Sonar 5 broken piano roll view?

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2005/12/12 16:30:51 (permalink)

Sonar 5 broken piano roll view?

There are certain things that Cakewalk should not have fixed in Sonar 5, because they were never broken. Some of these things are in piano roll view:

1. Sonar 4 had a cursor position / coordinate indicator in the upper left corner of the piano roll view. In S5 this is now replaced with the midi controler selection box, which used to be in the lower left corner. The lower left corner is now empty wasted space.

2. A little edit handle has been added to the midi controlers in the controlers pane. That makes it a pain to re-draw the controlers with he pencil tool. as the mouse always grab one of the handles and start dragging it around instead of drawing a new curve by free hand

3. In S4 I was able to drag the controlers pane upwards to allow me to draw from below the zero point in the controlers pane. That made it very easy to draw in fade in and fade out curves by mouse. In S5 this has now been disabled and dragging the controlers pane upwards will enlarge the pane. This in itself in nice, but it would have been nice if cake allowed at least a small space below the zero point.

4. The most irritating one: In S4 when I changed the snap to grid setting (e.g. from quarter notes to 16th notes), the grid display would have changed in symphathy. Now in S5 I have to change the display setting seperately.

While I'm listing things, in the track pane Cakewalk added the track templates. One thing they forgot to save with track templates are the track folders. It would have been nice if Sonar remembers to put all the newly created tracks inside the track folders as specified when creating the template. The templates are a real valuable addition to S5. Just a pitty it does not work entirely as expected.
post edited by Sepheritoh - 2005/12/12 16:35:17

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