[SOLVED]Upgraded my soundboard, and now I've lost USB connectivity - any thoughts/ideas ??

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March 16, 16 7:41 PM (permalink)

[SOLVED]Upgraded my soundboard, and now I've lost USB connectivity - any thoughts/ideas ??

So, I've had my current PC (HP Pavillion 500 Win 8.1 64-bit) for a while, and have had latency issues (getting audio clips to line up with Addictive Drums 2 tracks) for what's seems like forever. I've changed all the usual stuff within Sonar to try and address it, but without success - the only way I've been able to get over this was by nudging the audio clips left, by around 6 frames, which I'm pretty sure should not be necessary for ALL audio tracks. 
Arrived at the conclusion that the problem lay with the intregated CODECs and that I needed to get a separate soundcard, go back to square 1 and start again. So, bought a SoundBlaster Fx PCI/e - not the best, I know, but for $50, it is what it is... (I also have an older SB X-Fi PCI from another PC which I'll have a play with this evening)
I use a TASCAM external audio interface, connecting via USB to the PC, for audio in/out and phantom power, and use it's L/R RCA "outs" for connecting to the monitor speakers/headphones. 
However, since upgrading to a "proper" sound card, I've lost USB connectivity to the TASCAM, and can only connect it to the PC by using the RCA outs from the TASCAM, as "line-in" to the soundcard, and therefore have to have the speakers connected to the soundcard as well which means no real-time echo-less monitoring through the interface. This connection arrangement works OK, in that input/output can be achieved, and I've used it in this fashion before, but it's not what I want and it's not how it should be connected. I haven't checked yet whether the new soundcard solves the latency problem, thought I'd get over the connection issue first
It seems that without connecting the line-in and line-out jacks on the soundcard, the sound card is not "enabled", and, at no time is the USB connection to the TASCAM recognised as valid audio in/outs (although it still provides phantom power). Previously I didn't need to have any of the "integrated" line-in/outs connected, the USB connection was recognised at all times, and all audio (CDs, Youtube, Sonar, digital radio etc.) played through the monitor speakers attached to the TASCAM.
What I haven't done as yet is to reload the TASCAM drivers, since upgrading the soundcard, coz that only occurred to me this morning in the shower, but, I'll try that tonight and see what happens.
My gut feel is that it's a soundcard/PC kind-of conflict/limitation, but would like someone else's opinion.
  • Is this a SB soundcard specific problem ? If it is, it only cost me 50-bucks, so I'm not that fussed if I have to get another one. However, are there any soundcard makes/models/configuration I should be looking for, where this lack of USB connectivity doesn't occur?
  • If it's not a soundcard problem, is this a typical PC problem where if you move away from the "AS-IS" off the shelf configuration, things don't work?
  • Is this a PC config problem and I need to change x, y, or z to fix it ?
  • Or is it only fixable by some other kind of nefarious means?
I know every PC/setup is different, so I'm not expecting a miracle answer (although one of them would be very nice), but just some pointers or advice would be appreciated.
Thanks ... Kimbo
post edited by Kimbo - March 18, 16 10:10 PM

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    Re: Upgraded my soundboard, and now I've lost USB connectivity - any thoughts/ideas ?? March 16, 16 11:15 PM (permalink)
    Start by installing your Tascam drivers.
    Your new SB audio card shouldn't be a problem, but if you use your PC as a DAW and will always have yourinterface connected, I'd suggest just remove it.
    In what way are you having latency problems with AD2?
    Are you playing triggered drum pads live to your already-recorded backing tracks?
    Latency issues are addressed by using the ASIO drivers and by reducing the size of the buffers in Edit/Preferences/Audio devices as far as you can before getting dropouts. You don't need to loop the audio out of your interface to a SB card, that's a waste of a good interface. But I'm not sure this really is a classic latency issue.
    post edited by jpetersen - March 16, 16 11:38 PM
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    Re: Upgraded my soundboard, and now I've lost USB connectivity - any thoughts/ideas ?? March 16, 16 11:51 PM (permalink)
    Don't know if this will help but sometimes your USB needs to be a direct input USB (usually in the back of PC) and not the ports on the front or top of the case.

