I think most all even cheapo interfaces record at the higher rates these days.
But why? I hope you also own a $2,000 mike pre amp and a $5,000 mike and your studio has been professionally acoustically treated etc etc.. Other wise there will be absolutely no benefit.
You'll just be able to hear all the noise clearer... :)
Asking how a budget interface "sounds" is loaded question.. You should be way more interested in the features and most important the drivers.
There is a lot of choices.
Make a list of your requirements first.
What kind of connectivity do you require? and how many of each.
XLR, 1/4", or Combi jacks, RCA, line level, Instrument level ,MIDI, SPDIF, ADAT etc.
How many ins and outs do you think you'll need now and in the future.
Are they front panel or rear panel?
What do other say about the pre amps? Warning, this is subjective!
Are there peak level meters for each input?
Are there channel Insert jacks?
Are there separate controls for Monitor level and headphone level?
Is there a blend control for mixing Source with Computer ( DAW) ?
How many Headphone jacks?
Front/rear panel pad or line / Inst toggle swicthes or software driven?
Is it a metal box or cheap plastic? Is it light and portable or large and bulky, Rack mountable?
Does it have an on off switch?
Does it use Buss power or a power supply? Buss power can have issues with noise and Phantom power.
Does it have DSP effects built in?
Does it use a GUI mixer?
Can it be used as stand alone?
What are the Round Trip Latency (RTL) specs? Do you need low specs for real time processing?
Zero Latency monitoring is not the same as RTL. All interfaces have latency.
And most important of all , Does it have top notch drivers for your OS.
What is the word on support from the company?
Does it come with free software, An LE version of a DAW you would like to try?
Everyone will recommend the interface they have chosen, that doesn't mean it is the right one for you.