Track selection in staff view
I have a problem that I never had before. My track selection is not saved any more within the project.
It is always the same, 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 whatever the project is :
Is there a way to change that or is it a new "feature" ?
I don't understand why it selects pure audio tracks....
Thanks in advance for any clue or idea.
SONAR Platinum, Win7 Pro64, i7 2600k, 8Go, DUO-CAPTURE EX Roland / E-MU 0404, JABB3, EmulatorX3, E-MU MIDI X-Board 49, MIDI guitar Godin Nylon, Axon AX-50, Studio Projects TB1, Roland GR-55, dual screen 24, GTX970".(