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    Re: Upgraded my soundboard, and now I've lost USB connectivity - any thoughts/ideas ?? March 16, 16 11:54 PM (permalink)
    So it sounds like you actually mean you have lost connection to the Tascam driver--the software that translates the USB input from the interface to audio data in other applications. You can check the USB connectivity by looking in Windows device manager to see if it is listed as working there. If Windows does not recognize the Tascam, nothing else can. If it does not show up in device manager, or it shows up as having a problem, then re-installing the driver might help. If both your interfaces are using ASIO drivers, only one will be able to work at a time. In that case, using a different kind of driver for one interface if available might let you use both at once. Is the problem that you dropped the Tascam for the offset you describe as 6 frames (how many samples?)? What is the usual stuff in Sonar that did not fix that?
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    Re: Upgraded my soundboard, and now I've lost USB connectivity - any thoughts/ideas ?? March 17, 16 0:34 PM (permalink)
    Thanks for the info.
    Regarding the latency, I use AD2/step sequencer to "pre-record" (for want of a better description) the drum track - so it's not being triggered by anything other than the Sonar "play" button. Then I record the audio via the TASCAM to that pre-recorded drum track. When played back, the "mix" has the audio delayed, by approx. 6-frames, when compared to the AD2 pattern, hence the nudging "left" by approx. 6-frames - that's how it's described in the Sonar manual - no idea (right now) how many samples that equates to, but apparently there are 30 frames per second if that's any help.
    I've "fiddled" with numbers of buffers, buffer sizes, delaying audio/delay-midi in the syncing tab, and probably a whole bunch of other standard Sonar stuff as well, with really no significant improvement.
    The TASCAM's working fine - it's just its USB connection to the PC that's the issue right now - and the first thing I'll do is reload the drivers and check out whether Windows can see it - it did before I put the soundcard in, so I've no reason to expect that it won't again - maybe it is just the drivers.
    The looping of the interface to the SB that you refer to isn't really looping - if the USB connection was working, the RCAs line-outs from the TASCAM would got to the speakers, but currently the RCAs are the only way to get the TASCAM to talk audio to the SB - so the USB connection (which is to the rear connection Jim, not the front panel) is only providing power to the device, there's no audio in/out via USB, and which there was before I put the SB in.
    I've had issues getting ASIO drivers to play nicely - and I'm not talking ASIO4ALL drivers - regular ASIO drivers downloaded from some German site the name of which I can't remember, but it begins with M, I think (I'm writing this at work, and that info is at home). I don't believe the integrated CODEC on the PC will support ASIO, which was another reason for adding the SB. At present the drivers being used are MME, again coz they're the only ones I can get working.
    Thanks again, I now have a few more lines of enquiry to pursue.

