Even for the most hopelessly cynical of us, it always hurts. No matter how little I expect from people, there's always a new low.
Looking at that video, it strikes me that the ones who care are not the silent majority - it's the good hearted, benevolent people which are the exceptions. I've come to that conclusion a long time ago - yet, I still hate it just as much whenever I'm confronted to its reality.
And the paradox is that, people who despise mankind
as a whole, unless mentally deranged, are often the ones that are among the most inclined to treat others with respect, as individuals.
I know that for me, people are presumed guilty unless proven innocent. BUT, in reality, I try to treat each and everyone of them as if it were the opposite. In other words, conceptually, mankind as a whole can go to heck, but in reality, I'll never let you down if you fall anywhere in sight.
The strangest part is that many of the people who call me radical in my
opinions and insist on telling me that I shouldn't be so hard on mankind are also much more "relaxed" when it comes to adopting behaviors which would show consideration for their fellow men. As if their optimistic philosophy really was just a convenient alibi for their carelessness, dare i say laziness.
I don't know. I don't have a religion, I'm convinced of the subjectivity of what we call moral and yet, for some reason, I can't help but try to do
good (even when I am questioning the concept of good itself). Maybe because the people like the ones in that video make it obvious that the world doesn't revolve around me. How I'd like to share that feeling with some of them...
post edited by Rain - October 18, 11 1:14 PM