Re:SONAR X1 and Faderport
February 21, 14 9:29 AM
For anyone having trouble with the songs hanging on loading and the faderport moving erratically - this can happen when you load a project that you worked on prior to adding the faderport to your system when the midi in/out order may have been different. If Sonar hangs on loading a project, simply move the fader on the faderport and the song will load. You will find that the automated fader no longer functions, and you may get a missing midi output message. Check that all midi tracks ( including archived/hidden tracks) are assigned to their correct hardware, resave then close the song file. To get your automated fader to work again you can either close then re start Sonar, or remove then reload the midiport as a control surface in preferences. Open the newly saved file and all will be well:) Once you have saved any older files with current midi hardware assingnments ithe faderport will work without any hangs or erratic behaviour.
Sonar X3d, HP DV6 i7 Laptop, 8gig Ram, Win7 X64, RME Fireface UFX, Yamaha 01x, Presonus Faderport, Novation Ultranova, Roland Handsonic HPD15, Avalon 737sp, Yamaha Motif Rack ES, Rode NTV