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    Re: Upgraded my soundboard, and now I've lost USB connectivity - any thoughts/ideas ?? March 17, 16 3:38 AM (permalink)
    I can't understand why you have a Soundblaster AND the Tascam. They're both soundcards. You should be using ASIO drivers for Sonar and you can only use one ASIO device at a time, so either the SB or the Tascam. What am I misunderstanding?
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    Re: Upgraded my soundboard, and now I've lost USB connectivity - any thoughts/ideas ?? March 17, 16 5:12 AM (permalink)
    Well, first off, reinstalled the correct drivers, 64-bit instead of 32-bit, and the USB connection is now back up 'n running - soooo, first problem solved.
    Ok, so why the Soundblaster and a TASCAM ? Hmm, well, here's where my stupidity may show up, so bear with me and be gentle. This is an old TASCAM, can't remember exactly when I bought it, but it's got to be 8-10 years ago. Why did I get it? Because I needed a way of connecting guitar lead jacks and XLR's to the PC, and the weight of "convertors" plugs eventually broke the original on-board mini jacks on my old PC's sound card - I bought a new sound card to replace the old one. I then also bought the TASCAM purely as a way of connecting to the PC without damaging the mini jacks, again.
    And I've run it in that same connected fashion ever since, on the various PCs I've had since then - with the RCA line-out's as the line-in to the sound card. I have always viewed the TASCAM as a connector, rather than a true sound card - and I'm still to be convinced that this particular model is, BUT that's me just being stubborn, and I'm open to any suggestions and being proven to be a complete d**k - is it really a sound card, or is it just a method of connecting - I really just don't know.
    BUT, and this is where the idiot, and the "me Tarzan you Jane - there's no need to read the instruction manual" side of me comes out. It was only about 5-months ago, when I did read the manual, that I truly discovered the right way of connecting it, i.e. via USB, and monitoring through the TASCAM, which solved a whole heap of echo monitoring problems, so I was like "Wooohooo !!! Fixed that little s**t of a problem at last !!".
    But, I've still not been able to get over the latency problem with this particular PC - I have in the past, by tweaking the SONAR settings, but those PCs had separate sound cards, and not used the onboard integrated CODECs - therefore my first step in attempting to correct latency, in this instance (having seemingly failed through SONAR and driver tweaks), was to mimic what I'd done before, and get a new sound card - I tried running ASIO drivers (from Maya) but they don't appear to compatible with the integrated CODECs on the PC - they were when I installed the sound blaster, but then of course in Sonar they couldn't find the TASCAM, because it "wasn't there" to be found.
    And so we now come full circle, back to where I started, having installed the new sound card and subsequently lost USB connectivity, I've now got it back, and can start wrestling with driver and other stuff to fix the latency.
    However, from what you've, if this particular model of TASCAM is actually a sound card (??) then it would seem I shouldn't need the SoundBlaster - but if I can't get ASIO drivers don't seem to work with the integrated CODES on the PC, but they do with the SoundBlaster, then I'm kind-of at a loss - or just being plain dumb/stupid - and I'd suggest it's more than likely the latter.
    So, maybe I need to explain my naive logic - take the TASCAM out of the picture for now - with any old sound card installed, you plug mics and speakers into it, and sound goes in and sound comes out, so the audio signals are processed by the CODES or the sound card processor on the board. Now put the TASCAM, correctly hooked up, back in the picture - doesn't that need an internal sound card of some description to process the line-in/out signals?
    Sorry if that appears a really dumb question, but you've now made me question everything I've understood for the last n-years, so I'm thirsty for knowledge....
    Cheers ... Kimbo

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    Re: Upgraded my soundboard, and now I've lost USB connectivity - any thoughts/ideas ?? March 17, 16 5:39 AM (permalink)
    If a device plays and records audio on your PC, it is 'a sound card' - just that they're not 'cards' any more. "Sound card" and "audio interface" are 2 different terms for basically the same thing, just that you expect a sound card to be less oriented towards dedicated audio work.
    Some external interfaces will operate happily without a USB connection, so you can just pipe their outputs through to your computer's own interface (in this case, the Soundblaster). This is usually suboptimal for a bunch of reasons (double the potential latency, higher noise floor, more things that can possibly go wrong), but can still work.
    What you probably want is to use the Tascam directly, for everything. The best way to connect it under Windows is via ASIO - but ASIO only allows one card/interface/device to operate at once. So if you can see the Soundblaster in Sonar via ASIO, you won't see the Tascam, and vice versa.
    Now put the TASCAM, correctly hooked up, back in the picture - doesn't that need an internal sound card of some description to process the line-in/out signals?

    No. That is exactly what the TASCAM is there to do, as well as to provide inputs for your instruments. Take this example on their site - you plug your instruments into the front, the interface translates that into digital signals, and sends it via USB to your computer. Your computer does all the mixing - that's where Sonar comes into the equation, in that case - and sends the final digital audio back along the USB cable. Then the TASCAM turns that into analogue audio and pipes it out to the speakers connected to the 'line out' sockets on the back. No other sound card or interface is needed.
    (Also, you keep talking about codecs... I don't know why, as there are (or should be) no codecs involved here. Each of your cards/interfaces should have drivers installed, but they're not doing 'coding' or 'decoding' as such. Analogue to digital translation is handled by the hardware. Beyond that, normally codecs are only involved for translating between different audio formats, which is not intrinsic to this process.)

