Are you using a USB 3.0 port? I had this problem with my Octa-Capture when I put it on USB 3.0 and not USB 2.0. If you make sure you have a USB 2.0 port hooked to it that may help. It drove me nuts for a while and had the exact same symptoms you describe.
The other problem may be getting the correct clock master. You want your USB audio device to be your clock master for syncing the audio coming in. I have not used your device so I don't know if there is a control panel setting for that but usually it says internal or external clock sync.
1) I know I am not using a usb3.0 port because on the GA UDR3 mobo all the back usb connectors
are 2.0
2) At this point I can confirm that cw record timing master has to set to the GR-55 input otherwise
I can't use the GR's usb port to record it or play back the track.
Note that the playback back timing master changes nothing on the playback; if the record timing
is not set to the GR-55 you get noise.
3) By setting the record timing master to the GR-55 you can get a pseudo (there is a cyclical click) clean sound from the monitoring path but to get it a funny sequence of events have to
a) set the timing master to the GR-55 input
b) set monitor on and arm the guitar ----> all you get is noise
c) push record -> woo the guitar sound is clean with the exception of the annoying click
d) stop recording, leave the track armed with the monitoring on -:> the guitar is still clean with
the exception of the annoying click.
3) Start playback -> same result as with c & d
4) Turn monitor off & on -> we are now back to poiont b
Conclusion of all this...I'm screwed; cw will be tempted to say there is nothing wrong with the monitoring path (I don't know how else I can call it) and blame Roand and Roland will say there
is nothing wrong with the USB connection and Blame cw's software.
for now I don't who's problem it is but I have wasted enough time on this and I still haven't investigated what will be the impact on my delta 1010lt by using the GR-55 at the Record Timing Master.