Some old-Sonar-user perspectives beginning to get over the top in here

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2010/12/31 17:11:30 (permalink)

Some old-Sonar-user perspectives beginning to get over the top in here

Old-Sonar-user concerns, from understandable frustration up to plain nostalgia, are really getting over the top in this forum from my view, and I guess not only from mine.
I have casually been using older Sonar versions for some interesting features. But in the end, they did not get me away from my standard DAW.

X1 did. And I am sure the switch from my old DAW will last for a while this time, if Cakewalk is serious with quick bug fixing and some other issues.
I do not object any form of deserved criticism, will never become a fanboy of anything, and really try hard to feel compassion for anyone coming from older Sonar versions and running into problems
a)      finding older bugs unfixed
b)      missing anything essential from older versions (it is still only partly clear to me, what that is - and what really isn’t, just because someone has not yet gotten used enough to X1 to “translate” some kind of old use in a proper way to new ways of doing things)
I notice how I as a relatively new “full” Sonar user (X1) am really getting fed up and more impatient from day to day with the way, in which users of older versions jump into each and every (!!!) thread, just to let everyone take part in their endless diatribes about this and that missing or – even more – never ending telling us how hard it is not to get back the environment look and feel they once were used to.
I ask: Why don’t they just write their own threads and put up neat long lists of things they have become used to and are missing now. I wouldn’t have a problem with that, and I like the way a few did (especially in the 8.5->9 propositions thread).
Instead many long time users seem to get provoked in no time by the mere appearance of a positive thread title from a lonely thrilled and joyful X1 user, who is merely trying to share his or her use of the program while working some way into it. It just seems not possible to have that stand in it’s own right here, SIDE BY SIDE with completely legitimate critical threads (and I’m an enemy of jumping too positively into such critical threads for the same reason: of just not being able to bear the other view as well)
A German writer who wasn’t bad in observing human everyday habits, Kurt Tucholsky, once wrote about learning, that it is hard to achieve, but once someone has learned something, no matter how irrelevant or freaky or even wrong it may have been, he or she will proudly stick to it, no matter what. That came to my mind in this forum more than once.
To me reading here sometimes feels, how can I express it, like: if Sonar 8.5 had to be used with a cramp on your nose, people would complain that they couldn’t download that on the fly, and after getting it packaged days later (one terrible Christmas week without the cramp nose feel!), they would complain that the older cramp left deeper marks on the nose than the new one does.
Can’t we agree to leave the original intention of a thread – with a grain of salt – all in all as it was intended and jump with critical remarks into critical threads, with euphoric experiences into similar ones, and with plain nostalgia into nostalgia exchange as well?  
Sorry to speak out so clear cut: I don’t intend personal attacks, but I urgently need some fresh air in here!

post edited by jimknopf - 2010/12/31 17:26:05

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    Re:Some old-Sonar-user perspectives beginning to get over the top in here 2010/12/31 17:18:56 (permalink)
    I normally leave the room if I need fresh air ... :-)

    Happy New Year !!
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    Re:Some old-Sonar-user perspectives beginning to get over the top in here 2010/12/31 17:24:09 (permalink)
    And I open a window if I have a reason to stay in the room!

    Happy New Year to you and everybody as well!

    post edited by jimknopf - 2010/12/31 17:26:42
    Stone House Studios
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    Re:Some old-Sonar-user perspectives beginning to get over the top in here 2010/12/31 17:30:00 (permalink)
    You make a good point -- it truly isn't funny or helpful for the happy X1 user to be told that he must be a fanboy or obviously not a heavy user. This too shall pass!

    Happy New Year!

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    Re:Some old-Sonar-user perspectives beginning to get over the top in here 2010/12/31 17:35:10 (permalink)
    Jim -

    It sounds like you are representing yourself as an experienced DAW-user who has chosen to use SONAR X1 for serious work going forward.

    As a long-time SONAR user, Welcome! I hope you discover and enjoy all the excellent features and tools that SONAR brings to the studio.

    You're right: you probably won't experience the degree of frustration with work-flow changes or seemingly strange UI changes that some of us do.