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    Re: Upgraded my soundboard, and now I've lost USB connectivity - any thoughts/ideas ?? March 17, 16 5:45 AM (permalink)
    It seems to me you are making this all much, much more complicated than it is.

    From what you say, you have two audio interfaces. A Soundblaster card and a Tascam USB interface.

    The two have nothing to do with each other at all as far as Windows (and Sonar) are concerned. They each have their own driver. I have no idea at all what the "site beginning with M" that you say you downloaded Tascam drivers from might be. Usually the best and risk-free place to get drivers for anything is the manufacturer's website.

    "Codecs" have absolutely nothing at all to do with anything here.

    Install the correct drivers for the Tascam then connect it by USB. It should then show up in Sonar's preferences as an available audio device. If the drivers are ASIO drivers then Sonar will let you select that mode for the Tascam.

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    Re: Upgraded my soundboard, and now I've lost USB connectivity - any thoughts/ideas ?? March 17, 16 6:40 AM (permalink)
    There are several ways of achieving what you want. Here is one.
    I am sure others will come in with better ways.
    1. Freeze the AD2 track by pressing the (*) button.
    2. Click on the now-frozen audio track and copy it (Ctrl + C)
    3. Create a new audio track.
    4. Paste your audio into this track (Ctrl + V)
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    FIXED: Upgraded my soundboard, and now I've lost USB connectivity - any thoughts/ideas ?? March 17, 16 6:47 PM (permalink)
    Folks - thank you all for all your help and patience - I now understand where my TASCAM sits in the grand scheme of things, and honestly didn't ever think it actually took the place of the PC sound card... however, really happy to be re-educated and have it explained.
    Reloading the TASCAM drivers fixed the connectivity problem, and now I understand that the Sound Blaster is redundant, I'll remove it tonight to avoid me, and the PC, getting confused, again. Then I'll focus on getting the ASIO drivers working correctly.... and I may be back again, in a separate post, if I run into problems (which, based on past examples, is almost inevitable).
    Cheers ... Kimbo

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    Re: FIXED: Upgraded my soundboard, and now I've lost USB connectivity - any thoughts/ideas March 17, 16 8:07 PM (permalink)
    Just so you know, Sound Blaster ( Creative)  PCI cards have a bad history with Sonar. I speak from experience. I started life 14 years ago with the Audigy II card. It claimed ASIO drivers but it never worked unless I used WDM mode and mostly in MME mode for midi. 
    The tracks' like you say' were always out of snyc. I gave up on Cakewalk and returned to using my Yamaha MD8 track and my trusty Atari.  Later I joined on to this site to attempt to give Cakewalk a second chance. I eventually bought a M Audio interface but like a fool I left the Creative PCI card installed. I learned later on that Creative PCI cards MUST be removed from your DAW or there will be a conflict.  The M audio was a turd so I bought a Tascam us1641 and switched to a newer PC. I left the Sound Blaster in our office PC where it worked just fine for tunes and movies.
    With the Tascam and a new PC everything fell into place and thanks to this forum's help I was now recording in ASIO mode and Sonar was my new friend.  The Tascam's original drivers where not that great but over time they have improved immensely and are now very good drivers. The big improvement came out in Dec 2014 when Gibson took over and they started writing there own drivers. 
    Alas  looks like they did not upgrade the drivers for your interface  being the last ones are 2010. 
    My advice would be to seriously look into a newer interface just to get the better drivers. The US 2x2 replaces yours and they are much improved and not expensive. 

