Sampler in Sonar 8.5.3

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2010/04/22 13:50:36 (permalink)

Sampler in Sonar 8.5.3

Im doing a product comparison and wanted to know if the samplers included in Sonar 8.5.3 can do what the Reason samplers could do. SAMPLE AUDIO> MAP AUDIO to KEYBOARD with ZONES, VELOCITY, etc

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    Re:Sampler in Sonar 8.5.3 2010/04/22 16:45:23 (permalink)
    I dont think Sonar can do this very well. What do we have, Cyclone? I havn't really played with it that much, as it seems very limited in its use.

    I would prefer if Sonar kept away from samplers and concentrated on other areas - especially as there are plenty of sampling vsti's that can be downloaded for free. NI's Kontakt, and Short Circuit 2 are excellent for loading samples, chopping, mapping, grouping etc.

    So Reason may come with a solid sampler out the box, but all it takes is a quick download for Sonar to catch up.

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    Re:Sampler in Sonar 8.5.3 2010/04/22 16:54:09 (permalink)
    The sample players in Sonar are just that sample players. None are meant to sample audio or keymap audio. There are 2 SD 3 and Dimension Pro.

    Sonar was never a sampler either nor are any other sequencers. You will need something like Kontakt to do sampling.

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    Re:Sampler in Sonar 8.5.3 2010/04/22 17:12:57 (permalink)
    Using SFZ format you can do everything: map/velocity zones, envelopes, filters etc.
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    Re:Sampler in Sonar 8.5.3 2010/04/22 18:22:51 (permalink)
    reason and sonar can't be compared.. I own both (and most of the prop products)

    to get most use out of reason.. u need recycle..

    reason isn't a full daw.. to get closer to that , add on "record" but then NO vst support.. so again a closed shop..

    you can always rewire reason to sonar also.. which is what lots do.. but the fact remains props need to sort out their 64 bit libraries for REX/RX2 and the rewire libs..

    as for samplers.. kontakts the standard really.

    try getting sounds into NNXT it's not so nice to program.. I have done lots of programming in it over the years.

    demanding a full sampler.. well kontakt compared to NNXT.. kontakt will win...

    remember to get the sequencing side up to "normal" daws.. u have to fork out money for "record" and even then it doesn't have VST support..

    yep I own both products, so I'd like to think i was objective.

    post edited by Fog - 2010/04/22 18:25:02
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    Re:Sampler in Sonar 8.5.3 2010/04/22 21:19:01 (permalink)
    You can do it in SONAR, but it is the long way around.  Record your sample, trim it, etc. and save.  Open the sample in dimPro (included in SONAR Pro).  Then you have to go into your text editor and write out the SFZ info if you want to layer/split samples across the keyboard.  Save the text file w/ the samples in their own folder.  Note:  you can do a lot of other things w/ SFZ if you don't mind text entry, but it ain't musically intuitive (sorry, René).  But it is a hell of a lot easier than mucking about w/ a couple of lines of LCD - which is old style sampling.

    I do wish Cake would make it easy to put all your sfz files into one folder and all their synths (and Alchemy) could find them there.  Then a visual editor for use text challenged people, so you could place splits, layers etc.  Oh, and while we are at it have the program put in LFOs, filters, etc.  Then generate the SFZ text, so you could plug in new sounds into that "template."  SFZ is a great format for samples (and open-ended), and I understand from an old Post why René did it that way.  However, if it had a more intuitive interface I think the formatting would have taken off even more than it has.  Of course, I'm not a programmer so it is easy for me to think so.
    there came forth little children out of the city, and mocked him, and said unto him, Go up, thou bald head; go up, thou bald head.
    24 And he turned back, and looked on them, and cursed them in the name of the Lord. And there came forth two she bears out of the wood, and tare forty and two children of them.
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    Re:Sampler in Sonar 8.5.3 2010/04/24 21:24:54 (permalink)
    That you all.

    RFC JR
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    Re:Sampler in Sonar 8.5.3 2010/04/24 23:38:26 (permalink)

    ...and Short Circuit 2 are excellent for loading samples, chopping, mapping, grouping etc.

    Very cool--I didn't know Short Circuit 2 was a freebie now -!  Nice info, I appreciate it, Perfectprint.

    EDIT:  Hmmmmm.  Well, but now I gotta find info on how to use Short Circuit 2.  Can't find info - and so far, can't even find a way to load some samples to work with.  Screen shots on the old website show SC1 and they look nothing like the SC2 VST I now have in Sonar.  #1 - the screen shot shows a "load" button and a wave file display -nothing like that in what I have here.  Hmmmm.

    post edited by rbowser - 2010/04/25 00:23:49

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    Re:Sampler in Sonar 8.5.3 2010/04/26 16:34:56 (permalink)
    No problem.

    You need to assign a target destination so SC knows where your samples are located. It saves having to navigate through all your hard drives and folders using a  mini browser.

    Go into the short circuit folder in your VST location and add folder shortcuts to the samples folder. I think there is a readme in there explaining everything. For example I store all my drums in one folder and samples in another. I add shortcuts to these folders in Short Circuits sample folder. When I open up SC I see two folders in the right window, 1 samples and 1 drums. (Right click this window to refresh database).

    hope that helps.

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