Roland V-100 and MC6
I’m going to be updating my USB 2.0 interface from the Roland M 16-DX to the Roland V-100 to use with MC6 Win 8 64 bit. I’m hoping this will be a more integrated setup using hardware motorized fader, keypad transport and soft knobs for the DAW functions. I’ve found an downloadable upgrade for the Roland V-100 for Win 8 and the V-100 includes Sonar 8. (Which I’m already a registered user for (Producer) , but I’m wanting to and hoping to run MC6 instead). I’m wondering if MC6 will support ACT MIDI Controller function and Plug-in and if it will work on WIN 8/64? I’ve checked the resource pages for Roland and Cakewalk and couldn’t find the any compatibility issues. Does anyone have any experience with this combo? Thanks for your help.