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    Re: FIXED: Upgraded my soundboard, and now I've lost USB connectivity - any thoughts/ideas March 17, 16 9:40 PM (permalink)
    In a hurry here, but check out this thread regarding manual sample offset (picture of where it is entered is first shown in post #4). Also, post #52 has a link to a utility that will do the loop back measurement for you.
    Bottom line... an interface can have an offset that needs to me accommodated manually (usually a one-time setup), but is good to know what yours is specifically.

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    Re: FIXED: Upgraded my soundboard, and now I've lost USB connectivity - any thoughts/ideas March 17, 16 9:43 PM (permalink)
    Cactus - thanks mate - I'd read about Creative products not being ideal, but I've used them in the past (even though it now appears I needn't have done so) fairly successfully, and they're readily available and reasonably cheap, so....
    Yeah, my US-122L is a bit old 'n crusty, and it's certainly had it's fair share of use - albeit incorrectly connected it seems (hindsight's a wonderful thing), and I've been considering whether to upgrade to something else, such as US 2x2. However, now I've figured out the correct way to connect and use it, I'll have another go at getting ASIO drivers to work, and hopefully address the latency - if I still get problems, I'll look to upgrade... anyway it's about time I spent a little more cash "productively" rather than investing in my local bar owner's retirement plan.

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    Re: FIXED: Upgraded my soundboard, and now I've lost USB connectivity - any thoughts/ideas March 17, 16 11:26 PM (permalink)
    Yes the loop back test is always a good idea I'm big on telling everyone to do it. So once you get that done run the loop back test and see if your offset is correct. 
    With the Sound Blaster eradicated and every trace of it's drivers and registry removed, then the proper Tascam drivers you might see some improvment
    Here's a good one I use. Even though it say's Windows 7, it works for me on Windows 8.1.. Cannot vouch for W10. 
    I also do the manual test where I use a midi drum track, bounce to it audio, ( freeze)  and loop it back to an audio track. 
    Zoom in and see if the hits line up. Good idea to check if they drift over time. 
    Here's my Tascam us1641 running the old drivers:
    Top track MIDI
    Next Track is bounce to audio session drummer- note that it lines up perfectly with the midi.
    Next Track is ASIO mode loop back Normal setting for buffer  notice it plays early around 120 ms.
    Next Track is ASIO mode loop back highest buffer setting,, no change from the normal setting, so buffers not involved.
    Bottom track  WDM mode loop back now it's late by a lot! I'm no longer a fan of WDM mode for overdubs. 

    This is what I was suffering so bought the Focusrite.  Which as you see is bang on. I need to re test the Tascam with the new drivers which came out a year after I did this test. 

     Here' s a few others I tested. The Behringer only has MME drivers. For $30 can't expect much eh! 
     When I look at this I also see how bright and cheery Sonar 8.5 was.. Somebody mentioned codec was not involved with audio but note the output dialog. USB audio codec. The Behringer is a plug and play USB box that works without issue for playback. I use it with my XP and W 7 laptops at gigs because it's one step up from the mini jack on board system. 

    This is a 2002 PCI card originally used for Radio broadcasting.  Only a 2x2 TRS 1/4" but shows how  PCI cards can be good performers. To bad Creative just plain screwed up with writing proper drivers. My Audigy card is very nifty otherwise with its front panel interface and spdif connections. In a box now as it was only 32 bit so no good on anything new. 
     The company supported it right up to W7 64 bit. It is in my old backup DAW now. And it never caused a conflict with my other ASIO devices. I can just choose one or the other. Note it did not work in WDM mode. 

    post edited by Cactus Music - March 18, 16 0:07 PM

    Johnny V  
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    Re: FIXED: Upgraded my soundboard, and now I've lost USB connectivity - any thoughts/ideas March 18, 16 10:09 PM (permalink)
    Am I a happy chappy, or what !!
    Got home from work, uninstalled all the SoundBlaster software, uninstalled all the odd sound drivers that I'd been messing with, physically removed the Soundblaster card, rebooted. then uninstalled/reinstalled all the TASCAM drivers, just to be sure, and.....
    OMG !!! Finally able to select ASIO drivers in Sonar, plugged in the mic, hit record, "strummed a couple chords and sang from the heart" (lyric courtesy of Florida Georgia Line) and whammo..... no echo monitoring via the TASCAM, and NO LATENCY on the recording (even stretched to a loud "yeeehhaaa" when that happened) - no nudging, no fiddling, no messing with buffers or settings or anything.... everything syncs up perfectly, straight out of the box so to speak !!!
    I am honestly as happy as a pig in sh*t !!!!
    Can't thank you guys enough, finally I can get on being "creative" and not "frustrative".

