hear the
    way they do.

    Do you think bass on comercial recordings have too
    much 200 hz down?. If I'm correct in saying this your
    talents far outway your training (your ears that is) .

    No your monitors arent your problem. The human ear is
    so sensative to sounds yet so untrained.

    You mentioned how hard mixing bass was. My song
    "your love" had about 25 tracks of music. try to get that
    to fit in one song.

    its no wonder i got so much flack about the leads being
    spacy. but no one said a word about my bass.

    I know whats happening with you.

    first let me say the bass stinks! I can say that right?
    after all I played it.

    o.k now to the issues. I admire you so much and in so
    many ways. look what youve done. im impressed

    BUT you have the guitar player ear. You know what i
    thought about hearing your first song? I said to myself
    "man" he should have left out the drums. Why? the
    guitar sounds great by itself.

    What would a bass player say about your mix? he would
    say you destroyed the bass sound to make it fit with your
    low end mud on the guitar!

    You compressed it to the point that you cant even tell
    that on the bass there are 1/8 notes being played.
    tell the bass player to not give up his day job.

    When you mix you have to put yourself in the shoes
    of the other player or instruments. you have to put on
    many hats. You would think bass guitar is an easy thing
    to mix or play but it isn't.

    I think one way to put it is if your gonna play with other
    players (instruments) you gotta "share" you gotta sacrifice
    some things so they can be a part. the more the players
    the more everyone has to sacrifice something or another.

    less is more and more is less

    less clutter is better sound. more clutter is less sound (quility)

    Feature the players in the band in the sence of tone.

    I've got a project for you to do and your gonna absolutly
    hate it! and maybe me too LOL

    got sonitus eq? take your mix (without bass) high pass it
    at 200 hz Q of 1 this cuts out 200 hz and down (on the mix)

    do the oppsit with the bass (cuts out 200 hz up)

    Play it and listen to it like that untill you wanna cry!
    after the tears dry up and you go through rages of
    anger ( dont break anything) maybe take some tylonal.

    then go back and listen to "your" mix. do you hear it
    differently now?

    How does a 100 piece orhcistrta manage to have you
    hear everyone?

    Also what is a bass? what is a guitar? what is a duck?
    what is a fire breathing dragon?

    I have to use phylisofical terms or paribles sometimes
    to display "what is being said"

    I pick on ya because i care and i see such remarkable
    talent. to all else who read this please know that EGEVERY
    me know each other. I hope i can say were freinds.

    Imagine what he'll be like in a year, or two, or ten

    Till nest time.

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    RE: Remix of "A Bridge To Somewhere" With Bass by Jimmy! 2009/01/01 11:16:18 (permalink)
    I like the song...alot.... this reminded my of America's Ventura Highway...really bright and full of energy.

    I hear the bass..but I don't "feel" it. When you started cutting the 200hz and lower by that's alot.... you took the bottom end out of it.

    Kick the bass a few more db back up.... abit of kick in the kick drum, and this is a sweet melody.

    Good job.

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    RE: Remix of "A Bridge To Somewhere" With Bass by Jimmy! 2009/01/01 11:34:44 (permalink)
    Thanks Jimmy! No Worries! I always appreciate the feedback and you don't need to justify it. It's up to me how I take.

    As I was reading, I kept thinking back to the mixing problems I was running into.

    Here's the problem I was running into Jimmy - a practical problem.

    Let's say the mix hovers around... I dunno... let's call it X, or even a relative 0db for simplicity's sake. Most of the frequencies are in that range, and let's say +/- 0.4db.

    Then we add the bass. Let's say we use the fader so that the bass peaks in that range too, or even a little louder like it does on many commercial albums (like you mentioned).

    Here's the problem (for me) - the 60-200hz frequencies are literally 15-20db higher than the note frequencies. So, if I just leave the bass "as is" and call it a day, we get 2 problems

    1) The notes aren't heard - it's just a hum or boom. There is no definition because it's buried under the 60-200hz frequencies.

    2) There's lots of mud and conflicts with other instruments, because acoustic guitars and drums all sort of peak in the 190 to 210 range (and even beyond those points). There's also the kick drum conflict too.

