Thank You and New Venture
Hello, all!
First off, I'd like to express my heartfelt gratitude to so many of you who've helped me over the years to develop many of what skills I can claim to possess with SONAR, as well as what an utter drag it is to see the latest news here. I've been with Cakewalk since Guitar Tracks and the days of creating cut-and-paste drum loops with those all-too-familiar old drum samples, all while plugging straight into the computer's mic jack with a 1/4-to-1/8 inch adapter that required 16 laps of Scotch tape to be kept together because for some reason I got the adapter that didn't stay snapped on by itself... but I digress. Needless to say, I'm not too keen on the prospect of having to migrate to another DAW after such a long-term relationship with the same brand, and will continue to use SONAR for as long as functionality will allow. And again, I don't think I would have gotten so intimately familiar with so many of the nooks and cranies of the program if it hadn't been for the other users and Bakers who have steered me straight whenever I was astray. So thank you.
I'd also like to take a moment, if I may, to tell you guys about the new side-business I've started up, called Killer Mixing & Mastering, where I offer quality audio production services for dirt-cheap (I won't say dollar amounts here, as I don't want to push my luck with avertising on the forum). With all the post-production skills I've developed over the years, but considering how little I actually record myself, I thought it might be worth it to offer such services to any who may have need of them. So say you record your own stuff but aren't the best at mixing or mastering, or don't like to do it, or you simply don't have enough time in the day (I reckon that's the one that gets most of us), come my way and I will be happy to hook you up. And it would be
especially simplified and streamlined with other Cakewalk users, who can just send me bundle files of their projects, rather than having to export and send individual wavs of every track. If you want more info, please check out my website, (Mods: If this is considered inappropriate usage of the forum, let me know and I will ammend my post without hesitation.)
Best wishes to you all, and thanks again to everyone who has put their heart and soul into this program and these forums over the years. Rock on.
-Kyle R.