Simulanalog - workaround

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2005/12/14 12:03:02 (permalink)

Simulanalog - workaround

Not sure if this has been mentioned yet. I made a search and found a lot of posts reporting problems with the Simulanalog guitar amp suite, but no hint to a solution other than using it with a 3rd party VST adapter.

Here's how to get the wet signal only:

- Insert the plug on a stereo track or bus
- Insert a send to a mono bus and pan the send hard left
- IMPORTANT: Set stereo track/bus output to none!
- You'll have the wet signal on the mono bus and can route it anywhere now like any "normal" mono signal

Background: Obviously Sonar does not allow routing the output from a stereo source to a mono bus, the source is always been switched to mono if there's a mono destination in the signal chain. But it will allow sends from stereo to mono.

Hope, it's helpful for anyone.

On a side note: How do you think the Simulanalog stuff compares to Amplitube soundwise? I never had to do with guitar amps in my life yet, but it seems to me that I can get pretty decent tones out of these freebies - well, once I've learned how to tweak them...

post edited by dreamkeeper - 2005/12/14 12:49:25

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    RE: Simulanalog - workaround 2005/12/14 12:10:41 (permalink)
    Still haven't listened to Amplitube, but I think the Simulanalog sounds very good. They are a lot less ambitious though - 2 amps, much less configurable.

    Still... FREE! Gotta love VST, man.
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    RE: Simulanalog - workaround 2005/12/14 12:32:54 (permalink)

    Simulanalog = good
    Amplitube = bad
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