Talking over music, mixing so music "steps aside" a little like a partial gate (?)

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June 15, 18 8:53 PM (permalink)

Talking over music, mixing so music "steps aside" a little like a partial gate (?)

Hello and thanks in advance.
I'm trying to find a procedure I'd touched upon in advance but all I'm finding is how to gate vocals to take out noise.
What I wanted was to implement an automated scenario in Sonar where (in reference to post-producing pre-recorded tracks) when a phrase is spoken, for clarity (like a monologue, with pauses, narrated over music) the music decreases slightly in volume and then snaps back up after the last syllable is spoken.
I thought it was -- you used Gate, but instead of applying it to the vocal track, you actually applied it to the music track, and chained it to the vocal track so the vocal track was used sort of like a VOX activation stimulus to activate the gate on the music to close only partially (then release immediately thereafter).
Am I on the right track?
Can you point me to a page in the manual (I think I have Sonar 8 studio edition(?)
Thanks so much.

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    Re: Talking over music, mixing so music "steps aside" a little like a partial gate (?) June 15, 18 8:58 PM (permalink)
    Vocal ducking using the ProChannel is covered around 2:16 in this video
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    Re: Talking over music, mixing so music "steps aside" a little like a partial gate (?) June 16, 18 0:24 PM (permalink)
    If you want to research it on YouTube, the procedure is called "ducking". You usually use a compressor rather than a gate, as it'll be more transparent.

    All else is in doubt, so this is the truth I cling to. 

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    Re: Talking over music, mixing so music "steps aside" a little like a partial gate (?) June 16, 18 2:16 AM (permalink)
    Thanks so much to both of you.  I just was looking for the wrong term and needed the sidechaining refresher!
    Thanks so much.
    Maybe one day I'll be able to understand bitflippers sig :)
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