    Now, the first goal is to get rid of the conflicts so that 5 or 7 tracks aren't clashing. This takes awhile, and eventually, we have some cleaner separations.

    However, now we have a mix that is balanced, but you can't hear the bass anymore because it's just rumble... so we need to boost 500-600 to hear the notes. The problem is that boosting it too much is going to ruin the bass sound - it starts to sound really bad. All we can really get away with is about a 4-5db boost.

    Now, if the 60-200hz frequencies are literally 17db higher than the notes, a 4-5db boost isn't going to cut it... so quite frankly, *I* can't see any other solution or than filtering 60-200hz. Or compressing it. Or *something*. Because at this point, not only can we not hear those 1/8th notes, we really can't hear any of them. It's just humming and felt, but totally lacks definition.

    So, off I go cutting 60-200hz - not all in one go, but shelving lots of it, and using bells to get the peaks to flatten it out.

    Now that we lowered the 60-200hz hump, the bass's volume is too low now. So, what can we do? Well, we raise the fader now - and presto - we are hearing some notes!

    That's basically what I did. Now that you know my thinking process, where is my thinking flawed so I know for next time? :)

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    RE: Remix of "A Bridge To Somewhere" With Bass by Jimmy! 2009/01/01 11:40:10 (permalink)
    Is this bass a real guitar...or is it a midi bass synth or sampled as in soundfonts? Just curious.

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    RE: Remix of "A Bridge To Somewhere" With Bass by Jimmy! 2009/01/01 11:47:07 (permalink)
    This is a real bass played by Jimmy ;)

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    RE: Remix of "A Bridge To Somewhere" With Bass by Jimmy! 2009/01/01 11:49:25 (permalink)
    same issue here maybe?

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    RE: Remix of "A Bridge To Somewhere" With Bass by Jimmy! 2009/01/01 11:52:10 (permalink)
    I'm thinking it has to be the same issue. I mean, if I'm mixing it so that it sounds good to me, my ear is probably fine. It sounds great with the bass boost on ;)

    I guess the flat sound is what I need to go with. That's the only option these speakers have, so I might as well try mixing with it off and see what you guys think. I'll post a new mix in an hour or two ;)

    Thanks for helping me figure out that problem! I knew it wasn't my ears. I have rather good ears... actually "too sensitive" isn't kidding! I can actually hear close to 20khz freqs, and I avoid bars/clubs like the plague because I can't stand it. LOL.

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    RE: Remix of "A Bridge To Somewhere" With Bass by Jimmy! 2009/01/01 13:21:15 (permalink)

    hey ken here is some food for thought.
    maybe you know this allready

    the human ear is not flat. as you scroll down below
    you will find that it takes 70 db more (level) at 20 hz
    for the ear to hear it as the same level as 1000 hz

    There are terms such as A weating and C weating etc
    but forget that for the moment.

    sufice it to say 20 hz has to be 70 db louder for it to
    be the same level as 1000 hz

    if you look at a spectrum analizer (without weaghting)

    the bass at 70 hz would be 70 bd lounder than
    a 1000 hz guitar note.

    (seeing this visualy) will play tricks on you

    perceived loudness and measured loudness are not the same

    You'll hate it at first but make your play back as flat as possible
    if you boost the bass on a moniter itll sound good to "you"
    but youll take it out of the mix

    Back in the days engeneers used "Auratones" a little bitty 3"
    speaker or something like that. imagine mixing on that!

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    RE: Remix of "A Bridge To Somewhere" With Bass by Jimmy! 2009/01/01 14:54:15 (permalink)
    Okay, I'm finding this rather frustrating :( I uploaded a new mix with flat speakers, which I suspect many of you will think it actually sounds better. Listen here:

    Here are some notes I took as I did it.

    First, I'm not sure the flat speakers are helping :( Yes, the bass doesn't sound as bassy, so I'm not afraid to turn it up "some", but I'm actually running into all the same problems with the original bass volumes that I ran into when the bass boost was "on" :( It's just only slightly noticeable rather than very noticeable. But nonetheless, very similar EQ fixes are required to fix the conflicts, but they aren't as harsh. The only EQ I did not apply was the -17 db reduction on the bass - I left it alone on purpose.