    However, here's what I think you will find frustration with:

    UI bugs:
    Inevitably with such a large amount of newly written "skylight" code, there are many bugs in the user interface: visual glitches; hot-keys not working; drag-and-drop inconsistencies; docking-related problems, etc. These are frustrating but I have hope that they will be addressed in as timely a fashion as Cakewalk can manage, via free patch updates.

    Engine bugs: 
    There are probably fewer of these, but they do exist. Some of them are carry-overs from previous versions and this certainly produces frustration in old-time users who had hope that these would be addressed in "the next version". If you stick with SONAR, you'll probably be included in that group when X2 comes out - complete with some bugs carried over from X1. (Here's hoping it's a tiny, insignificant number.)

    Illogical design decisions: 
    This is what I personally find most frustrating. It may take you some time to recognize them, and even then they may not irritate you as much as some other people, myself included. But they do exist, and folks here on the forums are pointing them out, partly for validation (i.e. "am I the only one who..") and partly to see if there is a consensus as to whether they constitute a bug or not.

    So, to wrap up: again, Welcome! Please don't be afraid to post feature requests or bug reports using the web pages that Cakewalk has provided. It's true that "the squeaky wheel gets the oil".
    The Maillard Reaction
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    Re:Some old-Sonar-user perspectives beginning to get over the top in here 2010/12/31 18:14:18 (permalink)

    Perhaps I am a worst offender,

    It is simply that when Cakewalk sold us v8 the input echo for record didn't work... absolute deal killer... and people said "oh I love it".

    I forget what happened in was patched very quickly at first, but 8.5.3 broke set measure at now... so another deal killer so I could not enjoy the benefit of the things 8.5.3 did fix in 8.5.

    Now in X1 Cakewalk sent out a 5th generation of Audio Snap and it doesn't actually *snap*... absolute deal killer and people are saying "oh I love it".

    I'll be moving back into my I could care less mode within the next week or two...

    Hang in there my friend.

    You are of course correct that the behavior is unsavory... my persoal choice at the moment is to walk away from $2580 worth of upgrading and thousands of hours of experience just because too many people say "oh I love it" rather than demand that Cakewalk make a habit of doing it right the first time.

    I could have waited 6 months... but whatever bugs they don't fix by next Dec... will never be fixed and it will time to upgrade again... so I just buy it asap and wait until it's usable. It is the exact same cycle each and every year.

    It's ugly... but honestly, the customers did not set the stage... we are just playing out the 2nd Act.

    I thank you for you personal contribution of reasonable commentary regarding both the negative comments and the positive comments.

    I hope you have a great New Year.

    best regards,

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    Re:Some old-Sonar-user perspectives beginning to get over the top in here 2010/12/31 18:21:20 (permalink)

    I normally leave the room if I need fresh air ... :-)

    Happy New Year !!

    I fart first and then leave the room !!
    Happy New Year as well!!!

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    Re:Some old-Sonar-user perspectives beginning to get over the top in here 2010/12/31 18:28:53 (permalink)
    The original posters thoughts were very similar to an earlier response I made to the thread:
    I actually think X1 is a fantastic improvement, anyone else? In it I made the following observation:

    "Despite my feelings, I understand others concerns as how one uses a tool is a very personal thing and if how you use it is somehow impacted, you have every right to voice concerns.  Every users opinion is at the very least valid to the one voicing it, but some seem to think they somehow speak for "the vast majority", or the "more knowledgeable minority" and threads with concerns quickly degrade into multi page noise where the initial concern is lost and replaced with people cross posting concerns or praises unrelated to the original posters issue.  Just like valid praise that becomes a form of fanboi-ism when stated too many times, valid concerns quickly become grumpy rants when repeated across every thread someone posts in regardless of the original topic.  Imagine being a developer or company support person tasked with filtering the wheat from the chaff from this forum - I can understand the feeling of throwing up ones hands."

    Guess what - right after I made the observation that there certainly is a lot of cross posting of issues going on without concern to the original topic of the thread which in this case was obviously for folks that feel X1 is a pretty nice release someone took the opportunity to post not praise, not what they liked about the product, but concerns about X1 that have been mentioned in threads specifically for those problems.

    So to the OP - I feel your pain.  But I also want to note that in the quote above I recognize that real users have real problems that have impacted how they use Sonar, but just like praise becoming fanboi-ism very quickly when one cannot see that perhaps something is wrong for someone, repeating ones concerns in threads not related to your problem starts to make this forum a very unpleasant place to try and garner real tips or methods that would help users navigate their way through this new release.

