Re: This just in....
2014/07/20 19:02:07
What he said...
Also, I find the velocity drawing in X3 a pain in the Cubase, and the
other programs I use, it's pretty easy...Click and drag Sonar, you have to hit the velocity line in "just the right way" at "just the right spot" and even then it only draws up or down sometimes...but never's always a headache...and it should be really easy...maybe others don't have this problem IDK...but I do...and it's far
easier, even in my cheapo $50 DAW then in Sonar...
Also the scoring in Sonar is not very robust. Also, no VST Expression...not a deal breaker
but certainly something to consider when working with MIDI...and I RARELY work with MIDI...
but, when I do...