Re: Sonar outputting incorrect Now Time to VST after time Signature change
2018/07/23 21:43:10
Looks like someone recalculated measure boundaries when the time sig went from 5/4 to 6/4.
30 measures @ 5/4 is 150 beats,
then 150 beats @ 6/4 is suddenly 25 measures.
The next measure @ 5/4 is 31, the next measure @ 6/4 is 26. Bug, but is it in both VSTs or is Sonar giving a different measure to the VSTs from what it uses for itself?
Do the VSTs need to be told by the user when there is to be a meter change or does the API provide for that I wonder?
Anything different happen when you start playback @ measure 31?
W10 pro, Sonar Platinum, Alesis Multimix 16 FW, MOTU Express 128, Gigabyte Z370 HD3P, i7 8700K, 16 Gigs, ssd + 2 X 2T disks, D50-MEX, JV80, A90EX, M1REX