Re:Stereo>mono messes your mix up, what do you do?
May 24, 11 6:20 PM
If you keep things literally centered on each track, and then pan them after you mix, then yeh, the pan laws would be important. Though, even if you have an appropriate pan law set, it's not perfect so you may still end up wanting to tweak once you pan them.
OTOH, if you just pan things where you want, start mixing, and at various points along the way use a sum'er plug, mono summer on your monitor controller, or mono speaker periodically to check for mono compatibility, then it's A) more convenient since you can always check any time you want, B) the pan law doesn't really matter than much since you are already panned on the individual tracks, and C) you can be sure that something you did in the subsequent mixing steps hasn't caused problems.
So, to me, that makes more sense, to have the abilty to check it any time you want/need, rather than having to check it only at the start and only being able to re-check it by undoing all of your panning.