Song For Dianna. Rough Demo

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October 26, 11 10:17 AM (permalink)

Song For Dianna. Rough Demo

Hello all.
Here is my first song posting. It's a rough demo of my new song I wrote for my life partner, Dianna.
It has Travis picking and some harp at the intro.
I will post the full song when I finish it.
Comments and feedback are very welcome. I recorded this in Sonar X1c, using my Takemine G-Series acoustic guitar, recorded through my Rode NT-2 Mic, I also recorded the vocals and harp the same way.
You can hear that it's very Dylan inspired!
Hope you all enjoy it!
Song is here:
post edited by tonydean - October 26, 11 11:59 AM

Intel Core i7 920, 8GB DDR3 1600 RAM, Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit, Dual screen,   Sonar X3e, Producer64bit, BFD2 64bit with Andy Johns
Waves Mercury, M-Audio Profire 610, Fender Strat Guitar, Cole Clark, Angel 2 Acoustic, Takamine G-Series Acoustic Guitar
Jackson Skulls Guitar, Rode NT-2 Condenser Mic
2 TB, Samsung pro840 256 gig SSD, USB 3.0 WD external HD, Sonar V-Studio 700c.

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    Re:Song For Dianna. Rough Demo October 26, 11 12:40 AM (permalink)
    Hi Tony, this certainly Dylanesque ; ), Nice Vocals, guitar sounds very thin though. If I may make a suggestion about your Travis picking, I wouldn't play the melody notes twice throughout the song. I personally play my picking pattern on the g and b strings, with alternating basses, and keep the e string for my melody notes, gives it a bit more swing.; )

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    Re:Song For Dianna. Rough Demo October 26, 11 2:45 PM (permalink)
    Hi Rik,

    Thanks for sharing your tips, always helpful. I was thinking about the recording, didn't aim the mic close enough to the sound hole, which is why it was a bit thin. Thanks for the tip about the picking too!

    Intel Core i7 920, 8GB DDR3 1600 RAM, Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit, Dual screen,   Sonar X3e, Producer64bit, BFD2 64bit with Andy Johns
    Waves Mercury, M-Audio Profire 610, Fender Strat Guitar, Cole Clark, Angel 2 Acoustic, Takamine G-Series Acoustic Guitar
    Jackson Skulls Guitar, Rode NT-2 Condenser Mic
    2 TB, Samsung pro840 256 gig SSD, USB 3.0 WD external HD, Sonar V-Studio 700c.
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    Re:Song For Dianna. Rough Demo October 26, 11 3:43 PM (permalink)

    Nice song, and, very Dylanesque, except you're a better singer;)  Dianna will love it...
    Max Output Level: -87 dBFS
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    Re:Song For Dianna. Rough Demo October 26, 11 5:20 PM (permalink)
    Thanks Mark!

    Intel Core i7 920, 8GB DDR3 1600 RAM, Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit, Dual screen,   Sonar X3e, Producer64bit, BFD2 64bit with Andy Johns
    Waves Mercury, M-Audio Profire 610, Fender Strat Guitar, Cole Clark, Angel 2 Acoustic, Takamine G-Series Acoustic Guitar
    Jackson Skulls Guitar, Rode NT-2 Condenser Mic
    2 TB, Samsung pro840 256 gig SSD, USB 3.0 WD external HD, Sonar V-Studio 700c.
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