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Re:Sampletekk 50% off sale this weekend
May 15, 11 12:00 AM
I bet you need to run the multi and not the individual patches there jma, ol pal. I know that it's got tons of dynamics and sounds very good. I haven't really tried the individual patches yet...I will and will keep ya posted.
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Re:Sampletekk 50% off sale this weekend
May 15, 11 2:18 PM
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Re:Sampletekk 50% off sale this weekend
May 15, 11 3:59 PM
bitflipper jma, try an experiment: manually enter a scale or arpeggio into the PRV at a precise (low) velocity, then copy/paste it several times, increasing the velocity with each copy. The Old Lady has 10 velocity layers, so ideally you'd need enough velocity values to cover each of them. This will provide an objective measure for A/B testing. Be sure to match levels when comparing two libraries. EDIT: I've just purchased the Old Lady. Once I've downloaded it I'll see if I can duplicate your problem. Thanks for that troubleshooting tip, bit. It was very enlightening! For Old Lady, I made note of the velocity range of each layer in the mapping editor, then plugged in a Cmaj scale from C7-C8 in the PRV for each layer. (I deliberately chose a high octave because that’s where the problem is most prevalent.) I made a track for Old Lady and another for TruePianos and played the same MIDI clip in each one simultaneously. I kept volume sliders at 0dB. At the lower velocities, Old Lady played as much as 20dB lower than TruePianos. At higher velocities, Old Lady was still playing 6dB lower than TruePianos. Then I made two more tracks, one with Virtikal Pop and one with NI Upright Piano. The results were similar: Virtikal Pop played back at 12dB less volume than NI Upright Piano at lower velocities and as much as 6dB less volume at higher velocities. When playing my PCR-M80, the velocity difference between SampleTekk and comparable instruments in a side-by-side test is even more dramatic. I have to literally slam the keys to get decent volume with SampleTekk. Adjusting the velocity curve in the keyboard does not make a noticeable difference. And I'm still hearing a bad "hissing" sound in Old Lady in the high octave notes.
post edited by jma - May 15, 11 4:05 PM
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Re:Sampletekk 50% off sale this weekend
May 15, 11 6:34 PM
How does it compare in volume to the bundled Kontakt pianos? Kontakt libraries generally tend to conservative with the amount of headroom, usually leaving a good 12db or more. It sounds like you're having to push it into the top velocity layers to match the volume from your other sources. If it's in a SONAR track, the volume will be set by CC7, which by default is limited to -12db, but that can be configured to taste. Click on the wrench, then on "instrument options", go to the Controller tab to change it.
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Re:Sampletekk 50% off sale this weekend
May 15, 11 6:51 PM
BTW, I've been saying the Old Lady has 10 velocity layers, based on the sampletekk site's product description. However, the pdf says it has 12 layers (like Ivory!), which does in fact turn out to be the case. I have, however, noticed that on my keyboard it is virtually impossible to activate the lowest velocity level (1-10). Makes me wonder if that many velocity layers are really needed, if there is some point of diminishing returns. Or if they should be arrayed differently, so that there are more layers within the range where most players spend most of their time.
post edited by bitflipper - May 15, 11 7:53 PM
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Re:Sampletekk 50% off sale this weekend
May 16, 11 12:53 AM
bitflipper How does it compare in volume to the bundled Kontakt pianos? Kontakt libraries generally tend to conservative with the amount of headroom, usually leaving a good 12db or more. It sounds like you're having to push it into the top velocity layers to match the volume from your other sources. If it's in a SONAR track, the volume will be set by CC7, which by default is limited to -12db, but that can be configured to taste. Click on the wrench, then on "instrument options", go to the Controller tab to change it. I compared Old Lady to the Kontakt factory library Concert Grand. As expected, the Concert Grand increases in volume linearly from the lowest velocity layer to the highest. Old Lady is inconsistent: In the lowest velocity it’s louder than Concert Grand, as the velocity increases it gets softer than Concert Grand, then louder again. Something else I noticed with Old Lady: in nearly every velocity layer, as it plays through the scale, the volume decreases noticeably as it plays from the lower notes to the higher notes, while Concert Grand volume remains consistent throughout the scale on each layer. Concerning the CC7 volume, I checked each test instrument: Vertikal Pop and Old Lady are already set to +12dB. NI Upright Piano and Concert Grand are set to -6dB. Per just sent me an updated nki for Vertikal Pop which sounds and plays much better than the purchased ones. This one is quite usable. I’ll ask him what changes he made to it. I have to add, hats off to Per. He’s been very helpful in trying to resolve these problems. I have, however, noticed that on my keyboard it is virtually impossible to activate the lowest velocity level (1-10). Makes me wonder if that many velocity layers are really needed, if there is some point of diminishing returns. Or if they should be arrayed differently, so that there are more layers within the range where most players spend most of their time. With the problems I've had, I've been wondering that myself.
post edited by jma - May 16, 11 12:55 AM
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Re:Sampletekk 50% off sale this weekend
May 16, 11 1:56 PM
I bought the White Grand Jr., and I'm stunned at how great it sounds and how nice it is to play. I own the NI Pianos, Truepianos (all modules), some Sampletank pianos, and a couple of other Kontakt pianos....and I think this one takes the cake on nailing that pop piano sound. Very playable and a fantastic sound exactly what I was looking for. I liked it so much I decided to pick up the Black Grand Close piano. After playing it, I realized that I probably should've saved the dough instead of buying...it sounds good, but at this point, I don't like it nearly as much as the White Grand. I does have a good dynamic range, but I think it's going to need some work to "feel right" with my keyboard controller. It does at least come with 10 different Kontakt patches with varying numbers of velocity layers....some with a more mellow feel (without the top velocity layers) and some with a brighter feel (without the bottom velocity layers). Long story short, the White Grand Jr. is incredible...and I suspect the full White Grand is as well.
