That's My Hope

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2012/06/27 18:25:02 (permalink)

That's My Hope

I wrote this song over the past couple weeks.  It started from a little groove and developed into this little farce about a hard luck guy.
Feedback welcome, Enjoy (That's my hope) - Daryl
That's My Hope 
Thats My Hope
Verse 1:
Crusin’ down the highway
Lost and losin’ my way
I was runnin’ late and out of gas 
I was lookin’ for a station 
In some remote location
There’s no exit on this over-pass
I can’t get there from here
See the needle disappear
Feel the engine start to lose some speed
There’s a town just up ahead
If this engine don’t drop dead
I’m gonna get some gas and then proceed
Yes indeed)
That’s my hope and I’m clingin’ to it.
I close my eyes and there’s nothin’ to it.
This might be my lucky day.
Verse 2:
I gotta meet a guy in Reno
Who runs a big casino
He’s got a job for me to do
Cash on the table
If  I’m willing and able
To do just what he wants me to.
I really need the money
Cause I got a little honey
And she really wants to live in style
She’s slightly maladjusted
If this don’t get me busted
It’s gonna make it all worthwhile
(It’ll be worthwhile)

Verse 3:
I didn’t really wanna
End up in Tijuana
I was looking for some guy name Juan
I met a Chico and Renaldo
I even found Waldo
But I never found the guy named Juan 

I left without the money 
Got to go and tell my honey
Another deal just fell through
I hope that she’ll forgive me
I hope she doesn’t kill me
I hope she’s in a real good mood
(A real good mood)
post edited by darylcrowley - 2012/06/27 18:29:33

Daryl Crowley
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    The Band19
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    Re:That's My Hope 2012/06/27 18:47:14 (permalink)
    You're quite prolific Daryl, not sure how you crank them out the way you do. The guitars sound great, I'm not a huge fan of that oww oww bass synth thingie in the background. Your drums could come up a notch, but I'm on buds. I know a guy named Juan from Mehico, he's hard to figure out, but he just went through this "self discovery" process? And now seems to be doing much better? I guess "it takes Juan to know Juan?"
    post edited by The Band19 - 2012/06/27 18:49:30
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    Re:That's My Hope 2012/06/27 20:35:57 (permalink)
    Wow, what can I say?  You write some of the best lyrics around and have the voice and chops to back em up.  You guitar sound and your playing is top dollar.  The drums are quite nice, too, but there's something about the bass that's not quite up to the rest of the backing tracks.  It's not much, and other than that, it's good to go.  Great job, Daryl.

    All the best,

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    Re:That's My Hope 2012/06/27 21:07:30 (permalink)
    Lovely song Daryl! You always knock 'em dead!

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    Re:That's My Hope 2012/06/27 22:58:12 (permalink)
    Hi Daryl,

    This is a cool song! Great job on those vocals...the harmonies sound great. It's always great to hear you guitar playing, too...killer touch and tone, man.

    Very nice chorus, too. Excellent!


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    Re:That's My Hope 2012/06/28 03:20:15 (permalink)

    He got Tiger Blood in his veins , thats why he can knockem out so fast !
    Hey Daryl thats a cool song , you really know how to write lyrics and the music always sounds great !

    Keepem coming Tiger !LOL

    Danny Danzi
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    Re:That's My Hope 2012/06/28 09:59:25 (permalink)
    The guitars sound great, I'm not a huge fan of that oww oww bass synth thingie in the background. Your drums could come up a notch

    Hi Daryl,

    The above would be what I hear on my end as well. Other than raising the drums up a bit, (same here...not really a fan of "oww bass" but it works) this was killer man. Great guitar tone, vocals and harmonies.
    Just a mix crit that will be subjective, but I sort of like my back-up vocals a bit closer in the pan field to my lead vocals so they give the harmonies more impact. When they are separated like you have them, they tend to walk over top of other instruments and I heard that a bit here. It's cool the way you have it, don't get me sounds great. I just think it sounds better when they are tighter. Like say, putting the back-ups in between the drum kit between the hats and ride cymbal so they form that chord harmony nicely over the lead vocals....but again, subjective and that's just me. But I think that would sound really good here and not wash out your instruments as much.

