Syncing HD24 and Sonar with MTC and also transmitting MTC?

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February 04, 09 8:32 AM (permalink)

Syncing HD24 and Sonar with MTC and also transmitting MTC?

Hi guys,

Can someone please talk me through the process of sync'ing an HD24 with Sonar, but also transmitting MTC from the MIDI out of the Sonar PC?

The problem is that the HD24 only acts as an MTC master, not a slave, so Sonar cannot be the timecode master. I still need to transmit MTC (ie, pass "thru") and MIDI data from Sonar to another device.



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    RE: Syncing HD24 and Sonar with MTC and also transmitting MTC? February 04, 09 10:35 AM (permalink)
    ORIGINAL: FirmamentFX

    Hi guys,

    Can someone please talk me through the process of sync'ing an HD24 with Sonar, but also transmitting MTC from the MIDI out of the Sonar PC?

    The problem is that the HD24 only acts as an MTC master, not a slave, so Sonar cannot be the timecode master. I still need to transmit MTC (ie, pass "thru") and MIDI data from Sonar to another device.



    You shouldn't need Sonar to do anthing. The time code from the HD24 can go to more then one device. You just need a MIDI interface with a Thru connection or a MIDI Thru box that will pass MTC (make sure the model you buy does). I think this one would work.

    If the MIDI interface on your computer has a control panel check to see if you can echo in to out on it.

    Also, remember if Sonar is responding to time code you won't be able to do Chase Lock unless the Sonar project is just MIDI only. If there are any audio tracks you have to use Trigger and Freewheel.
    post edited by ohhey - February 04, 09 10:46 AM
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    RE: Syncing HD24 and Sonar with MTC and also transmitting MTC? February 04, 09 11:16 AM (permalink)
    Also, remember if Sonar is responding to time code you won't be able to do Chase Lock unless the Sonar project is just MIDI only. If there are any audio tracks you have to use Trigger and Freewheel.

    Frank, can you tell me what affect using Trigger & Freewheel would vs Chase Lock???? Thanks Wildman

    Wildman,,aka,,,"Nick Danger"
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    RE: Syncing HD24 and Sonar with MTC and also transmitting MTC? February 04, 09 11:30 AM (permalink)


    Also, remember if Sonar is responding to time code you won't be able to do Chase Lock unless the Sonar project is just MIDI only. If there are any audio tracks you have to use Trigger and Freewheel.

    Frank, can you tell me what affect using Trigger & Freewheel would vs Chase Lock???? Thanks Wildman

    Chase Lock was handy back in the DOS days when Cakewalk only did MIDI. If the timeline drifted a tiny bit from the timecode it was receiveing Cakewalk will fix the problem by jumping ahead or slowing down a tiny bit to get back into time. This is easy when you are only sequenceing MIDI, you just send the next event sooner or a little later. It could also check the time on the code and jump right to that time in the song even if the now time pointer was ahead or behind the timecode.

    Fast forward to today... Sonar not only does MIDI but can have recorded audio tracks also. How do you slow down or speed up audio without a glitch ? You can resample on the fly but that is not a good thing, the audio is going to get "bent" in some way. So if the project contains audio you need to use Trigger and Freewheel. The good news is most songs are less then 5 mins. so you won't have to worry about drift anyway, that is really only a problem on a movie size project.

    It's been years since I've used timecode so I'm not sure how Trigger and Freewheel works in Sonar. You may have to rewind each time so the HD24 starts at some point before the now time pointer in Sonar. I think that's how it used to work. It will "Trigger" Sonar when the MTC reaches the now time in Sonar. Then it will play the Sonar project and hope it doesn't drift out of time. If your Sonar project does not contain any audio yet you can still use Chase Lock.

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