Sonar 8 question

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September 30, 08 1:24 AM (permalink)

Sonar 8 question

I am using a "fader" called the Frontier Alphatrack with my current DAW Reaper. I plan on making the switch to Sonar 8 shortly after it is available and I'm hoping my Alphatrack will work with version 8. I checked the Frontier web site and it does say that the Alphatrack is supported with Sonar 6, however I don't know if version 7 supports the Alphatrack. Does anyone know if version 7 supports the Alphatrack? If so I would assume that Calkwalk would include support in version 8.

PS. It's been a while since I've been here....when did Roland buy Cakewalk?

Thanks for the help

Windows 7 64-bit, i7 2.93 GHz, EP45-DS3R Mother Board 2GB ram, 2 sata 500GB drives, M-Audio ProFire 610, Sonar 8PE, Alpha Track, Mpc 2500

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    RE: Sonar 8 question September 30, 08 2:24 AM (permalink)
    Yes, I use the Alphatrack with Sonar 7. Got it initially when I have Sonar 6. Works great.
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    RE: Sonar 8 question September 30, 08 2:43 AM (permalink)
    anything sonar supports in earlier versions pretty much stays that way

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