    Using no "bass boost" on my speakers, this is all I did:

    1. I started with no effects - a clean bass track. I set the volume to initially be the same as the other instruments that are already mixed well, and then went a little higher to compensate for that "ear's are not flat" problem. My goal is that with proper EQ treatment on the bass track, we can occupy a frequency space that lets us push at the best volume possible without having to resort to lowering the volume in order to mask what is actually an EQ problem.

    Because the bass recording is so loud (or rather than 60-215hz range is very loud), the volume is set to -11.4db so that it peaks with the other instruments.

    The goal is to maintain the volume so that we don't have a weak bass in the mix, which is what everyone is saying. So I'm not touching it.

    2. Okay, I high-pass filter 38hz - many would consider this an auto-decision.

    3. There is a problem with the kick. I cut 7db @ 100hz on the bass, and boost 7db @ 100hz on the kick. Both changes use a pretty narrow band (2.5). Real simple - it sounds good and it's distinct yet still blended.

    4. I play bass guitar with just one rhythm acoustic at first... and there is a crap load of mud. I have to high-pass filter all 4 rhythm tracks @ 120hz. Now, 158hz to 238hz is what I'll call the "master mud" for this mix, and that's the real challenge with this mix.

    5. I basically decide the shelve the rhythm somewhere between 200hz and 238hz down as many db until the mud somewhat resolves and we still get a good acoustic sound. -8.5db gets rid of most all the mud... so I try a shelf with -8.5db @ 225hz on the rhythm to start. Anything less is not good enough. Acoustic still sounds pretty good on its own too.

    We can't take away from the base because even a -2db cut will kill definition instantly... and that means we'll have to raise volume to compensate... which causes lots of other mixing headaches (cutting more low-end for example to compensate because that'll get even louder!). I did a similar process to the other 3 rhythm tracks, but values were slightly different depending on the sound. Most of these shelf cuts were much more moderate, mostly due to the recordings being a little different in strumming and what not.

    6. I high-pass filtered the leads @200hz. I cut more around 240hz to remove mud. Pretty simple.

    7. The bass still sounds a little moud, the bass is definitely loud even though it's DB is close to other instruments, and the bass lacks definition (to my ears)... despite all the work we've done to virtually get rid of every freaking conflict in the mix.

    However, I'm not going to EQ-out the crap out of it like I did last time. I'm going to upload it now and have you listen and tell me what the next step is ;)

    I apply some mastering EQ though, and took some of the loud-end that was booming, even on the flat non-boosted bass speakers.

    My guess is to cut the low-end, increase definition of the bass, and cut the right freq's of the rhythms to allow audible bass notes to be played. That's my solution. I'm curious what you guys think! How does it sound to YOU?

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    RE: Remix of "A Bridge To Somewhere" With Bass by Jimmy! 2009/01/01 15:20:53 (permalink)
    That actually sounded much better than the first version I heard this morning. The bass was much more present in the mix.


    BTW: I like your picking.... good job.

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    RE: Remix of "A Bridge To Somewhere" With Bass by Jimmy! 2009/01/01 15:37:39 (permalink)

    ORIGINAL: Guitarhacker

    That actually sounded much better than the first version I heard this morning. The bass was much more present in the mix.


    BTW: I like your picking.... good job.

    Yay! It actually doesn't sound "too" bad to me. I do have to cut some db from the master eq though... or it really would irritate me. Even at it's current level, I think it's too loud still. I'm tempted to start cutting using a multiband compressor at the master level, or start taking a hatchet to the bass guitar's eq... but I'm resisting for now per the advice I'm getting on these forums :)

    Do you think the bass could be more audible/clear? Maybe some slight multiband compression on the track level perhaps? Something just doesn't sit right with me the way it is now... and it doesn't stand up to reference cds.