    At any rate, great job man...I really enjoyed this. :)

    post edited by Danny Danzi - 2012/06/28 18:51:35

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    Re:That's My Hope 2012/06/28 10:28:26 (permalink)

    It's a good country/rock song. 

    so ... two things ... and understand it's a matter of MY taste.... and not necessarily the correct ... so please don't take offense - I am just some guy in Chicago (who has been teaching music for 2 decades and has a masters degree in music and plays 17 instruments) so .. really ... I am a nobody ... (kidding)  

    really - I am just a guy 

    So the drums....sounds like a drum machine? 

    But to me it sounds like an 80's Alesis drum machine ... and it's buried. Snare needs to come out more and maybe with a little more crack... I think the snare is trying to be a fat snare sound .. which is ok and good for this style of music  .. if it were a real or good sampled fat snare ...

    If it is a drum machine.... try to use maybe session drummer 3 ... before I had my roland v drums - I used to record my drum machine midi from the drum machine into sonar - then  sync the midi  to BDF drums - was way better than my old machine sounded similar to what you have recorded. Or you can  use a kit from session drummer if you don't have bdf - superior drums or battery 3 - or something like that 

    the second thing ..... the funky bass patch you have ... sounds like a tb-303 - I used to have the tb-303 back in 1982... and that was ONE of the sounds I was able to get out of it - the same tone you recorded 

    on a side note - I sold that tb 303 for like 1500 bucks to a chicago house musician - i think it cost like 300 in 1982 ... funny them things  anyway .. I digress  

    anyway -- the funky bass wah wah thing you have going is cool wherever you patch it from  ... but think about this ... does that funky bass tone you have going fit the "style" of the song? ... or are you using it just because its a cool wobble funky bass sound .....

    I am just thinking - style here .. 

    well that would be my two cents as a producer 

    - try to get more authentic sounding drums and bring them up in the mix  

    and not sure if the funky bass patch fits the "style" or flavor of the tune 

    Like it though 

    Thank you for singing waaaaay better than Bapu 

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    Re:That's My Hope 2012/06/28 11:16:47 (permalink)
    Nice tune and as said good lyrics and guitar playing.  (I will not mentioned the drums )

    Thanks for sharing

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    Re:That's My Hope 2012/06/28 11:58:30 (permalink)
    A word on some the repeated comments.

    The bass is NOT a patch.  That's me on my Fender Jazz bass.

    The synth thing is a Clavichord patch (Dim Pro), the idea is to keep it funky, fun, and make me feel like Stevie Wonder.  I rather like that track.

    The drums are loops.  I did EQ them to get a little more crack on the snare, but then it starts to make the other parts, like cymbals sound too harsh.  The problem being that all the parts are in the same loop.  I don't know how to program drums or use any kind of drum machine... I wish I did.  Also, I've never liked drums to be too loud.  It maybe my ears but when the snare get cracking too much, it distracts from of the rest of the song.    I've always felt that most commercial rock tracks have the drums louder than I like, especially the snare.. but that's me and I'm somewhat alone in that opinion.

    Danny - Your advice on the harmony pans is a good one.  That makes sense to me.  Thank you!  I continue to learn.

    Thanks all!
    - I knew the drums would never be well accepted as I only have drum loops or at least that's all I have any idea of how to use.  Once I'm retired I will have a lot more time to explore drum programming, although I will still be handicapped by the fact that I know nothing about how to drum.  I'm amazed that everyone else is so in tune with drums and how they all work together, even though they are not drummers.  I missed that part of music education somehow.

    I appreciate all the advice, it's how I've been able to at least get to where I am.  Thank you!!!

    Next year I will be retired and ANYONE ANYWHERE IN THE USA willing to teach me some basics about drum programming, I will drive to your house and buy you dinner at any restuarunt of your choice.... seriously!


    Daryl Crowley
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    Re:That's My Hope 2012/06/28 14:37:19 (permalink)
    hehe, this one made me smile...

    it kind of hits me as a cross between lil feet, grateful dead, and throw in some smooth guitar stuff ala Carlton.

    the drum mix, sounds a bit flat.
    don't like the snare sound at all, why the long decay on it?
    would sound much nicer with a dry, fat SMACK

    i just can't find much wrong with this mix, except for that snare drum.

    it instantly dates the mix, and sounds so machine'y.....
    great guitar work.

    get the bass and drums stronger in the mix

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    Re:That's My Hope 2012/06/28 18:54:57 (permalink)

    A word on some the repeated comments.