    I hope the new year will bring the Cakewalk staff back to full and allow for some answers and possible moderation to the unwieldy threads that become argumentative back and forths with little solutions or useful information.

    Happy New year all!
    post edited by Jind - 2010/12/31 20:01:41

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    Re:Some old-Sonar-user perspectives beginning to get over the top in here 2010/12/31 18:57:13 (permalink)
    @stone house studios:
    come on, that's a too cheap hit below the belt.
    You don't seriously think that I now begin to try to look like an at least SOMEWHAT experienced user, or try to rub off a fanboy allegation? ;-)
    Happy new year as well!

    everybody seriously using X1 will make this double-edged experience:
    - in part being glad how well an early version can be working even with bigger projects (see some posts on the forum: not just a guess from recording nothing but single tracks and doing nothing serious)
    - in part running into exactly those problems and glitches you described
    If I don't talk so much about my share here, it's
    a) because all in all I'm much more happy than unhappy with X1 despite the obvious problems and shortcomings
    b) because I don't have the feeling this is missing in the forum right now

    I already thought that you might misunderstand my complaint as hinting especially at you.
    This is not the case. I get by well with many of your observations and respect experience from you and everyone.
    What I don't like is when you get carried away by anger, or when others hide behind your statements just to hit the same nail one millimeter deeper into the wall.

    But my main point isn't all that, and does not even aim at single persons (I would name it, if it were that).
    It is rather an attitude represented by a group of well established persons in here.
    My concern is just to be able to share positive experiences and impressions about X1, without being stopped on the first page by well known "but"s in sharp form.

    I feel the same for critical threads from you (or others). I would not want to jump into your critical thread just for the sake of saying just the opposite, like "all is well and fine with X1, and problems are probably fantasy or missing X1 experience". Instead I would perhaps try to add a balanced reply, hopefully not turning the thread into a mixed bag of everting, as it happened. That was not cool, and not fair in this forum towards your intention either, and I'm not sure if I didn't add to the distraction from some point onward.

    In short, aimed at beavior and not at single persons:
    I would enjoy, if both views (both are based in reality and user experience) could stand side by side in a more open way, without too much jumping in on each other. It's often a bit funny and kidding provoking each other first, but soon gets nasty and out of proportion.

    If it's informative, I will enjoy reading it: also about each and every unnerving bug and other issues. but let's keep things apart not to drown in frustration and anger. I will mainly do so to be able to use a hot new program with perspective (I'm VERY convinced of the latter): I'm just hot to make music with a tool I happen to like in it's basic design.
    post edited by jimknopf - 2010/12/31 19:19:55
    Positively Charged
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    Re:Some old-Sonar-user perspectives beginning to get over the top in here 2010/12/31 18:58:35 (permalink)
    Okay, I'm not gonna read ANY of the posts describing how the OP is right or wrong.  I'm just going to put this in here so that some of you will know why I've been trying to focus on problems and solutions and nothing else.

    My vacation is over on Monday.  I'm back to work at my 50-hour job plus personal responsibilities.  I will not have a lot of time for Sonar then.

    I will no longer have hours-on-end available to learn X1.  That is why I am scurrying to learn what I can and use this forum to the best of my ability without partaking in these soap operatic love/hate threads. 

    And that is why I get frustrated when a can-do thread begins to take on the look and feel of a love/hate thread.  Opinions are opinions, and we all have the right to them.  But, with X1B and then someday X2 (or X1V2, or whatever), our "today opinions" will no doubt change.

    So "today," I don't care who thinks X1 is great, and I don't care who thinks it is terrible.  It's not gonna matter in six months.  In the meantime, I have decided to use it going forward, as a companion to Cubase.  I will not be using 8.5, and that's only because of time and resource constraints.  But mind you, when somebody says "go back to 8.5", that is not helpful to me or to somebody else who has decided to forge forward through a problem.

    Yes, for people who have nothing but problems, and for people who are in a morose catatonic state from their buttons, functions, or cheese being moved, then maybe they should revert to 8.5.  That is an assessment that each person needs to make on his/her own accord.

