Re: Soundtoys free Primal tap delay plugin
2014/03/14 18:49:32
Second verify your experience from my experience.
No I-Lok dongle required but need I-Lok verification via Pace. Caused a mess here untill I rolled it back and got rid of the damnable destructive curse. Never even got the original "freeware" program to run. Just the collateral damage.
There are so many free and trusting, moral, unconstipated developers out there. We're in an era where about anything for thousands of dollars can be done for free. If it can't, there's something wrong with our inspirational ethic. Can't blame software any more for our creative or technology shortfalls.
As a conservative approach anymore, ask the devs what copyright protection they demand, up front and before shelling out the Yen.
If it's any more than a serial number or a key file, write them off. If the plug is to die for, make sure I have a warez crack in place first, but fewer are to die for any more.