    The bass is NOT a patch.  That's me on my Fender Jazz bass.

    The synth thing is a Clavichord patch (Dim Pro), the idea is to keep it funky, fun, and make me feel like Stevie Wonder.  I rather like that track.

    The drums are loops.  I did EQ them to get a little more crack on the snare, but then it starts to make the other parts, like cymbals sound too harsh.  The problem being that all the parts are in the same loop.  I don't know how to program drums or use any kind of drum machine... I wish I did.  Also, I've never liked drums to be too loud.  It maybe my ears but when the snare get cracking too much, it distracts from of the rest of the song.    I've always felt that most commercial rock tracks have the drums louder than I like, especially the snare.. but that's me and I'm somewhat alone in that opinion.

    Danny - Your advice on the harmony pans is a good one.  That makes sense to me.  Thank you!  I continue to learn.

    Thanks all!
    - I knew the drums would never be well accepted as I only have drum loops or at least that's all I have any idea of how to use.  Once I'm retired I will have a lot more time to explore drum programming, although I will still be handicapped by the fact that I know nothing about how to drum.  I'm amazed that everyone else is so in tune with drums and how they all work together, even though they are not drummers.  I missed that part of music education somehow.

    I appreciate all the advice, it's how I've been able to at least get to where I am.  Thank you!!!

    Next year I will be retired and ANYONE ANYWHERE IN THE USA willing to teach me some basics about drum programming, I will drive to your house and buy you dinner at any restuarunt of your choice.... seriously!


    I know your drum rig which is why I didn't make a mention of my thoughts on the SOUND of the drums. I know sometimes we're stuck with what we're stuck with. Well, next year when you're retired...make my place your first stop and I'll show you how to use these drum things as well as show you some of the different ones I have that you may want to purchase. Plus we get a chance to play some guitar definitely keep me in mind if you don't mind driving to NJ. :)

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    Re:That's My Hope 2012/06/28 20:51:30 (permalink)
    The dopey synth thing should go. It ruins an otherwise decent song.
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    Re:That's My Hope 2012/06/28 21:13:27 (permalink)
    Batman - Thank you!  Much appreciated.

    Danny, I have no probelm driving to NJ.  I drove to Rhode Island last year to pick up my custom guitar from Campellone.  I will remind you next year.  It would be worth it to get a jump on my weak spot.  I'm working on your mix suggestions.

    Pistolpete.  I don't find it dopy, if I did, I wouldn't have used it. My ears are weak, not defective.  I'm not sure why some people hate the clav so much, most of my friends I've played it for like it and few has said it makes the groove, I think it sounds funky (the good kind of funky).  I imagine Stevie Wonder took the same flak when he recorded Superstition.  But I'm glad you think the song is decent though, because I really wouldn't want to be associated with anything indecent.
    post edited by darylcrowley - 2012/06/28 21:15:56

    Daryl Crowley
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    Re:That's My Hope 2012/06/29 00:21:57 (permalink)

    The dopey synth thing should go. It ruins an otherwise decent song.

    Sorry Daryl, lets deal with Dopey Pete first, can we please hear some of your excellent music or one of your genius mixes??? No I didn't think so!!!
    Ok I can hear what everyone else is hearing that is the low-mids are a little milky.  Work on these and you would have a cool song.
    So Dopey Pete is complaing about the wha synth I think, I like it.
    I can hear a little George Harrison in bits of it.
    I'm not a huge country fan but you put together the track really well apart from those low-mids.
    Peace Ben

    Benjamin Phillips-Bachelor of Creative Technology (Sound and Audio Production), (Hons) Sonic Arts, MMusTech (Master of Music Technology), M.Phil (Fine Art)
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    Re:That's My Hope 2012/06/29 04:14:40 (permalink)
    Hey, Daryl,
    Cool southern rock song with great playing, excellent tone and dynamite vocals and harmonies!
    Very nice work as always, brother, and best wishes for a great weekend!
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    Re:That's My Hope 2012/06/29 07:15:44 (permalink)
    Well crafted Daryl!!

