Reverb on MIDI tracks doesn't work

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May 22, 05 2:11 AM (permalink)

Reverb on MIDI tracks doesn't work

I have a project with three MIDI tracks, set to channels 2, 4 and 5. The Reverb control for any of these 3 tracks has absolutely no effect.

I thought maybe it was because it defaults to channel 1, because when I float the mouse over the Reverb control for a track, it says "Reverb (default Ch. 1) = 127", so I tried setting the channels to all three tracks to channel 1, but not only did that not make reverb work, but it did undesirable things to my instrument choices. So much for that.

I tried the Reverb control both in the Track view and in the Console view. Changing it in one view changes it in the other, but in neither case does it produce any reverb. Any ideas, anyone?

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    RE: Reverb on MIDI tracks doesn't work May 22, 05 5:48 PM (permalink)
    Right i cant realy be bothered to tell you how to fix that problem. A better thing to do it use the Edirol SoundCanvas or Dreamstation2 that comes with and adding a reverb audio fx to their output audio tracks. sorry not much depth but now you know what to do you can have fun finding out how.
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    RE: Reverb on MIDI tracks doesn't work May 22, 05 7:53 PM (permalink)
    I have never been able to get reverb to work on MIDI either. There are two possible reasons for this. One, I can’t figure it out. Two, the feature is not available in the version of cakewalk that we have. The baby version ($39.95) lacks some of the features that are available (I suppose) in the more advanced and expensive versions. For example, volume automation in the console view doesn’t work either in the low end version.

    It appears that they have left out a few features but didn’t bother to tell us about it. We find out when we spend a few hours trying to make it work and we give up. (Are you listening documentation authors?).

    Don’t get me wrong. Cakewalk is a great program, but there are some minor nuisances to contend with…

    In any case, take the path of least resistance and make your life easy. Do as annannienann suggested. Use the DXI synths as mentioned above, or bounce the midi track to an audio track, the add reverb.

    BY the way you can add chorus to MIDI. See the post :How to make chorus effect on MIDI track.

    Reverb does not seem to be an option in this one though.
    post edited by TGRANT - May 22, 05 8:05 PM
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    RE: Reverb on MIDI tracks doesn't work May 23, 05 12:18 AM (permalink)
    Mid processing sucks, I always place processing on audio track, one thing i do is if i have a midi drum track that i have built in cakewalk, i save it and import it into multitrack studios and run the midi thru the built in sampler with a sound font in it and add the fx in the chain after the sampler it is works great.
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    RE: Reverb on MIDI tracks doesn't work May 23, 05 12:48 AM (permalink)
    This is mostly Cakewalk's fault. They should never have called this button 'Reverb' - it is actually MIDI Controller 91 - Effects : Depth or often External Effects Depth

    It will change the presence; however, most people are expecting that "echo" effect that we associate with the word 'Reverberation."

    To get MIDI 'Reverb' of a sort - add the MIDI effect in Cakewalk - 'Echo Delay' - when you get there press F1 for a help file.

    If it is not the effect you want, convert to Audio and work your reverb magic there.

    In this audio world there still is value to MIDI; however, Cakewalk seems to have abandoned it - apparently because most of their customers have. Too bad!

    Edit added here: Can't blame Cakewalk for calling it 'Reverb.' Others are in the habit of calling controller 91 'Reverb' also. The same folk who like to call Controller 93 Chorus. It is true that both are hardware dependent; however, I have not as yet seen any MIDI device that can do more than just a simulation of Reverb and Chorus. To get the reverb of a large hall I have to set my sound card not the MIDI control. And even though chorus is much more full - it still doesn't sound like a bunch of the same instruments.

    A Dxi or convert MIDI to Audio - is your best hope.
    post edited by millerbill - May 24, 05 4:18 PM
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    RE: Reverb on MIDI tracks doesn't work May 23, 05 6:32 PM (permalink)
    My understanding is that reverb and chorus are hardware effectson midi capable instruments. If the hardware doesn't have the capability, the fader doesn't work. If it does, you can control if from CW, without having to go to the device's menus.

    Given the large number of soundcards and synths that don't support this feature, and the significant processing (not to mention the time involved) hit you take converting everything to audio, I'd like to see Cake offer a built in DX reverb for midi. Till then I use an outboard reverb on my hardware mixer's aux send one.
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    RE: Reverb on MIDI tracks doesn't work May 24, 05 2:10 AM (permalink)
    In order for a Dx reverb to work with Cake it would have to be structured different, and have to be in the chain after the synth that the midi triggers, Cake can do that is one places a Dx plug in the fx bin of the audio track that you run the midi file thru.
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    RE: Reverb on MIDI tracks doesn't work May 24, 05 5:08 PM (permalink)
    Thanks, dudes and dudettes. Annannienann, I took your advice and ran it through a synth, and I got the reverb I needed. Thanks.
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    RE: Reverb on MIDI tracks doesn't work May 25, 05 4:34 AM (permalink)

    ORIGINAL: Robomusic

    In order for a Dx reverb to work with Cake it would have to be structured different, and have to be in the chain after the synth that the midi triggers, Cake can do that is one places a Dx plug in the fx bin of the audio track that you run the midi file thru.

    Well now it seem to me that an algorithm which creates a certain number of 1/512th notes of certain durations, could be temporarily cloned to the midi track in question and....

    Ok, this was a major screw-up on my part, even worse because I know what you say is true, but see, while I was typing the sun was reflecting off the monitor and...

    Sorry for any confusion I may have caused.

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    Re: RE: Reverb on MIDI tracks doesn't work February 22, 11 11:26 PM (permalink)
    Do you know how to add the slider of reverb and chorus in Music Creator 5's MIDI tracks? Thank you
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    Re: RE: Reverb on MIDI tracks doesn't work February 23, 11 0:26 PM (permalink)
    I don't think MC's MIDI has a MIDI reverb effect anymore. You can add an audio reverb to a software synthesizer's audio output track, though.
    When I started with MC 2003 9 years ago, there was a MIDI reverb. It was there in MC Pro 24, too, I think, but they dispensed with a lot of MIDI effects by the time I bought SONAR Home Studio 6.

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    Re: RE: Reverb on MIDI tracks doesn't work February 23, 11 1:57 AM (permalink)
    The number of FX you can succesfully use for MIDI is limited, and the quality isn't that great.

    It's more simple, it sounds better, and is more adjustable to put the FX on the audio output track or on the bounced/frozen audio track. That way you can have all the FX in same place which gives you a nicer workflow as well(there is no distortion for MIDI, for example).

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    Re: RE: Reverb on MIDI tracks doesn't work February 23, 11 1:49 PM (permalink)
    Bounce the midi track to an audio track, and add reverb there

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    Re: RE: Reverb on MIDI tracks doesn't work February 23, 11 5:30 PM (permalink)
    you can always put the AUDIO FX int eh synth audio track or bounce it to audio and apply the FX that way.

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    Re: RE: Reverb on MIDI tracks doesn't work February 23, 11 7:46 PM (permalink)
    Ya know what they say?    "Great minds are better than Beautiful minds!"

    I'd Seize the day but i can't quite reach it!
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    Re: RE: Reverb on MIDI tracks doesn't work October 16, 17 1:58 AM (permalink)
    That midi stuff in Sonar never worked and Cakewalk doesn't care about it either! You have to create a automation track that controls CC91!
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