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    Re: FIXED: Upgraded my soundboard, and now I've lost USB connectivity - any thoughts/ideas March 19, 16 6:42 AM (permalink)
    I know this has been solved.  However another +1 for not using SoundBlaster.  I installed a SoundBlaster sound card as the on-board had went out on a motherboard.  After that I kept having Sonar problems and problems with my (at the time) Saffire Pro 40.  I removed the SoundBlaster and the Sonar/Saffire Pro 40 problems all went away.

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    Re: FIXED: Upgraded my soundboard, and now I've lost USB connectivity - any thoughts/ideas March 19, 16 9:50 PM (permalink)
    Regardless of "issues" with SoundBlaster cards, all of my sync problems over the years have come down to two fundamental misunderstandings, of a global nature, which, in hindsight, would've continued to plague me, until now, regardless of what brand of board I'd bought:
    1) I didn't realize that my TASCAM was actually a "sound card" in a box. I could understand that maybe the "newer" ones are more intelligent, and could do that (but how they did it I had no idea, until now), but mine's kind-of old, so I'd always worked on the assumption that it was nothing more than a clever way to connect things to a PC, kind-of like an external mixer, with a little bit of smarts for signal conversion, and that the USB provided nothing more than power to the device. So, on that basis, it obviously had to be routed via the onboard sound "facility" for it to work (Doh !!). And...
    2) For some really really unexplainable reason, I hadn't figured out that the basic principles of "USB", and was still working under the impression that it was nothing more than a way of connecting devices to something via a common connector, and which could provide power OR some kind of low-level connectivity for using a mouse/keyboard or downloading photos or backing up files, etc. When in fact, plugging in via USB is pretty much akin to installing a new "board" (of some form) into a "slot" within the PC, anything connected that way actually becomes part of the PC, with all the high speed multi-way comms and power functions that goes with it. Yeah, yeah, I know you're all saying "So which hole has this guy been living in all these years ???".... I wish I could answer that one, and I'm feeling kind of embarrassingly stooopid right now, as a result, but hell, as they say, you learn something new everyday.
    So, I've have my eureka moment for this month, and will spend a few moment licking my humiliation-wounds, before pressing "record"..... 
    Thanks to all, once again... Kimbo

    Win 8.1 64-bit 16Gb RAM AMD A6-6400K 3.9Ghz
    Sonar X3d Producer
    TASCAM US-122L
    Cactus Music
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    Re: FIXED: Upgraded my soundboard, and now I've lost USB connectivity - any thoughts/ideas March 20, 16 4:42 PM (permalink)
    Excellent news.
    It is a bit confusing because of the terms used. Most people still call their audio interfaces a sound card just out of habit. Back at the turn of the century there was no such animal as USB audio interface. 
    USB was to slow I guess. 
    PCI cards are ( I think)  all you could buy so the term "sound card" stuck even when they became Firewire or USB.
    Most on board sound "chips" can co exist with the ASIO drivers of your audio interface. But PCI type cards often take over the system and make life difficult for Sonar. Other audio software might not have an issue but Sonar seems to like a clean house. Most PCI sound cards have simple drivers, but Sound Blaster adds a lot of bloatware etc so is very invasive. 
    I don't even install the on board audio drivers when I build my DAW. I have no problem playing any type files, even u-tubes and Windows Media player stuff.. Some people like to use the on board for windows stuff, but me I like my clean house for my DAW.  

    Johnny V  
    Focusrite 6i61st - Tascam us1641. 
    3 Desktops and 3 Laptops W7 and W10
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