    But for some poor schmuck who reports an issue, to be told to go back to 8.5 is not a good use of this forum, even if it is done in humor or jest.  Such answers only serve to waste the problem-reporter's time, and it wastes everybody else's time, too.

    As a digression - I'd like to note that I am recognizing some internal design techniques in X1 that I think will serve Cakewalk and users well for many years to come.  But it is a huge undertaking, requiring a total rethinking of the underpinnings.  For that reason, I don't think Cakewalk could have possibly considered maintaining two separate code streams. 

    No way, it would be too expensive.  But if my hunch is correct, this IS the best way forward for many versions to come.  The road is just bumpy right now, because some of it has not yet been paved and some of what is paved still has potholes and bugs.

    But I've given this due consideration, and this is the decision I have made.  I'm moving forward.  And I will support Cakewalk in their effort because I don't believe I've been ripped off.  I do believe that the code and interface changes have been made in an attempt to position Sonar for the future, and so far, only some of it shows on the surface.

    I could be wrong.  But that will come to light in due time.

    I thank those of you who understand my (and others like me who) need to focus on problems and solutions.

    Now.   It's time to get ready for New Year's Eve.  Be safe everybody, and have a happy and prosperous 2011.
    The Maillard Reaction
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    Re:Some old-Sonar-user perspectives beginning to get over the top in here 2010/12/31 19:07:25 (permalink)
    Thanks for elaborating Jim.

    You make good sense.

    all the best,

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    Re:Some old-Sonar-user perspectives beginning to get over the top in here 2010/12/31 19:14:15 (permalink)
    it was exactly your thread, which repeated the described kind of experience once more, that caused me to pronounce my concern. ;-)
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    Re:Some old-Sonar-user perspectives beginning to get over the top in here 2010/12/31 19:15:38 (permalink)
    Excellent thread and much needed. Thanks Jim.

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    Re:Some old-Sonar-user perspectives beginning to get over the top in here 2010/12/31 19:33:43 (permalink)
    @stone house studios:
    come on, that's a too cheap hit below the belt. You don't seriously think that I now begin to try to look like an at least SOMEWHAT experienced user, or try to rub off a fanboy allegation? ;-) Happy new year as well!

    Umm . . . .yes, er I mean no?   I thought I was agreeing with you!
    (Where's the "I can't get a good read on this" emoticon?)
    Happy New year!

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    Re:Some old-Sonar-user perspectives beginning to get over the top in here 2010/12/31 20:55:46 (permalink)
    Stone House,

    there's so much irony floating around in the forums, that maybe I read irony into your post where it wasn't intended.

    Now that I read your post again, I can see it two ways: serious or ironic.
    Seems I got it wrong, sorry ;-)

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    Re:Some old-Sonar-user perspectives beginning to get over the top in here 2010/12/31 20:59:00 (permalink)
    Positively Charged

    Okay, I'm not gonna read ANY of the posts describing how the OP is right or wrong.  I'm just going to put this in here so that some of you will know why I've been trying to focus on problems and solutions and nothing else.

    My vacation is over on Monday.  I'm back to work at my 50-hour job plus personal responsibilities.  I will not have a lot of time for Sonar then.

    I will no longer have hours-on-end available to learn X1.  That is why I am scurrying to learn what I can and use this forum to the best of my ability without partaking in these soap operatic love/hate threads. 

    And that is why I get frustrated when a can-do thread begins to take on the look and feel of a love/hate thread.  Opinions are opinions, and we all have the right to them.  But, with X1B and then someday X2 (or X1V2, or whatever), our "today opinions" will no doubt change.

    So "today," I don't care who thinks X1 is great, and I don't care who thinks it is terrible.  It's not gonna matter in six months.  In the meantime, I have decided to use it going forward, as a companion to Cubase.  I will not be using 8.5, and that's only because of time and resource constraints.  But mind you, when somebody says "go back to 8.5", that is not helpful to me or to somebody else who has decided to forge forward through a problem.

    Yes, for people who have nothing but problems, and for people who are in a morose catatonic state from their buttons, functions, or cheese being moved, then maybe they should revert to 8.5.  That is an assessment that each person needs to make on his/her own accord.