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Re:Sampletekk 50% off sale this weekend
May 16, 11 2:51 PM
Curiously, the Old Lady should be much more precise than most because the sampled piano was outfitted with a computer-controlled player that could hit each key with 1,000 precise velocity levels. This should have made it easy to map the layers with great precision. The mistake, I suspect, is that the velocity layers are uniformly distributed from min to max. Human players probably spend most of their time in the middle third of them and only rarely go all the way to the maximum or spend any time down at the lightest layers. Consequently, only a subset of the available velocity layers actually get used. The whole idea of increasing the number of layers is to make the transition from one to the next more transparent, to better emulate the natural continuum of an acoustic instrument. How the layers are mapped would seem to be as crucial as the layers themselves. As SmokeyJ alludes above, these libraries come with alternate mappings. The Old Lady includes 17 nki and nkm files, including the Kontakt 2 version. Some of these are meant to be lighter-weight versions with fewer samples, but some appear to be for alternate tonalities, as suggested by their names (e.g. "old lady bright saturation.nkm"). While experimenting with the Old Lady, I discovered that I could tweak the tone after the performance by using the velocity offset slider in the MIDI track. Since I tend to play with a heavy hand, biasing the velocity downward had the effect of softening the sound and making it more Steinway-ish. As a result of this, I intend to experiment with some alternate mappings and see if I can improve the feel and playability of the instrument. Before doing that, I need to spend more time with the stock map and get used to its character. Plus it's a good excuse to just sit and play.
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Re:Sampletekk 50% off sale this weekend
May 16, 11 3:41 PM
Been getting acquainted with the Old Lady... On examination of alternate nkm's for the Old Lady, I realized that there are significant sonic differences between them, even though they all share the same samples. I guess it reveals my lack of experience with samplers, but I was surprised at how much variation you can get by altering velocity maps. The one I'd been using initially ("OLD LADY #7.nkm") was linearly distributed, with 12 layers. It sounded best when played lightly, especially the lowest third of the keyboard. When I switched to "full old lady by clau67 v7_1.nkm", I found it a little more natural-feeling/sounding. It has only 9 layers and they are somewhat weighted toward the upper velocities. It is less dynamic and brighter-sounding. It was easier to play but I didn't like sound of the low notes as well. "old lady Dyn Bright.nkm" has only 7 layers and they are not uniformly distributed - the upper half of the dynamic range is represented by 4.5 layers, the lower half by 2.5 layers. Low notes are a little boomy, but this nkm might be better suited for rock and pop because (despite the name) it's less dynamic, which is a good thing in a dense mix. "Old Lady V5_00 by XB.nkm" is a 7-layer instrument mapped similarly to "Dyn Bright" as far as velocities, but with a great deal more complexity with samples. The white and black keys are separate instruments (!), as is the top octave. A mellower sound, I will try this one with a solo piano piece.
post edited by bitflipper - May 16, 11 3:44 PM
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Re:Sampletekk 50% off sale this weekend
May 16, 11 4:21 PM
Just heard back from Per. Regarding the updated nki he sent me, he said he changed the ratio for the velocity so the most quiet notes played a bit louder and he also tweaked the release samples a bit. And now it's time to finally go through those Kontakt tutorials that have been collecting dust on my hard drive...
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Re:Sampletekk 50% off sale this weekend
May 16, 11 4:26 PM
JMA, which version of Kontakt are you using? I have Old Lady on a machine with version 1.5 through 4, so I could see if there's something obvious going on...
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Re:Sampletekk 50% off sale this weekend
May 16, 11 4:38 PM
jma (I almost went with Rain but I noticed it's only 16 bit.) Don't let that stop you. A properly recorded and dithered 16-bit sample will sound as good as it's 24-bit counterpart, for most purposes. Samples used to be delivered in 16-bit format to control distribution size, loading time, system load, etc... then when native 24-bit became popular it was a format option... now 24-bit is standard. Plus the original Gigasampler 1.x/2.x didn't support 24-bit files, and rain piano is that old... In any case, most, if not all, of those higher-end 16-bit libs from the first half of the decade were recorded 24-bit and dithered to 16-bit using pro gear. If the demo sounds good to you, go for it...
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Re:Sampletekk 50% off sale this weekend
May 16, 11 5:20 PM
I'll second that opinion. Once you render them, they're all going to be 32-bit float anyway, with all the inherent benefits that implies for subsequent processing. Because I have to be conservative with RAM on my 4GB XP machine, I'll actually favor 16-bit samples over 24-bit whenever a choice is offered (e.g. Superior Drummer).
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Re:Sampletekk 50% off sale this weekend
May 16, 11 6:45 PM
keith JMA, which version of Kontakt are you using? I have Old Lady on a machine with version 1.5 through 4, so I could see if there's something obvious going on... Kontakt 4, but it's now a moot point. Per offered to let me swap Old Lady for the Black Grand, which I've just downloaded and I'm much happier with it. And thanks for the info on the 16 bit samples. I guess bigger isn't always better!
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Re:Sampletekk 50% off sale this weekend
May 16, 11 7:26 PM
Per's the bomb... nice guy... Though I'm still curious to load OL in K4, which I don't think I've really done yet.
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Re:Sampletekk 50% off sale this weekend
May 16, 11 9:33 PM
The multi works great here keith. Not sure about the individual programs yet.