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    RE: Remix of "A Bridge To Somewhere" With Bass by Jimmy! 2009/01/01 15:40:28 (permalink)
    Just curious, could you put up the uneq'd, unadorned bass as you recieved it? While your mix, generally, has definition...the bass doesn't. Which should be easy to fix. If fixing it needs. Which we can't really know unless we here the "unmixed" bass. 
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    RE: Remix of "A Bridge To Somewhere" With Bass by Jimmy! 2009/01/01 15:49:39 (permalink)
    That might be hard to do... because it's not easy for me to turn off the eq's on all the tracks. I hardly actually touched the bass itself. I touched everything else in the mix to accomodate it ;)

    I can give you the base track by itself though:

    It sounds pretty good on it's own, so you're right, there's probably a way to get it to come out from under the mix. I tried this on my first upload of the bass-mix. I was boosting where the bass had peaks and cutting that from the acoustics to get a clear sound. I didn't do that this time because I wanted to see how it was "as is".

    I'd love to hear your thoughts!

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    RE: Remix of "A Bridge To Somewhere" With Bass by Jimmy! 2009/01/01 16:48:41 (permalink)

    hey ken

    You make me so proud "grasshopper". you nailed it
    your in the ball park now. you can now do what ever
    you like. try to jump base? knock a home run?

    I wanted to to get up and dance around the room
    with excitment.

    the nuences of the bass, fret noise etc shine through
    at all the right places. gives it a "gette lee" feel to me
    that was a great part of his sound.

    Hum combining america and rush thats a unique idea.

    oh man I'm getting teary ied watching you grow
    better go now

    exelant from here it only gets better

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    RE: Remix of "A Bridge To Somewhere" With Bass by Jimmy! 2009/01/01 16:57:05 (permalink)

    listend on my digital moniters and my akg 240 cans
    loved it

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    RE: Remix of "A Bridge To Somewhere" With Bass by Jimmy! 2009/01/01 17:15:23 (permalink)
    Cool! Thanks Jimmy!

    Yeah, this is sounded pretty awesome when my speakers are flat (I made a few more EQ changes and haven't uploaded yet). I can totally feel the full sound now... like the whole piece. It's really spacious. The bass part is absolute perfect now that it's all mixed in. It adds so much, I can't believe I wasn't realizing it. The boosted bass sounded similar (for me), but without the boosted bass at it's current levels - it's real nice. This is so cool! :-)

    I will compared this mix with some reference cds just to get it tweaked on both the boosted and unboosted settings, so I fully understand what's up with my speakers. That way I can just mix and know what my goals are and it's all good.

    Thanks for all of your help everyone. Especially Jimmy for all the detailed mix help and for playing sweet bass! We're making some real music now! ;)

    post edited by egervari - 2009/01/01 17:19:43

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    RE: Remix of "A Bridge To Somewhere" With Bass by Jimmy! 2009/01/01 17:31:10 (permalink)
    This is a simple elegant piece and my only personal crit would be that its too simple ... having only garage band elements, no vox, no peculiar bass riff, etc.
    As such it would work (for me) as a backround piece to driving, working, a movie, or such.

    -- I might like a little fade-in at start. Your end-fade is fine.
    -- Possibly some wider and diverse drum dynamics

    FWIW, To make bass stand-out, I myself oft:
    -- HPF it at 25Hz, give a slight boost at 400Hz Q=1-ish (+3 dcb)
    -- HPF Kick at 50-60 and notch-reduce 400Hz Q=1 ish (-3 dcb compliment)
    -- HPF lead guitar(s) well, above 120.
    -- Minimal to No bass reverb during critical riffs while increasing reverb of all other instruments.
    -- Tube/tape saturation at 30-60Hz and high-mid and high harmonics.
    -- Relatively Heavy compression/limiting at 0-60Hz ... also, with high attack times at all frequency ranges to allow plucking transients.

    I hear your sweet guitar transient well in this mix.

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    RE: Remix of "A Bridge To Somewhere" With Bass by Jimmy! 2009/01/01 18:12:38 (permalink)

    ORIGINAL: Philip

    This is a simple elegant piece and my only personal crit would be that its too simple ... having only garage band elements, no vox, no peculiar bass riff, etc.
    As such it would work (for me) as a backround piece to driving, working, a movie, or such.

