Tascam DM 4800 & Sonar Users

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April 19, 09 9:42 AM (permalink)

Tascam DM 4800 & Sonar Users


I wonder how you guys setup the dm4800 and sonar.

I just got my desk and will use it tomorrow for the first time in a session with a trio: drums, bass and guitar/volcals.
We will have 9 tracks for the drums, 1 for guitar, 1 for bass, 1 for vocals.
All these 12 tracks are going into sonar. The return are fed into channels 25 and 26 of the tascam.

One thing that I have've found is that the ch faders affect the levels going into sonar. Is this how it should be?
Is it possible to make it pre-fader, so that we can use the faders to make a mix to feed the musicians' headphones?

Please let me know how you guys use this desk with sonar.

kind regards


Ekaya Productions

Sonar Platinum, Intel - 6 Core i7 overclocked 4.5GHz with HT 12meg cache w/ 32GB RAM, UAD-2 QUAD & OCTO, Tascam DM-4800, 1xMackie CU & 2xExtenders...

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    The Maillard Reaction
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    RE: Tascam DM 4800 & Sonar Users April 19, 09 9:43 AM (permalink)

    I seem to recall John runs a TASCAM board. Maybe he'll be able to help.

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    RE: Tascam DM 4800 & Sonar Users April 19, 09 9:53 AM (permalink)
    thnks mike. hope he shows up.
    kind regards

    Ekaya Productions

    Sonar Platinum, Intel - 6 Core i7 overclocked 4.5GHz with HT 12meg cache w/ 32GB RAM, UAD-2 QUAD & OCTO, Tascam DM-4800, 1xMackie CU & 2xExtenders...
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    RE: Tascam DM 4800 & Sonar Users April 19, 09 2:34 PM (permalink)
    Aren't there many TASCAM DM 4800 & SONAR users?

    Ekaya Productions

    Sonar Platinum, Intel - 6 Core i7 overclocked 4.5GHz with HT 12meg cache w/ 32GB RAM, UAD-2 QUAD & OCTO, Tascam DM-4800, 1xMackie CU & 2xExtenders...
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    RE: Tascam DM 4800 & Sonar Users April 19, 09 9:57 PM (permalink)
    Hi Joni and congratulations on getting your DM4800 up an running with Sonar.

    You are correct that the fader 1-24 levels do indeed affect the input gain to your DAW. Look at the .pdf of the DM's schematic (available on the Tascam website). Zoom in and you can see that the input signal path cannot bypass the faders. Just set them all to unity and use the channel's preamp trim control or your external signal's gain.

    I use the aux sends for my headphone mix to a Hearback unit.

    Also, check out the Tascam user's forum if you have not already.

    Enjoy ...



    Back to Sonar 6 PE, Tascam DM-4800, ADK Core 2 Quad PC with RME HDSP9652 ADAT interface
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    RE: Tascam DM 4800 & Sonar Users April 20, 09 0:34 PM (permalink)
    Thanks Bob,

    So, maybe the easiest way to create a mix to send to the musicians is on the sonar's mixer right?
    I still have this morning to figure out a few things before the session.
    kind regards


    ORIGINAL: SpongeBob

    Hi Joni and congratulations on getting your DM4800 up an running with Sonar.

    You are correct that the fader 1-24 levels do indeed affect the input gain to your DAW. Look at the .pdf of the DM's schematic (available on the Tascam website). Zoom in and you can see that the input signal path cannot bypass the faders. Just set them all to unity and use the channel's preamp trim control or your external signal's gain.

    I use the aux sends for my headphone mix to a Hearback unit.

    Also, check out the Tascam user's forum if you have not already.

    Enjoy ...


    Ekaya Productions

    Sonar Platinum, Intel - 6 Core i7 overclocked 4.5GHz with HT 12meg cache w/ 32GB RAM, UAD-2 QUAD & OCTO, Tascam DM-4800, 1xMackie CU & 2xExtenders...
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    RE: Tascam DM 4800 & Sonar Users April 20, 09 1:12 PM (permalink)
    You have 8 auxes on the DM and each could be a separate headphone mix for your talent.

    Since your main L-R mix is returned to 25 & 26, you could return a headphone send on 27 - 34 and route each of those fader channels to a different aux send on the DM.

    In Sonar, set up a separate buss for each headphone send. Name the bus Phones-1, Phones-2, etc. Route Phones Send #1 out of Sonar to channel 27, Phones Send #2 to channel 28, etc.

    Then, when you are tracking, select which Sonar channels go to a particular Phones Send and you'll be in business.



    Back to Sonar 6 PE, Tascam DM-4800, ADK Core 2 Quad PC with RME HDSP9652 ADAT interface
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    Re: RE: Tascam DM 4800 & Sonar Users May 20, 12 8:27 PM (permalink)
    Made the mistake of shutting down my board before the software and now my Tacsam TRA is gone! How do I get my DM4800 Transport control back? I tried all sorts of stuff in Produced 8.5 with no luck.
    Cactus Music
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    Re: RE: Tascam DM 4800 & Sonar Users May 21, 12 0:03 PM (permalink)
    2009 thread,?? these people are still alive but you'll find them on the x1 forum. There should be not much difference I would think.

    Johnny V  
    Focusrite 6i61st - Tascam us1641. 
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