Take the Knife - new video - would love some comments

Bajan Blue
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July 21, 11 4:24 PM (permalink)

Take the Knife - new video - would love some comments

Hi Everyone
Just posted our latest video  - the track is called "Take the Knife"
If you could just take a few seconds to have a listen (post some comments too would be great) we would appreciate it.
Also if you would "like" our Devine Lie Facebook page, that would be cool.
Thanks so much
Devine Lie

ttp://youtu.be/4o42Rcp5d_I http://www.facebook.com/p...ne-Lie/114128631963352

[/link] [link=http://youtu.be/4o42Rcp5d_I]Devine Lie Take the Knife

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    Re:Take the Knife - new video - would love some comments July 21, 11 5:09 PM (permalink)
    First impression;

    I was totally bored and ready to abandon ship, until the vocal came in. Then I was like, whoa, this could be good.

    Then around 2:30 I got bored again. Decided to hang out, because I know sometimes I feel like my most interesting work is in the bridge...

    Mostly, I don't know how to relate to this music. The vocals are pretty tight IMO. Probably the best part of the song. As for the rest, there might be someone more qualified than I am to evaluate it. It's uninteresting to me, but that doesn't make it "not good". Keep up the work.

    Joshua Barnes
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    Re:Take the Knife - new video - would love some comments July 21, 11 6:20 PM (permalink)
    I thought the video was pretty cool. You put so much effort in the video that you have overlooked some things in the music. In the begining there are some overtones that are hard to listen to. There are also a couple of places where the vocal goes so flat it made me pull off the headset. It sounds as if you have access to vocal correction tools, based on some vocal effects later in the song. Take another listen and see if you can hear what I hear.
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