Song- Its Just The Same

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2011/08/08 01:00:26 (permalink)

Song- Its Just The Same

  If you are a veteran mixer /engineer,or a listener...and would care to comment on this song please do. I used amplitube 3 and a  Laguna HSS to play the main parts . I used an LTD bass for the bass line. The vocals are mine. This is one of my first mixes with  the ARC program. I have a few ideas in mind for changes to this mix. I purposely avoided any corrections like audio snap in order to have a more  natural sound like a real band would sound.
 Updated mix and link-
post edited by Starise - 2011/08/08 10:11:05

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    Re:Song- Its Just The Same 2011/08/08 13:17:59 (permalink)
    Nice tune, but I think you've got some work cut out for you on the mix side.  The vocals are good, but sound muffled and seem to be sitting behind the guitar.  The drums need to be more present and dynamic, as I wasn't feeling the snare and kick the way I'd have expected to on a nice rocker like this.

    You might try PM'ing Bapu or Danny Danzi, as both of them have some experience with ARC whic, IIRC was a little tricky to get all set up and operating optimally for your room.

    I think you have the makings of something good here, and I'd stay with it.  Hopefully you'll get some comments from some of the folks with more enginerring/producing experience than me.
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    Re:Song- Its Just The Same 2011/08/08 15:10:15 (permalink)
    There's a great piece of music in there fighting to get out! On my speakers, it sounds like everything is on top of each other and there is a lot of frequency interference. Are you panning? Widening the mix with panning would I am sure make a big difference.

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    Re:Song- Its Just The Same 2011/08/08 18:13:35 (permalink)
    Have to agree with the comments so far - mix definitely needs some work yet, but the tune is good. I'd be interested to hear what it sounds like without ARC as it doesn't sound like it's doing you any favours at the moment. BTW, I'm no kind of expert, just a listener. Good advice to contact DD from PhilZ there - very helpful guy for sure.
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    Re:Song- Its Just The Same 2011/08/08 20:03:40 (permalink)
     Thanks guys for your comments. I am not happy with the mix either, but I'm not giving up!  I have tried EQing and differing amounts of compression to no avail. I was also not happy with the overall level of volume. I actually toned down the drums because they ruled the mix. I probably over shot on that one.

     There is a guy right down the road from me who owns a PT studio. I might give him a shout and maybe he can tell me what I need to do. If not I can always give some of the folks on here a shout too.Thanks.  I have played for awhile but the whole engineering/mixing thing needs work.
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    Re:Song- Its Just The Same 2011/08/08 20:28:17 (permalink)
    I don't know if it will help but I downloaded Just the Same and did a frequency analysis of it in Adobe Audition. I put in a few objects to point out where some problem areas may lie.

    post edited by Chappel - 2011/08/08 20:30:19
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