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RE: Track envelope automation for Triangle II / Cakewalk TTS parameters
January 31, 09 6:50 AM
James - you got your MC4 from a download or from a boxed set? did Triangle come with it or did you download it separately?
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RE: Track envelope automation for Triangle II / Cakewalk TTS parameters
January 31, 09 9:54 AM
I Bought the Box Set. It came with the Box. -- TAP --
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RE: Track envelope automation for Triangle II / Cakewalk TTS parameters
January 31, 09 1:06 PM
I just looked at that last night; MC 4 includes the Triangle II. On the MIDI track? I was clicking on the soft synth audio track. I'll check out your way later. Thanks.
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RE: Track envelope automation for Triangle II / Cakewalk TTS parameters
January 31, 09 3:10 PM
it can actually be on either track, depending on what you select when you insert the synth. There is a dropdown list for Show Automation. I had forgotten about that, and I have mine set to show automation in the audio track. I tried it in the MIDI track, and it shows the same thing. I'm at work right now, but when I get home, I'll try to figure out if I downloaded it, or if it came with SHS6.
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RE: Track envelope automation for Triangle II / Cakewalk TTS parameters
January 31, 09 5:54 PM
I'm making progress on this - slowly! I can now link any TII control to any knob / slider on my keyboard, using MIDI learn (thanks Greg!). I can also record on top of existing tracks, and just twiddling the controls and it records everything too (which is great). So, I can pretty much achieve what I wanted to now which is great. I'm watching with interest to see if we ever get to the bottom of this mystery about the automated envelope settings though.... it certainly looks like a common problem from the posts here. Both my MC4 and Triangle II were downloads, by the way.
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RE: Track envelope automation for Triangle II / Cakewalk TTS parameters
January 31, 09 11:43 PM
So, I tried most of the synths I have, TTS-1, DreamStation DXi, Triangle II, Roland Groove Synth, and Square I and the only one to give me a list is Square I. Curiouser and curiouser. I right-clicked the MIDI tracks and the synth tracks of each. 'Show Automation' was checked. Glad you're (slowly!) getting a handle on it, Peter. Any second now RobertB is going to show up and say "just click the blue button and everything will work!"
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RE: Track envelope automation for Triangle II / Cakewalk TTS parameters
February 01, 09 1:39 PM
No blue button, Greg, but here's an alternate approach that may work. Right click the MIDI track. Instead of the Triangle II envelope, select MIDI. The Type will probably default to Control. Change that to NRPN. With luck, the Value field should display the same dropdown menu that I am seeing in the Triangle II envelope menu. In the second screenshot, I have used a MIDI envelope to create the green envelope in the MIDI track. I have also enabled Automation Write in the Triangle II GUI and the MIDI track. Since I have Show Automation in Synth Audio Track selected, the automation appears there. I have not created any envelopes from the Triangle II menu. What you see is the recorded movements as I turned various knobes in the Triangle II GUI. The track display freezes while I am doing this, but the sound continues to play. When you hover your cursor over a given envelope, a label appears, showing which control it is associated with. So there are at least four ways to add automation to the synth, and hopefully, you can get one or more to work. 1. Create envelopes using the Triangle II menu (if you can see it) 2. Create envelopes using the MIDI menu. 3. Record control movement from your controller 4. Record (Write) control movement from the GUI Let us know if that helps anyone move forward.
post edited by RobertB - February 01, 09 2:39 PM
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RE: Track envelope automation for Triangle II / Cakewalk TTS parameters
February 01, 09 2:03 PM
Greg, I have been using the DXi version, but I found a VST as well on my system. The VST displays a VST box in the header, the DXi does not. Other than that, they both behave exactly the same way here. Check your Soft Synth menu and see if you might have both installed. It's possible you may see a difference.
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RE: Track envelope automation for Triangle II / Cakewalk TTS parameters
February 01, 09 3:26 PM
I think this is where I got TII. Try downloading it from here. It may be a different source file. Triangle II- P5 site
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RE: Track envelope automation for Triangle II / Cakewalk TTS parameters
February 01, 09 5:25 PM
THAT WAS IT! I downloaded from the P5 link you gave and installed and now the parameters are showing up!!!
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RE: Track envelope automation for Triangle II / Cakewalk TTS parameters
February 01, 09 8:22 PM
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button Review At once epic in scope and intimate in detail, David Fincher's THE CURIOUS CASE OF BENJAMIN BUTTON is certainly the director's most emotional film to date (though FIGHT CLUB and SEVEN don't offer... At once epic in scope and intimate in detail, David Fincher's THE CURIOUS CASE OF BENJAMIN BUTTON is certainly the director's most emotional film to date (though FIGHT CLUB and SEVEN don't offer much in the way of competition). Loosely based on an F. Scott Fitzgerald story, this romantic drama tells the tale of Benjamin Button (Brad Pitt), born in 1918 in New Orleans as a baby with wrinkles, cataracts, and arthritis. Benjamin will age backwards, getting younger as he watches those around him growing older. Included in that group are his adoptive mother, Queenie (Taraji P. Henson), and Daisy (Cate Blanchett), the love of his life whom he meets when she is just a little girl and he is an old man. They age in reverse, but despite Benjamin's globe-trotting adventures, their lives repeatedly intersect. The script from Oscar winner Eric Roth bears more than a few hallmarks in common with his earlier work on FORREST GUMP: both adaptations cross decades and continents. But BENJAMIN's script or even the fine acting aren't its most impressive accomplishment; the technology--both CGI and makeup--used to make Benjamin and Daisy age are remarkable, and makes the film entirely believable, but they're certainly aided by fine performances from both Pitt and Blanchett. The triumph of technology only serves to underscore the beauty of this film and of the love story at its heart. If you want to play the movie on your portable devices, you could use the Video Converter for Mac, there is some other converter software for Mac users, such as 3GP Converter for Mac, AVI Converter for Mac, DAT Converter for Mac, VOB Converter for Mac, FLV Converter for Mac, MP4 Converter for Mac, M4V Converter for Mac, MPEG Converter for Mac, MOV Converter for Mac,etc.
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RE: Track envelope automation for Triangle II / Cakewalk TTS parameters
February 01, 09 10:27 PM
That's good news, Beagle! I think we may have solved the puzzle.
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RE: Track envelope automation for Triangle II / Cakewalk TTS parameters
February 02, 09 3:41 AM
woohoo! It works for me too! Super, thanks so much!
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RE: Track envelope automation for Triangle II / Cakewalk TTS parameters
February 02, 09 8:46 AM
The more I learn about this program, the more I realize I don't know. Too much to learn. Its like you need a trained operator to teach a course, probably 13 weeks, three nights a week, and that only covers the first half. Later Albert
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RE: Track envelope automation for Triangle II / Cakewalk TTS parameters
February 02, 09 9:29 AM
Yes Albert.... I've found that The more you know .... The more you know you don't know !!!! I think I'm about 1/2 way through the first course  Not sure about my grades, though -- TAP --
MC4 - M-Audio FW410 / Behringer UCA202 - Fender Strat / Jazzmaster / DuoSonic / Washburn / Peavy Foundation M-Audio Radium 49 Roland Juno 106 / JazzChorus / Seymore Duncan Convertible - HP A1230N ( AMD Athalon 3800+ 2G Ram + 200G HD )
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RE: Track envelope automation for Triangle II / Cakewalk TTS parameters
February 02, 09 9:38 AM
That quote looks familiar, Tap.
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