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    Re:That's My Hope 2012/06/29 08:03:43 (permalink)
    Ben, thank you.  What would you suggest, an EQ cut on the master?  If so where in spectrum?

    Bob, thanks my friend.

    Tony - Thank you!

    I didn't really write this to be "country" song.  Although I think the harmonies certainly give it that feel, but the music is more of funky blues.  My music always contains my musical influences and country was certainly one of the big influence in my musical past and it's hard to remove it.  I guess that's why a number of my tunes are jazz, rock, and country all at the same time.  I really have tough time figuring out what my genre is.  I used to fight that, but when I first got turned on to Johnny A, I saw that he abandonded any pretense of trying to fit a genre, basically this is me, take it or leave it, and like that attitude, but it does make it hard to "classify" songs.  I wish the world was that way but unfortuately people tend to indentify with silos of music.  Another self-imposed handicap.

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    Re:That's My Hope 2012/06/29 08:23:56 (permalink)
    One vote for the clav track here Daryl, I think it suits the tongue-in-cheek vibe perfectly. Effortlessly good song, performances and mix. Some really fine guitar phrasing in here, especially that breakdown before the last verse, gorgeous stuff.
    post edited by jamesg1213 - 2012/06/29 08:24:58


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    Re:That's My Hope 2012/06/29 19:44:06 (permalink)
    Next year I will be retired and ANYONE ANYWHERE IN THE USA willing to teach me some basics about drum programming, I will drive to your house and buy you dinner at any restuarunt of your choice.... seriously!

    I'm far from an expert on drum programming but, if you're traveling around the country on a drum programming mission, swing by Nashville and bring a guitar. 


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    Re:That's My Hope 2012/06/29 20:28:58 (permalink)
    I like the dopey synth. And, I like the song.

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    Re:That's My Hope 2012/06/29 21:16:00 (permalink)
    I guess there is more of a "dopey synth track" sound following here than I thought.
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    Re:That's My Hope 2012/07/01 00:41:42 (permalink)
    Dayrl, That was one heck of a song. Talk about being tight, this was right on the money and a well preformed piece of work. Excellent song with an excellent sound. Peace be with you. Blessings, John

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    Re:That's My Hope 2012/07/01 11:26:55 (permalink)
    Here I go disagreeing with my betters again, but I like this just how you mixed it Daryl.  I think that the Wah on the bass perfectly fits the subject of the song.  It is a cool goin' down the highway sound.  Granted, it may have been worn out in a lot of other songs but I think it fits perfectly here.
    As to the drums, Yeah, you could get a lot cleaner sound that would stand out much better, but I like how they are background percussion and not the main carrying part of the song.  Leave it like it is and I think it gets the song's message across perfectly.  One more Daryl song to add to all of my playlists.
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    Re:That's My Hope 2012/07/05 08:33:05 (permalink)
    James,  Thank you, I like the dopey synth too.

    Gary, Thanks.  I will be in Nashville next spring, look for me.

    Tim, Thanks, If you like the clav, it's got to be OK.  I'm glad at least a few people understand the context of it in this tune.

    Pete, Yea, some people even like rap, but we all have our guilty pleasures, clav is one of mine, but I've not used it before because it rarely fits my writing style.

    John, Thank you.  It was one of those songs that just came to life because of simple little rhytmic groove.  I'm always intrigued by how a song, like the Universe, can spring to life from nothing.

    Glen - Again, not a Wah bass, but a clav patch, although once synthizied, it's all much the same.  It was used a lot in the 70s, but I always like it because it's punch and funky.  Drums are a thorn in my side because I never learned to understand them, which is why I don't know how to program drums.  Loops at least keep me in business, but I'm going to work on that during my retirement (38 weeks to go!)  I haven't downloaded your song yet, because of the 4th and it's just been too hot to do much of anything.  Thanks.

    Daryl Crowley
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    Re:That's My Hope 2012/07/07 05:54:53 (permalink)
    nice toe tapper here...very much enjoyed!
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