Wow! I just caught up with this song, and it's impeccable. I've always loved this style but could never play it. I'm impressed with the LANDR master, though I'd be surprised if you couldn't do this yourself.
I'm real happy you like this song Lynn
Back when I recorded this song I wasn't trying to premaster any of my music on my own .
I fed LANDR my best mix of the song and I think it did a good job of mastering on this song .
Can I do better ? I would like to think so …for that to happen I would have to setup my studio …
Well I haven't heard anything by Emily Remler and don't know anything about her
but I can certainly feel your emotion about her in the music.
Very nicely done.
Bjron ,
When I first meet Emily I knew who she was yet I hadn't gotten into her music …
We hit it off Great as friends first , then we got into the music and playing the guitar together .
I'm glad it worked out that way because I might of turned into a guitar playing Bambi blinded by the headlights
I'm real content that I was able to convey and express my emotions about Emily in this song .
Thank You .
I was mesmerized many years ago when I first heard this song from Kenny. Such a beautiful texture and tone. I'm not a guitar player so my comments on the playing wouldn't have much merit, but all I know is the sound out of that guitar is impeccable. For me, this is a song that I just want to hear go on and on...
Hi Jeff,
You and I , We certainly go back a long time
I hear it all the time about people that write a good song on a napkin just to capture the inspiration of The Muse while in the heat of the moment …
This song may just be that type of thing for me .
I think I may have gotten Very Lucky to have been recording my playing at the time when In was doing this song …
At home , I play like this all the time just for my own satisfaction (while not recording )
So far to this date ,according to what ever stats I have read over the years .
This song is my most listened too song .
I may have to just accept that this is the type of sound and playing people would like me to continue releasing music as …
BTW , I used the same guitar I used for the this tune on your song The Cats Meow ….
Thanks Jeff
Well, the secret of a great mix is great playing, and holy moses, you certainly have that here. Really great work; there isn't a single thing I'd change. Not one thing.
Hi Kevin ,
When I recorded this song I knew there was something going on musically that was seeking expresssion .
I'm just glad I got out of my own way and let it do its thing .
I'm happy you enjoyed my song
all the best ,