    -- I might like a little fade-in at start. Your end-fade is fine.
    -- Possibly some wider and diverse drum dynamics

    FWIW, To make bass stand-out, I myself oft:
    -- HPF it at 25Hz, give a slight boost at 400Hz Q=1-ish (+3 dcb)
    -- HPF Kick at 50-60 and notch-reduce 400Hz Q=1 ish (-3 dcb compliment)
    -- HPF lead guitar(s) well, above 120.
    -- Minimal to No bass reverb during critical riffs while increasing reverb of all other instruments.
    -- Tube/tape saturation at 30-60Hz and high-mid and high harmonics.
    -- Relatively Heavy compression/limiting at 0-60Hz ... also, with high attack times at all frequency ranges to allow plucking transients.

    I hear your sweet guitar transient well in this mix.

    Thanks for the kind words and the feedback! I am doing lots of these, and I added a few to the mix, like the excitement. I helf off on exciters, because for some reason, pushing them past .3 was causing to sound bad. But since then, so many eq issues have been balanced that the exciters just started sounding good ;) Thanks so much!

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    RE: Remix of "A Bridge To Somewhere" With Bass by Jimmy! 2009/01/01 18:21:19 (permalink)
    sounds like gold to me. Beautiful. Bass is articulate and 'felt'...a marriage i often have a difficult time achieving. Is that 3 acoustic guitars Ken? Very nice sound. It's a lovely piece.

    s o n g s

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    RE: Remix of "A Bridge To Somewhere" With Bass by Jimmy! 2009/01/01 18:40:35 (permalink)

    ORIGINAL: egervari

    It sounds pretty good on it's own, so you're right, there's probably a way to get it to come out from under the mix.


    Don't be fooled...many times instruments that rock in the mix sound like cr*p soloed, this is what Jimmy was talking about your guitar "mud" stepping on the bass. In any case, the version I just listened to was awesome. I wish I could record that kind of tone and skill on my acoustic guitars. Ironically I consider myself a bass player more than guitar and didn't hear the first version so I'll have to agree with jimmy that the bass is phat and sits in the mix now. I don't agree with philip that is it "garage band". Many accomplished solo guitarists have great tunes like this. The only fault is that it was too short. It was also great to be an observer of you and jimmy's dialog. ThanX for sharing! Happy New Year to you as well.



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    RE: Remix of "A Bridge To Somewhere" With Bass by Jimmy! 2009/01/02 07:36:33 (permalink)

    ORIGINAL: No How

    sounds like gold to me. Beautiful. Bass is articulate and 'felt'...a marriage i often have a difficult time achieving. Is that 3 acoustic guitars Ken? Very nice sound. It's a lovely piece.

    Thank you so much!

    Yes, I recorded 2 rhythm tracks and panned them to each side, and my lead guitar takes center. There's a little pad or "beep" at certain spots where the main part builds, and that's actually a distorted acoustic with a gate, some extreme compression, some chorus and some delay on it ;)

    My Latest Give it a listen and rate it please!

    My Music:

    Software: Sonar 7 Producer
    Audio Interface: Edirol FA-66
    Mic: Shure SM81
    Guitar: Seagull Performer Mini-Jumbo
    Max Output Level: -84 dBFS
    • Total Posts : 318
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    RE: Remix of "A Bridge To Somewhere" With Bass by Jimmy! 2009/01/02 07:51:28 (permalink)
    ORIGINAL: jimmyman

    listend on my digital moniters and my akg 240 cans
    loved it


    Sweet! I made a few adjustments yesturday too... even though I thought the low-end was too loud, I decided to boost 250hz even more on the bass by 3db with a slightly narrow band. Then I slightly compressed 20-250hz more than any other band in my master multi-band compressor. The overall effect was good bass volume but more definition of the bass notes... and it still doesn't sound compressed, at least no where near where I had it before (17 db! LOL!). I think it sounds better.

    I've been doing more stuff on sunshine and I think you're going to like it. I'll have an upload soon!
    post edited by egervari - 2009/01/02 07:52:03

    My Latest Give it a listen and rate it please!

    My Music:

    Software: Sonar 7 Producer
    Audio Interface: Edirol FA-66
    Mic: Shure SM81
    Guitar: Seagull Performer Mini-Jumbo
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