SOLVED--electric piano no longer plays without Sonar open

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February 23, 12 8:36 PM (permalink)

SOLVED--electric piano no longer plays without Sonar open

I am something of a DAW noob, so I really appreciate your help here.

I have an electric piano hooked up directly to my computer's sound card with midi cables. When I installed Sonar, it still worked fine. When I figured out how to use the piano to trigger the instruments that come with Sonar and record midi, it worked fine. When I installed my EastWest samples and Play, I could trigger samples and the keyboard was still fine on its own. The problem seems to have happened when I created a project using the Play engine as a software instrument in a project.

Now, when my piano is on but Sonar is not, I can't make any sound come out of the piano by hitting the keys. If I use the demo mode sounds come out just fine, just nothing when I press the keys myself. If I have the specific project open--in which I inserted the Play Engine and mapped various sample instruments to specific midi channels--I can trigger the samples just fine and SOMETIMES also play notes out of the keyboard. I've tried putting all the samples back to omni and looking for anything I might have done weird in the inputs and sends, but I can't figure it out. Any direction someone could point me in would be GREATLY appreciated. If I seem to have left out any pertinent information, let me know and I'll tell you what I can.


After setting up Play Engine in Sonar, my electric piano is silent when I press the keys, even when I do not have Sonar open. There doesn't seem to be anything physically wrong - is it possible there's a setting I've screwed it up with?
post edited by cbilyk - March 08, 12 3:17 PM

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    Re:electric piano no longer plays without Sonar open--Using Sonar X1 Producer & EastWest P February 23, 12 8:54 PM (permalink)
    Check the keyboard is set so local control is "on" when you want to use it when Sonar's not running.

    Local set to "on" when Sonar is echoing MIDI back to it will result in doubled notes, local set to "off" when Sonar isn't sending it MIDI will result in silence when the keys are pressed.

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    Re:electric piano no longer plays without Sonar open--Using Sonar X1 Producer & EastWest P February 24, 12 3:57 PM (permalink)
    Thanks for your reply.

    All of the the tracks are now set with midi echo "on", but the problem persists. I can hear my piano's native sounds when playing with Sonar open, but not when the project is closed. This did explain why I sometimes heard my piano with the project open and sometimes not, though - I think as I was trying to troubleshoot I inadvertently switched midi echo off for a few of the sample instruments.

    In Preferences>MIDI>Playback and Recording, the "Always echo current MIDI track" box is checked and has been since before the problem. Is there some other place I should be finding something that overrides this? Could it have anything to do with MMC or MTC settings in Preferences>Project>MIDI? I haven't touched those settings since I don't understand them.

    In case it matters: Sonar doesn't recognize that my piano exists. It only sees "midi input" from my sound card.

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    Re:electric piano no longer plays without Sonar open--Using Sonar X1 Producer & EastWest P March 08, 12 3:23 PM (permalink)
    Thanks again tlw for your reply - I didn't understand it right away, but now I get it.

    In case anybody else has a similar problem while perusing the forums, "local control" is a setting on your keyboard itself and not something in Sonar under Midi Devices or the like (which is how I originally interpreted the comment). Local control may not be an obvious setting on your keyboard - refer to your manual or the manufacturer's website for instructions on how to turn it on or off. On mine (a Yamaha P-140) the control is obscure and would not be found nor understood without a reference to code numbers.

    Honestly, I still have no idea how I turned it off. All I can come up with is that it got hit by accident.
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