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Studio Instruments wont record
Hi there, I haven't used MC 5.05 in a while and now the studio instruments wont record anymore. Recording from the soundcenter works just fine. I can listen to studio instruments from within MC and once I hit record it goes thru the motion of recording, the markers moves OK. Once I stop recording and hit play, there is nothing to play the marker doesn't even move. The driver is on MME, win 7sp1/32. Please advice
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Re:Studio Instruments wont record
July 05, 11 8:57 AM
I don;t use MC5 very much but you are recording the MIDI, not the audio for the Studio Instruments. If you are trying to set the recording on the audio track, with the synth in it, it will not record anything. You must record the midi data coming in. In Mc5 you have the option to have just one track showing or you can show both the audio(synth track) and the Midi (data) track. In MC4 I always have both tracks visible so I can see what is happening in the midi track. MC5 allows that view option as well.
My website & music: MC4/5/6/X1e.c, on a Custom DAW Focusrite Firewire Saffire Interface BMI/NSAI "Just as the blade chooses the warrior, so too, the song chooses the writer "
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Re:Studio Instruments wont record
July 05, 11 9:55 AM
we'll need more info from you, as guitarhacker is eluding to. technically you don't record the softsynths at all, you record MIDI and then you can bounce or freeze the audio from the output of the softsynth you're using, but you shouldn't be trying to "record" the softsynth, so exactly what are you doing and how are you doing it and what is not working?
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Re:Studio Instruments wont record
July 05, 11 11:56 AM
first time I tried to record the synths, I armed the audio track and wondered why nothing was captured when I obviously was hearing it in the speakers.... could be what's happening with you as well. easy mistake to make. More details will help us. Also... having MC5 display both the audio & midi track to start with might help a bit in understanding it.
post edited by Guitarhacker - July 05, 11 11:57 AM
My website & music: MC4/5/6/X1e.c, on a Custom DAW Focusrite Firewire Saffire Interface BMI/NSAI "Just as the blade chooses the warrior, so too, the song chooses the writer "
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Re:Studio Instruments wont record
July 05, 11 2:17 PM
Guitarhacker first time I tried to record the synths, I armed the audio track and wondered why nothing was captured when I obviously was hearing it in the speakers.... could be what's happening with you as well. easy mistake to make. More details will help us. Also... having MC5 display both the audio & midi track to start with might help a bit in understanding it. Thanks guys for the info. I guess that's what I'm doing too, arming the audio and wondering ;-) I'm just starting out and bouncing all over the help files rather unsuccessfully. How do I display the midi track, in "views" I have the track view which is already displayed. Viewing "Synth rack" doesn't do much either. Once I get the midi track displayed with your help, how do I record it? Thanks again
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Re:Studio Instruments wont record
July 05, 11 7:24 PM
what "MIDI track" are you trying to "display"? do you already have a MIDI track recorded? any MIDI tracks you have inserted into the project should show up in the track view. but it sounds like you don't know how to use softsynths. once you have a MIDI track inserted in the project, and then you insert a softsynth, you just set the OUTPUT of the MIDI track to the softsynth OUTPUT TRACK. depending on the softsynth you're using, you then load a sound (or a kit for SI Drums) and make sure you set the CHANNEL, BANK and PATCH on the MIDI track for that softsynth. but you don't need to "record" the output of the softsynth at all. it's already sending the audio into the output. you should work thru the tutorials in the help files, they have a lot of great info on how to use softsynths.
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Re:Studio Instruments wont record
July 05, 11 10:27 PM
Right-click in the Track pane and select Add MIDI Track, or Audio track, whatever you need. Or click the Insert button at the top and choose a soft synth. It will then insert a MIDI track and a soft synth track. Or select the Normal template from the pop-up when you open MC, or the MIDI only template, etc. But you can still add more MIDI and/or audio tracks if you wish.
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Re:Studio Instruments wont record
July 05, 11 11:15 PM
The way I do ALL me projects is to start with a new project and select the 8 track audio template. Then if I need a midi track, I insert it manually. It doesn't take very long to set up a synth manually entering 2 tracks manually. About 30 seconds or less. My web site shows how to install synths and connect the two tracks.
My website & music: MC4/5/6/X1e.c, on a Custom DAW Focusrite Firewire Saffire Interface BMI/NSAI "Just as the blade chooses the warrior, so too, the song chooses the writer "
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Re:Studio Instruments wont record
July 14, 11 2:48 PM
Hi there, so finally I got around playing with all your suggestions, thanks again for your help. As of now I am only using drum kit patterns, which I've learned I can just drag and drop to my tracks. For the other synths I have bought a midi controller which is recognized just fine and is "recordable" without any complaints. In another thread I read something about usb soundcards, since I just bought a UGM96 to use for my guitars and vocals. I haven't spent a lot of time on it yet, but the e-guitar has some latency problems and unwanted distortion. Any recommendation on a decent internal soundcard preferably without using an external mixer. Your expertise is much appreciated.
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Re:Studio Instruments wont record
July 14, 11 3:59 PM
go to my website - I have soundcard (both internal and external) recommendations there as well as mixer recommendations.
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Re:Studio Instruments wont record
July 16, 11 2:50 PM
Thanks Beagle for the wealth of information, quite an impressive site.
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Re:Studio Instruments wont record
July 16, 11 4:12 PM
you're welcome and thanks!