Spectrum analyzer/Graphic equalizer to evaluate how MIDI tracks sound?

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June 03, 13 1:51 AM (permalink)

Spectrum analyzer/Graphic equalizer to evaluate how MIDI tracks sound?

I am working on ~20 midi tracks(orchestra) and I thought it would be good if I could look at the graphics of the music when all the midi vst instruments are played.

This way I thought I could visually see which frequency I need to strengthen or weaken and go on with midi eiditing.

But i still have a lot of midi editing left so it's not a good idea to convert midi tracks into audio..
Is there any way you could use Voxengo Span on say.. speakers or any other way around?

Or is there a decent stand alone software that can be used to visualize sound coming out of soundcard?

I'd appreciate any input:)..

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    Re:Spectrum analyzer/Graphic equalizer to evaluate how MIDI tracks sound? June 03, 13 1:59 AM (permalink)
    You could put the free voxengo span on the masterbus and it will show the cumulative effect of all tracks. Then you can solo each track to see what it looks like individually as the track plays back.

    Also the waveform preview button on the masterbus draws an approximation of the waveform in realtime and shows any overs too.

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    Re:Spectrum analyzer/Graphic equalizer to evaluate how MIDI tracks sound? June 03, 13 3:32 AM (permalink)
    hmm... Sorry but all I have are midi tracks... could you route midi tracks to a bus?

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    Re:Spectrum analyzer/Graphic equalizer to evaluate how MIDI tracks sound? June 03, 13 3:42 AM (permalink)
    You need to explain in a little more detail how you're setting things up.

    You cannot JUST have Midi tracks because Midi doesn't contain any audio information, it's just data. Something somewhere is generating your audio.

    Therefore you must have an associated audio track for each Midi track and this is where you'd insert the spectrum analyzer of your choice into the Audio track's Fx bin

    The only exceptions to this would be a) if you're running out into hardware synths or b) you're using Simple Instrument Tracks in which case there is still an Fx bin for your vst's

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    Re:Spectrum analyzer/Graphic equalizer to evaluate how MIDI tracks sound? June 03, 13 3:52 AM (permalink)
    Got it!! thanks a lot both of you~
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    Re:Spectrum analyzer/Graphic equalizer to evaluate how MIDI tracks sound? June 03, 13 5:11 AM (permalink)
    If youre using soft synth in each instrument you can check it with gliss or the newly released paid Span. 

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