Toxic Venom(Metal).......1982 Demo
This is a demo from one of my first bands back in 1982.
At the time we were all 17 years old and practicing in a garage.......sound familiar?
A few weeks ago, my friend , the bass player on this track, brought me a DAT with this and another track on it.
We recorded this demo , originally of 5 songs, in a small rehearsal space on another guys gear.
The tape machine was an old Fostex A-8.
We did 5 very rough blow and goes in about 2 hrs.
The recording is rough,sloppy and out of tune and mixed.......terrible........all the things 17 year old rock stars love.
But, dang I remember having a heck of a good time doing it..........
Man it was cool we thought we were gonna be rock stars......
We were a 3 piece band in which we all sang and wrote together,one guy would get an idea and the other would finish it.
The bass player,later dropped the bass and dedicated his time to singing.
He ended up as a fine professional and toured a bit in Europe with Metal Church/Vanderhoof.
Myself and the drummer gave up the whole band thing years later and went into the work force................
Do what you like with it.......comment.....laugh....cry.....frown.....plug your ears ...........make me an I Tune cult star.
I don't care............I'm just glad to have the recording again.
P.S. I did no additional editing to the DAT...................straight into SF Audio Studio9 to WAV/MP3...........
I just left it as is, clipping,EQ everything.
And oh yeah that is me on all guitars and singing that bad boy............. Toxic Venom.mp3 Toxic Venom.wav
post edited by zungle - October 10, 11 7:29 PM