    But for some poor schmuck who reports an issue, to be told to go back to 8.5 is not a good use of this forum, even if it is done in humor or jest.  Such answers only serve to waste the problem-reporter's time, and it wastes everybody else's time, too.

    As a digression - I'd like to note that I am recognizing some internal design techniques in X1 that I think will serve Cakewalk and users well for many years to come.  But it is a huge undertaking, requiring a total rethinking of the underpinnings.  For that reason, I don't think Cakewalk could have possibly considered maintaining two separate code streams. 

    No way, it would be too expensive.  But if my hunch is correct, this IS the best way forward for many versions to come.  The road is just bumpy right now, because some of it has not yet been paved and some of what is paved still has potholes and bugs.

    But I've given this due consideration, and this is the decision I have made.  I'm moving forward.  And I will support Cakewalk in their effort because I don't believe I've been ripped off.  I do believe that the code and interface changes have been made in an attempt to position Sonar for the future, and so far, only some of it shows on the surface.

    I could be wrong.  But that will come to light in due time.

    I thank those of you who understand my (and others like me who) need to focus on problems and solutions.

    Now.   It's time to get ready for New Year's Eve.  Be safe everybody, and have a happy and prosperous 2011.

    I'm going back to the previous version of this Forum software where I could say who my response was to, without having to quote (any part) the post I was referring to.

    Anyone want to join me?

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    Re:Some old-Sonar-user perspectives beginning to get over the top in here 2010/12/31 23:41:19 (permalink)
    Anyone want to join me?

    Not lookin' like that dude/chick/whatever a Bapu is!
    Happy New Year!

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    Re:Some old-Sonar-user perspectives beginning to get over the top in here 2011/01/01 00:47:28 (permalink)
    Good post Pos-Charged!!!

    I am liking X1 and will stick with it.

    Happy New Year All!


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    Re:Some old-Sonar-user perspectives beginning to get over the top in here 2011/01/01 01:21:47 (permalink)
    One thing for me is I am completely fascinated by X1.

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    Re:Some old-Sonar-user perspectives beginning to get over the top in here 2011/01/01 03:13:45 (permalink)

    One thing for me is I am completely fascinated by X1.

    Did you get it yet? You won't be disapointed John I don't think. The more I play with it the more I like it. In fact really liking it. I can see where CW is going with this.


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    Re:Some old-Sonar-user perspectives beginning to get over the top in here 2011/01/01 03:27:03 (permalink)
    I've always been an early adopter of each SONAR version.
    I never use it in production work however until I've learned it thoroughly and its stable on my system.
    that process may take 2, 3 or even 4 months during which time I will have had enough time to learn the new features, cakewalk will have shaken out the major bugs and I will have decided that that version is now fit for DAW use.
    In the past from version to version the changes have been relatively subtle and its been a specific new tool or plugin that has taken time to learn with little else different to have to cope with so its been a predictable and gradual and relatively smooth process.
    With X1 the change is I'm sure no one will disagree not subtle at all. Its very in your face and is anything but a gradual change from a previous version.
    So as one who perhaps has been negative about X1 and maybe brought it up in one thread too many i just want to say that I WANT X1 to work for everyone including me. I don't want to have to learn a new DAW. Like many others have said the investment in time and money is quite large over the last 15 years or so.

    I enjoy the positive threads and its not the first time someone has pointed out this release cycle that I'm usually the no problems here poster. Unfortunately that's not me this year but in any case my continued use of SONAR is purely a production decision and not based on anything but SONAR's usefullness to me.
    Nonetheless a history with this forum and SONAR does give you a perspective that a newer user or forum member might not understand and that's only life I guess. 

    To the happy use who can't see a problem that's fair enough too but the fact that some are having legitimate problems needs to be taken into consideration as one of the many factors in uncovering bugs can be how deeply one uses SONAR and of course a myriad ither things.

    just be patient with us and remember that even though we're whinging we're still helping people out with all sorts of stuff that may not be X1 specific or as it turns out because I am looking at X1 I already know quite a bit about it. Even though it might not fit me like a glove yet I wouldn't hold back in helping someone get over a hurdle or discuss a production technique that might be universal not DAW specific.

    I hope I haven't gone off the original intent of this thread and derailed it somehow.

    Mike V. (MUDGEL)

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